United Nations Public Service Award Winners


Initiative: Huduma Kenya Program (HKP)


Institution: Huduma Kenya Secretariat


Problem: Kenyan citizens faced several challenges in public service delivery, such as: inadequate access due to limited service delivery options and penetration of entry points; unavailable, inaccurate and delayed information on public services, unnecessary resource utilization and expenditure and lack of uniformity in service delivery standards causing disparities at various service entry points. Customers also lacked the means through which they could give feedback easily. Lastly, citizens consistently reported unpleasant interactions with public servants while trying to claim their benefits. The growing need to foster accountability and efficiency within the public sector required a change in the way public services were delivered and managed in the country.


Solution: The Huduma Kenya Program is aimed at transforming service delivery across the entire public sector to enhanced access, improve quality, professionalism, efficiency, and customer service standards. The programme involves integrating the delivery of all public services from a one-stop-shops, i.e. from a single integrated platform that promotes high customer service standards and facilitates customers’ access to information. In this regard, five one-stop-shop channels were identified as platforms for integrated service delivery. These are (i) Huduma Centres, (ii) Huduma Web Portal, (iii) Huduma Mobile Platform, (iv) Huduma Call Centre, and (v) the Huduma Payment Gateway. The Program is being implemented in two components. The first component involves the set-up of Huduma Centres, and the second involves the implementation of the other four integrated platforms. Most importantly, the program aims to address challenges of inadequate, inaccurate, and delayed information in public service delivery.


Impact: The establishment of the Huduma Centres has enabled customers to access a myriad of government services. For example, a provision of Posta Pay as the integrated payment platform for government services in all Huduma Centres was implemented. Customer satisfaction has increased because of better training. This new government brand is associated with newness, freshness, and high standards in delivery of public services. Huduma Centres serve more than 10,000 customers per day. More than one million people have been served, which has raised the work productivity of the Centres as Government Service Points. Additionally, over 2 Billion Kenya Shillings (approximately $25 Million USD) has been generated so far from Huduma Centres.



Category 1:

Improving the Delivery of Public Services


Related SDGs: 










Africa Group


More information: 

Huduma Kenya Program







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