United Nations Public Service Award Winners


Initiative: Self-reliant Solar Energy Community  


Institution: Nong Ta Tam Subdistrict Administrative Organization


Problem: In the subdistrict of Nong Ta Tam, many households did not have access to basic electricity, which greatly affected the living standards of its people. There was a need to create access to electricity, preferably in an environmental friendly way.


Solution: The objective of the project was to provide every household with low-cost solar energy. This was done by taking into consideration the suitability of areas where electricity expansion was impossible, and areas without the required solar radiation intensity throughout the year. The project was made successful through encouraging people to mobilize the operation, participate in discussions and informed decision making, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The project was made sustainable by establishing a self-reliant alternative energy learning center for the community. The learning center was able to train individuals from the community to become technicians and promote revolving capital for purchasing solar energy equipment.


Impact: 100 per cent of households in the Nong Ta Tum subdistrict receive electricity generated by solar energy. There are 5 community technicians per 100 people. There are 3 learning centers within the subdistrict, with a revolving fund to provide equal access to public resources. Occupants of the household are made aware of the working knowledge of solar energy, along with environmental sustainability and CO2 reduction.



Category 3:

Developing Effective and Accountable Public Institutions


Related SDGs: 










Asia and the Pacific Group


More information: 

Self-reliant Solar Energy Community

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