Question 1
Please provide a brief summary of the initiative including the problems/challenges it addressed and the solutions that the initiative introduced (300 words maximum)
The great population of Persons With Intellectual Disabilities (PWIDs) in Indonesia is not accompanied by the adequate number of social service organization. Consequently, many of the PWIDs have never received any services required for their developmental needs. For a reference, data from the 2012 National Social-Economic Survey indicated that from a total of 6,008,640 PWIDs in Indonesia, only 231,725 persons or 3.85% had received the needed services. The National Centre of Social Rehabilitation for PWIDs (BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung) as one of social service institution in Indonesia, can only serve up to 150 PWIDs through the institutional-based service model. Based on this problem, the initiative of developing a social-service model that can reach more PWIDs who really need the services becomes absolutely necessary.
In 2010, BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung launched one innovative program namely “Kampung Peduli”. This innovation is a systematic effort in providing non-institutional-based services for PWIDs who are vulnerable, underdeveloped, and economically disadvantaged in their community. In other word, the program is based on family and community-service models which are implemented through “Kampung Peduli” (lit. Caring Village).
The innovative program has resulted in positive impacts in terms of building the independence of the PWIDs as the vulnerable groups, families, and community members. The evaluation indicated that 90.06 percent of “Kampung Peduli” beneficiaries were successful performing daily activities and developing economically productive skills and activities. It also showed that 77.11% of the business conducted by the beneficiaries could develop and raise incomes and 41% of the beneficiaries who participated in the workshop had their own savings. Furthermore, the number of PWIDs who get served increased significantly, from 150 persons/34 years before the innovative service model to 3.589 persons during the initiative implementation from 2010 to 2017.
a. What are the overall objectives of the initiative?
Please describe the overall objectives of the initiative (200 words maximum)
“Kampung Peduli” initiative is oriented towards empowerment of persons with intellectual disabilities (PWIDs) by implementing a non institutional-based service model in the community. This main goal ranges from a significant increase in PWIDs independence to realization of selfsupporting communities that can help develop the ability of the PWIDs in doing daily activities and practicing various work skills. As a result, the initiative will create zero vulnerability of the PWIDs in terms of stigma elimination, poverty reduction, as well as promoting inclusive community, services and participation.
The strategies conducted to achieve the goals include family and community empowerment as well as partnerships. The family empowerment is a social rehabilitation implemented in the family environment by involving volunteers or participants as community cadres. The cadres are trained to guide, train, and accompany family members of the PWIDs. The community empowerment is implemented in a village with a large number of PWIDs (more than 10 people). This strategy is manifested by forming the community’s Self-Help Group (SHG) as the medium. In order to support the sustainability of both the family- and community- based services, it is necessary to build partnerships involving various stakeholders, such as regional and local governments, and private institutions.
b. How does the initiative fit within the selected category?
Please describe how the initiative is linked to the criteria of the category (200 words maximum)
PWIDs in Indonesia are the most vulnerable, stigmatized and marginalized groups. In addition, they come from poor family with low education and are in remote areas. These make it difficult for them to access the required services. “Kampung Peduli” program overcomes the problems by, firstly, creating an inclusive institution in terms of the Self-Help Group (SHG) forming through the establishment of legal entity, community cadres, and family group of PWIDs. Secondly, the initiative supports the opportunity for a massive community participation in terms of supplying data and information as well as involving in the rehabilitation process. Thirdly, the program provides more extensive access geographically with a greater number of beneficiaries. Fourthly, the innovation also provides a great opportunity for other stakeholders in supporting the PWIDs rehabilitation activities in their community. Fifthly, the initiative is applied and evaluated transparently by spreading all information through website, WA groups, Youtube, Facebook, radio, television and newspapers. Finally, the program can be directly clarified by the public through the complaint box media, short message service (SMS) and website media online.
