United Nations Public Service Award Winners








Initiative: Intermediation Center in Brazilian Sign Language 


Institution: Sao Paulo City Hall


Overview: The Libras Intermediation Center (CIL) was established to address the need for deaf individuals to communicate in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) while accessing municipal public services, specifically in situations where Libras interpreters were not available in person. CIL allows hearing-impaired and deaf people to communicate in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) in any public service in the city of São Paulo via video chat with a 24-hour Brazilian Sign Language call center. In addition to meeting the demands of the deaf community, the initiative allows municipal civil servants to download the application on their smartphones and use it when they assist resident who communicate in Libras. Hearing-impaired residents or municipal employees can download the app via "CIL - SMPED", available free of charge for Android or IOS cell phones and tablets, and computers via the website.


Impact: Since 2018, there have been 21,260 downloads of the CIL-SMPED app, reflecting a steadily growing trend. Additionally, the number of service hours provided each year has consistently increased.


Website: https://www.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/cidade/secretarias/pessoa_com_deficiencia/central_de_libras/index.php?p=203752










Category 1:

Innovation in Public Institutions


Related SDGs: 










Latin America and the Caribbean


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