Initiative: Women Empowerment in Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP)
Institution: Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief
Problem: By 2006, women’s ratio to men who participated in the Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP) was 1:3 and women received little to no early warning alerts of cyclone disasters compared to men. In disastrous situations, including natural disasters, women are more vulnerable to gender-based and sexual violence.
Solution: The ministry of disaster management and relief recruited and trained female volunteers to empower women and increase their participation to a 1:1 female-to-male ratio. Policy gaps were identified to minimize missed opportunities in engaging women and providing safety mechanisms so that women are protected when they engage with volunteers in shelters.
Impact: The engagement of women volunteers in the Women Empowerment in CPP has greatly contributed to a significant reduction of casualties of women and children in cyclone disasters.