Question 2
The initiative should improve people’s lives, notably by enhancing the contribution of public services to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the realization of the SDGs
a. Please explain how the initiative improves the delivery of public services (200 words maximum)
PWIDs in Indonesia are the most vulnerable, stigmatized and marginalized groups. In addition, they come from poor family with low education and are in remote areas. These make it difficult for them to access the required services. “Kampung Peduli” program overcomes the problems by, firstly, creating an inclusive institution in terms of the Self-Help Group (SHG) forming through the establishment of legal entity, community cadres, and family group of PWIDs. Secondly, the initiative supports the opportunity for a massive community participation in terms of supplying data and information as well as involving in the rehabilitation process. Thirdly, the program provides more extensive access geographically with a greater number of beneficiaries. Fourthly, the innovation also provides a great opportunity for other stakeholders in supporting the PWIDs rehabilitation activities in their community. Fifthly, the initiative is applied and evaluated transparently by spreading all information through website, WA groups, Youtube, Facebook, radio, television and newspapers. Finally, the program can be directly clarified by the public through the complaint box media, short message service (SMS) and website media online.
Question 3
The initiative must impact positively a group or groups of the population (i.e. children, women, elderly, people with disability, etc) and address a significant issue of public service delivery within the context of a given country or region.
a. Please explain how the initiative has addressed a significant issue related to the delivery of public services (200 words maximum)
The needs for social services for PWIDs in Indonesia are increasing due to the development of community. In addition, the large population of PWIDs is not comparable to the number of service organisations, so that many of the PWIDS in their communities do not have access to public services and are in vulnerable conditions. They also do not receive the guidance necessary for their development needs, are not productive and become the family’s burden. The “Kampung Peduli” initiative is a systematic effort to provide non-institutional-based services for PWIDs in their community, so that it can reduce inequality in the delivery of public services. The aim of this initiative is to empower PWIDs in order to gain independence and encourage the realization of an inclusive social environment that is friendly and caring towards the PWIDs. This program is also an alternative solution that is relevant not only because the model can serve the PWIDs, but it can also reach their families and community members unlimited by the carrying capacity of the institution, public office-hours and service time.
b. Please explain how the initiative has impacted positively a group or groups of the population within the context of your country or region (200 words maximum)
The positive impacts of the program are described as follows, firstly, there was a significant increase in the number of the beneficiaries, from 150 people in 3-4 years before the program to 280 people in 2010; 305 people in 2011; 445 people in 2012; 445 people in 2013; 477 people in 2014; 599 people/year in 2015, 674 people in 2016 and 364 people in 2017. Secondly, before the program, many PWIDs were unproductive, but after the program implementation, the majority of them could do daily living activities and do productive activities such as sheep and goat farming. Thirdly, based on the current evaluation, 77.11% of the business conducted by the beneficiaries could develop and raise incomes, and 41% of the beneficiaries who participated in the workshops (Self-Help Groups/SHGs) had their own savings. Fourthly, the community stigma for the PWIDs is increasingly eliminated after seeing the proof that with intensive training the beneficiaries can do productive activities or have decent jobs. Finally, in terms of public services, the service administration has been more effective and efficient. The community members who previously had difficulties in accessing the services, can now get served for their needs.
Question 4
The initiative must present an innovative idea, a distinctively new approach, or a unique policy or approach implemented in order to realize the SDGs in the context of a given country or region.
a. Please explain in which way the initiative is innovative in the context of your country or region (200 words maximum)
The creative, unique, and innovative aspects of the program include, firstly, employing a participatory approach. The activities are carried out in, by, and involving the active participation of the family and community members through the community’s Self-Help Groups (SHGs). Secondly, the program is an empowerment-oriented service. The community and family members learn about problem-solving and how to empower the PWIDs. The family and volunteers are educated with specific information regarding the problems encountered by PWIDs. Thirdly, the initiative is effective and efficient. This program is able to provide an inclusive service for more number of the PWIDs, with a lower cost of service per individual and more actual results. It also requires flexible hours or time of the service activities, adjusted to the time availability of the family, public officers, SHGs executive committee, community cadres and members. In terms of public services, the service administration has also been more effective and efficient. The community members who previously had difficulties in accessing the services, can now get served for their needs. Finally, the program results in more outputs, which is not only targeted at PWIDs, but also can be integrated with the services for people with other disabilities or social problems.
