Initiative: ICT Integration into Teaching and Learning (e-Thuto)
Institution: North East Region Ministry of Basic Education
Problem: The northeast region of Botswana was faced with the challenges of implementing the government ICT policy in its education system. The Policy aims to enhance connectivity, promote a culture of lifelong learning and accelerate innovation to develop knowledge-based systems while delivering government services electronically. However, the education and school system in the northeast was lagging, with data being processed and stored manually and a low uptake of schools and teachers using ICT for learning and administrative purposes.
Solution: The region introduced ICT Integration into teaching and learning by developing a web-based interactive platform (e-Thuto) consisting of e-learning and data management modules. The e-learning module targets teachers and learners with parental participation. The data management module manages the regional data of staff and student information. The initiative resulted in the creation of one virtual office where all regional data is managed and stored and where information, including individual learning performance can be accessed. The system also gives access to all school data to the school principal/head and similarly the Regional Director can access all school information for the region.
Impact: The project has provided a platform for both learners and teachers to use and enhance ICT skills, while also offering enhanced data management of student and school performance. It has provided an effective learning environment that ensures inclusive and equitable quality education and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all.