Initiative: Consejo Nuevo León para la Planeación Estratégica
Institution: Consejo Nuevo León para la Planeación Estratégica
Problem: In the past state planning was often tied to the political parties in office, meaning frequently shifting priorities often not based on the most pressing needs of the population. The State of Nuevo León realized that in order to meet the need of its citizens, state policy priorities needed to transcend politics and be based on assessed needs, stakeholder engagement and the principles of human, sustainable and economic development, justice and security, transparent and efficient government.
Solution: A council was established through the Strategic Planning Law of the State in 2014 to formulate long-term public policy for Nuevo León. A 15-year strategic plan was designed that considered the current economic, social and political situation of the state and came up with long-term objectives to foster sustainable development and general well-being of the citizens of Nuevo León by integrating the experience and knowledge of people from civil society, academia, businesses and government. The Strategic Plan works in six key areas: human development, sustainable development, economic development, security and justice, effective government, and public finance. Through these six areas, Consejo seeks to ensure the well-being of the citizens of Nuevo León with focus on the most vulnerable populations.
Impact: After five years of lessons learned and successful collaboration activities, the council has continued to work on the design of public policy for the state of Nuevo León as a bridge between applied research and public policy recommendations. It also facilitates cross-sector collaboration between key stakeholders to solve the state’s most pressing problems. Activities include a knowledge network created to enable multi-sector contribution to initiatives such as on zero hunger, eradication of violence against women, water planning, local transportation, capacity building on information and intelligence analysis, promoting citizen participation on anti-corruption initiatives, investment, and better administration of public servants’ pension funds, among many others.