Question 4b
b. Please describe if the innovation is original or if it is an adaptation from other contexts (If it is known)? (200 words maximum)
“Kampung Peduli” initiative is original. This initiative was established in 2010, starting with a social mapping to determine the priority services location. Then the model was designed and tested with a total of 40 PWIDs in Temanggung Regency. BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung also provided several guidance materials for daily activities, equipment for skill development, and “economic stimulants” or capital to develop business in the PWIDs family and community. In 2011, the initiative was expanded in two other regencies with 60 beneficiaries. In the first 3 years (from 2010 to 2013), the model has been implemented and expanded with a total of 1.475 PWIDs in five regencies, namely Temanggung, Magelang, Purwerejo, Bantul and Gunung Kidul regencies. The program was also equipped by forming and developing workshops (Self-Help Groups/SHGs) for the beneficiaries that managed by the community to produce marketable goods and crafts. For example, “Sambung Roso” SHG in Simbatan Village, Magetan Regency has established a centre for doormat and splash batik production. From 2014-2017, the program has been implemented in 13 regencies with more than 60 villages and has successfully served 3.589 PWIDs with significant outputs and impacts.
Question 4c
c. What resources (i.e. financial, human , material or other resources, etc) were used to implement the initiative? (200 words maximum)
There were two main resources employed in implementing the program such as human and financial resources. The human resources include volunteers, youths, and community activists who have been trained with technical skills. The program also involves social workers and supervisors of BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung as well as village apparatus and community’s prominent figures. The financial resources was provided by BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung initially with a fund of ±US$ 300 per beneficiary annually and was allocated for training and facilitating mentor cadres, guidance for parents, provision of materials, provision of training equipment, and business capital. In the location of “Kampung Peduli”, each village allocates its village fund for around ±US$ 450 to US$ 900 annually. The other financial resources came from the local government, private company (CSR program), and the community’s voluntary participation as well as the revenue from the selling of the workshop products. In addition, there were two complementary resources needed during the program such as infrastructure and partnership resources. The infrastructure resources include community residences, village office and workshops buildings, while the partnership resources involve university, private company and local governments.
Question 5
The initiative should be adaptable to other contexts (e.g. other cities, countries or regions). There may already be evidence that it has inspired similar innovations in other public-sector institutions within a given country, region or at the global level.
a. Has the initiative been transferred to other contexts?
There are 2 local governments who have adapted our innovative program namely Wonosobo Regency and Blitar Regency. In Wonosobo Regency, the expert team of BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung introduced the program for the local governments in May 2015. The Regent of the Wonosobo local government was very interested and planned to apply the model in their administrative areas. From 2015 until nowadays, the Wonosobo government has allocated financial assistance for the program in yearly terms and has served 105 PWIDs in 5 villages such as Watumalang, Leksono, Selomerto, Sukoharjo, dan Garung.
In Blitar Regency, our management team BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung socialized the program in the early 2017 that was attended by local governments, provincial government, community leaders, families with PWIDs, and non-government organization. The Blitar Regency government responded positively by visiting BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung in the next month.
They studied the model in 16 days of expertise training and visited several “Kampung Peduli” locations, so that they could replicated and implemented the model in their regency. In December 11, 2017, the Regent of the Blitar government launched “Kampung Peduli” program namely “Harapan Mulia” (lit. Glorious Hope).
