Initiative: Citizen Participation Project
Institution: Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Problem: The Madrid City Council was faced with the challenge to establish new models of governance that will lead to more open, transparent, participatory and inclusive governments. Before the initiative’s implementation, the Council lacked a channel as well as platform for citizen participation and discussion.
Solution: Decides Madrid Government website was created as a channel for listening and communication in which all people can directly and individually raise their ideas and needs and propose public services needed to meet them. The proposals published on the platform have a space for discussion open to all citizens to exchange views, discuss their needs and improve them.
Impact: Since 2015, 362,702 users have registered and participated in more than 5,000 debates, made more than 21,000 proposals and generated more than 4 million votes. Participatory budgets are making it possible to create 517 new services and facilities that the people of Madrid have proposed. Citizens' consultations have made it possible for the population to decide on the equipment of their squares or the pedestrianization of streets. In 2016, there was a 22.6 per cent increase in the number of respondents who believed that the City Council facilitates and appreciates citizen participation in its decisions.