Initiative: Vulnerability Index Data Information System (SIDIK)
Institution: Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Overview: Indonesia is an archipelagic country consisting of 416 regencies, 98 cities and 38 provinces covering 7,810,000 km2, including 95,200 km of coastline. Indonesia’s geography make it vulnerable to impacts of climate change. To assist the line ministries and local governments in conducting climate change vulnerability and risk assessment, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) developed a Vulnerability Index Data Information System (SIDIK) that provides data and information on climate vulnerability and risks all the way down to the village level throughout Indonesia.
SIDIK is a tool (calculator-like, web-based/online) for calculating climate vulnerability and risks (flood, drought, forest and land fires). From the vulnerability perspective, SIDIK can calculate both general and sectoral-based vulnerability levels. It means that the vulnerability indicators can be combined with sectoral vulnerability indicators (examples: health, food, water resources). This tool also has flexibility in terms of analysis scope, from the macro level (national, with provincial or regency/city analysis units), to the meso level (provincial level with regency/city to sub-district analysis units), to the micro level with analysis units down to villages.
Impact: One key issue in the formulation of a climate change adaptation action plan is determining locations with high climate risk and determining the appropriate priority actions. SIDIK conducts rapid vulnerability analysis using 21 indicators, consisting of 97 biophysics and socio-economic data variables representing exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity level. Therefore, the government can determine priority locations and priority actions needed to effectively reduce vulnerability.
The tool's flexibility allows local governments to adapt it with region-specific data to meet their planning needs. It has been successfully disseminated to lower levels of government, which have utilized it to generate localized analyses and development plans. Furthermore, the tool informs key national climate policy documents, including the Nationally Determined Contribution under the UNFCCC and the national climate strategy.