Question 6
The initiative should be able to be sustained over a significant period of time.
a. Please describe whether and how the initiative is sustainable (covering the social, economic and environmental aspects) (300 words maximum)
The innovation is a sustainable program which is open to be applied and developed in other regions, both nationally and internationally. The rationales are described as follows, firstly, the program is implemented based on community’s needs and applied by the community through employing the most advantage of the local potentials, so that financially, socially, and culturally, the programs are supported by the community. Secondly, BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung has established “Kampung Peduli” initiative as a fix social service program and included the program in the annual strategic plans and work plans, so that the program will be implemented sustainably, regardless of the possible change in the management or leadership. Thirdly, the involvement of various stakeholders is also guaranteed the sustainability of the program. For example, the collaboration among local governments, community members and private company in supporting the “Sambung Roso” Self-Help Group in Magetan Regency, has ensured the sustainability of the program for more than 5 years. Finally, the program does not require a large number of government employee because it involves the community members, so that with the existing civil servants in the government social organisations both in local and regional levels, can implement the model.
b. Please describe whether and how the initiative is sustainable in terms of durability in time (300 words maximum)
The initiative will sustain in a long period of time is also guaranteed by the enactment of several legislations both in national and regional levels. In the national level, the 2015-2019 Indonesian Medium-Term Developmental Plan stated that in the provision of a comprehensive social protection for PWIDs as vulnerable populations and informal targeted informal worker, it will be achieved by implementing community-based rehabilitation, standard operational procedure and accreditation of social rehabilitation institutions. This legislation also stated clearly that both local and regional governments should ensure the availability of inclusive access and social environment systems for PWIDs. The main indicator applied for the achievement of the national plan is an increase number of municipalities or regencies that implement the community-based rehabilitation model for creating zero vulnerable of the PWIDs. In the regional level, the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation Ministry of Social Affairs circulated the Letter Number 154 of 2014 which determined the administrative and outreach areas of community-based model in the regional level of each Technical Units under the Ministry of Social Affairs. This concludes that those two legislations have been the legal protection of “Kampung Peduli” initiative, thus it will be sustained in a long period of time.
Question 7
The initiative should have gone through a formal evaluation, showing some evidence of impact on improving people’s lives.
a. Has the initiative been formally evaluated?
If yes, please describe how the initiative was evaluated? (200 words maximum)
The formal evaluation of the initiative was conducted by an internal team from BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung in 2016, namely “Kampung Peduli” Satisfaction Survey. This survey aimed to find the level of satisfaction of the initiative from the perspectives of PWIDs, families and community members, as well as various stakeholders. Their satisfaction perspectives were related with the quality manifestation and performance of the initiative applied by BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung from 2010 to 2015. The population of this survey consisted of 674 PWIDs, families, community members, local and regional governments, as well as several private companies or business units. The sample was taken by applying the area sampling technique, with clusters determined based on the initiative place of origins. As a result, 166 people were taken as sample, spreading in 9 regencies as the locations of the “Kampung Peduli” program. Data were collected with the following ways, namely structured interview and questionnaire. The structured interview was implemented by interviewing the respondents using questionnaires as data collection instrument. This technique was applied to parents or families who had problems in reading and understanding the questionnaire. The questionnaire was applied by distributing questionnaires to the respondents who could read and understand the questionnaire.
b. Please describe the outcome of the evaluation of the impact of the initiative (200 words maximum)
The 2016 satisfaction survey was stated in perception values ranging from perception value of 1 to perception value of 4 (1-4). The perception value of 1 means that the services applied by the institution are far below the expectations or do not meet the needs of the beneficiaries, while the perception value of 4 means that the services provided by the institution exceed the expectation or the needs of the beneficiaries. The result shows that based on the 8 satisfaction indicators, the composite index is 3.45, leading to the attainment of the Community Satisfaction Index (CSI) with score of 86.22 out of the interval of 25-100. This means that the satisfaction level of the respondents is highly satisfied with the service quality and performance of the “Kampung Peduli” initiative applied by BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung. Nevertheless, there are still two indicators assessed to be less than satisfactory than the rest of the elements. Hence, as recommendation to improve the service quality and performance in the future, BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung should improve the service period and product specification indicators. In addition, the management of BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung should continuously maintenance and strengthen the indicators which already resulted in highly satisfaction levels.
