United Nations Public Service Award Winners


Initiative: Women-Led Companies Through Public Market 


Institution: ChileCompra


Problem: There was evidence of a gender gap in women’s participation in the public marketplace. There was a low number of suppliers from women-owned businesses and a lack of general opportunities to enter the market. Most importantly, evidence of structural inequalities was growing.


Solution: The main tool of the initiative was the creation of the “Sello Empresa Mujer”, (Woman Company Seal), which identifies products/companies led by women or where women are shareholders with 50 per cent or more stake in the company. Chile Compra implemented measures to encourage more women to participate in the opportunities offered by the public marketplace, to compensate for existing structural inequalities. Furthermore, through the “Empoderate, Conectate and Crece” (Empower, Connect, and Grow) program, women have been given training and tools to improve the management of their businesses. Public procurement was also instructed to make purchases with affirmative measure to support hiring of women.


Impact: The actions taken have invested in women’s business both socially and economically. The initiative was instrumental in promoting micro and small enterprises owned by women in the marketplace and public procurement processes.



Category 5:

Promoting Gender-responsive Public Services to Achieve the SDGs


Related SDGs: 










Latin America and the Caribbean Group


More information: 

Chile Compra







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