United Nations Public Service Award Winners








Initiative: Sports in the city 


Institution: SUDESB – Superintedence of Sports in the State of Bahia


Problem: Historically, women have been discriminated against in access to and participation in sports in Brazil, often facing stigma and barriers to participation. Yet, increasing awareness of women’s role in sport can help work towards broader gender equality.


Solution: Sport in the City aims to democratize access to sport as a form of social inclusion. The initiative aims to provide oriented leisure and give women's football its due grandeur and appreciation, an important guarantee so new generations continue to fight for equality.


Impact: By providing free soccer classes to women, the initiative addresses a significant gap in public service. It promotes and strengthens women's and girls’ participation in sports and leisure, enabling them to participate in a safe and supported environment to expand social involvement at all levels.



Category 3:

Promoting integrated mechanisms for sustainable development


Related SDGs: 










Latin America and the Caribbean Group


More information: 

Sports in the City
Website: http://www.sudesb.ba.gov.br

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