c. Please describe the indicators that were used (200 words maximum)
There were 8 indicators applied in the 2016 “Kampung Peduli” Satisfaction Survey such as technical and administrative service requirements, formal service procedure, service period of time, product specification, officers’ capacity and competency, officers behaviour, service charter, and management of complaints. The technical and administrative service requirements indicator consists of several requirements needed to be full to be fulfilled by the beneficiaries to obtaining a certain type of initiative service model. The formal service procedure elements includes the standard operational procedures of the program which are needed to be understand by the future beneficiaries. The service period of time indicator consists of the time period needed in order to complete the whole process of each service type. The product specification indicator involves the certain type of social service which are given and accepted by the beneficiaries in terms of conforming the agreement upon requirements and expectations. The officers’ capacity and competency indicator involves the attitudes and actions of the officers in providing services. The service charter element consists of statements of organization commitments and obligations to provide services according to the standards. The management of complaints indicator includes the procedure for managing complaints and the follow-up actions.
Question 8
The initiative must demonstrate that it has engaged various actors such as from other institutions, civil society, or the private sector, when possible.
a. The 2030 Development Agenda puts emphasis on collaboration, engagement, coordination, partnerships, and inclusion. Please describe what stakeholders were engaged in designing, implementing and evaluating the initiative. Please also highlight their roles and contributions (300 words maximum)
The users, stakeholders, and partners are involved in various aspects. Firstly, BBRSBG Kartini Temanggung as the initiator, motivator, and facilitator organizes the activities, including planning, implementation, and controlling of the service programs and administration. Secondly, the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia as the main or parent institution formulates the policies, regulations, and standardizations related to the implementation and development of social service programs. Thirdly, Self-Help Groups (SHGs) simultaneously play certain roles as a medium of community participation, the centre for the PWIDs, as well as the actor that provide the program or services. Fourthly, the cadre or volunteer takes the roles as educator, supervisor, and instructor for their family members or the beneficiaries. They come from the surrounding community, so there is an emotional closeness. This proximity makes it easier to communicate with the beneficiaries, thus the program implementation works more effective and efficient.
The other community members participate in providing infrastructure such as village building and community residence. They also support the program by encouraging awareness and motivating the beneficiaries, families and the community. They also encouraged the people to buy products made by the beneficiaries. The regional and local governments (Department of Social and Labors, Department of Budget Income and Expenditure, Department of Fishery and
Marine and Department of Youth, Sports and Culture), the university (Soegijapranoto Catholic University, Muhammadiyah University and Brawijaya University), and the private company (BRI Bank and others local business units) also support the innovative program by providing vocational training, financial assistance, business networking and products promotion. They also assist an independent evaluation for the program improvement in the future.
Question 9
a. Please describe the key lessons learned, and any view you have on how to further improve the initiative (200 words maximum)
Several lessons that can be learned from the innovation, firstly, the innovation based on non-institutional approach reaches more beneficiaries. Secondly, the innovation is more efficient and effective such as more output, lower cost and more optimal results. The institution-based service requires a cost of ±US$ 1,100 per person annually, while non-institutional based services only require a cost of US$ 300 per person annually. Thirdly, the innovation is more appropriate for the conditions and local potentials of the community in terms of getting solutions closer to the source of problems. Fourthly, the local community’s initiatives and creativity can be developed in order to jointly take responsibility for protecting the rights of the PWIDs. Fifthly, the stigma against the beneficiaries as a marginalized group is decreasing or fading. Finally, the community can monitor and evaluate the services provided by the government institutions directly. The key lessons learned also confirm the mandate of the Indonesian Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning protection of the rights of persons with disabilities. These lessons avoid the separation the beneficiaries from their family and community, as well as an alternative solution that is relevant to solve the problems regarding the limited capacity of the social institution.