Initiative: Up-scaling Basic Sanitation for Urban Poor
Institution: Water Sector Trust Fund
Problem: Inadequate and unsustainable access to sanitation and water affected the hygiene and living conditions of residents living in low-income urban areas of Kenya. These issues most affected women, children and other vulnerable populations of the community.
Solution: The Up-scaling Basic Sanitation for Urban Poor (UBSUP) initiative ensured safe and sustainable emptying, transport and treatment of toilet sludge through the construction of the decentralized treatment facilities (DTFs). Further, UBSUP established a monitoring system for tracking access to safe water and basic sanitation facilities. It also developed a sanitation up-scaling concept in line with the sector reforms.
Impact: According to evaluations provided, the project’s objectives and strategic approach make a significant contribution to ensuring access to adequate sanitation for those living in low-income urban areas. 91.7 per cent of pilot and 94.2 per cent of toilets were still in use when the evaluation was conducted, the average number of users per toilet was approximately 8 for the pilot regions. By December 2018, the initiative had provided 200,000 residents with safe access to water and sanitation.