Question 1
Please briefly describe the initiative, what issue or challenge it aims to address and specify its objectives (300 words maximum)
Work objectives and challenges are as follows:
1) The problem solving of residual waste in the area: Since some kinds of waste are unable to sell or having low price, and they have no motivation in sorting out and doing waste separation to generate income and no idea of how to manage households’ waste by using the right techniques. And partial are from the external factor, logistic problems and unfair price deals. So, it becomes to the objective of Integration on waste management to increase efficiency of it. The system is capable to connect demand of waste product with the price worthiness and fair deals from downstream factory towards the upstream waste sorting operator, by all means; information will pass to the logistics providers to save operation cost and time. This simply creates Eco system on waste management sustainability.
2) The challenge of the Eco system creation and the integration of waste management by the implementation of IT to help all the works, composes of many network partners that require the mutual understanding and cooperation based on the same system or capable to share information among each other’s even in the different system. The development requires personnel, budget, knowledge management, understanding of the waste problem. The system must be user-friendly, no complication, downsizing working process, added efficiency, in conformity with the officer and community’s enforcement, including stakeholders. The provided information must be up-to-date and real time, so it will be able to bring the upstream waste with low cost logistics. Of course, it will increase value added to the waste and can motivate in sorting it out at the beginning. Moreover, the waste purchasing denial’s problem of the middleman will be reduced and all the waste will be sent to the downstream factory to be eliminated correctly.
Question 2
Please explain how the initiative is linked to the selected category (100 words maximum)
The award category 2 is obviously seen by the role and responsibility to fix the residual waste problem and to increase the efficiency of the implementation. Sticks to the guidelines of system development mechanism on people’s participation through community forum to set direction on waste management. Municipality supportive encourages to sorting out waste by using IT to reach its efficiency. is a useful tool for the highest efficiency on the implementation of information network. The information can link the implementation network of both government and private sectors which can be called as Eco system of waste management.
Question 3
a. Please specify which SDGs and target(s) the initiative supports and describe concretely how the initiative has contributed to their implementation (200 words maximum)
Tang-Ngeone - Tang Tong Project is the innovation of every network partners participation to generally solve the problems of waste management by creating the understandable knowledge from the upstream sorting out waste by people, eliminating waste righteously, by using 3R principles (12.4,12.5)
The application and supportive system of waste management will be implemented to connect with the information to be user-friendly, increasing income for the households as a whole (upstream), group enterprise (midstream), factories and entrepreneur (downstream). This is one of the parts from the government sector’s policies to encourage Circular Economy to sustainably and thoroughly support the network’s growth. (8.3)
For biodegradable waste has been processed to be the non-toxic fertilizer for the agricultural use. it can reduce the chemical consumption to secure the food safety and also reduce the infectious disease outbreak. It is clearly that the residual waste is getting less and found out that the dengue fever patients is decreasing from the amount of 6 to 2 during 2020. (3.9), (11.6)
Administrative and management process has been revealed to everyone for their participation on planning, responsive participation on buying/selling and checking information to get fair price from upstream to downstream rapidly. (16.7)
b. Please describe what makes the initiative sustainable in social, economic and environmental terms (100 words maximum)
Social dimension: it emphasizes on network partners’ participation. The meeting starts from local and District levels to mutually set the guidelines to reach the goal of developed livable city, so people will have a good quality of life and transparently and fairly management.
Economic dimension: selling waste can create income for people and increase the revenue for every group.
Environmental dimension: encouraging in downsized the amount of waste by 5R technique. Reduction on producing waste in the least amount of it, this can raise up the quality of people’s life and their surroundings to exist sustainably.
Question 4
a. Please explain how the initiative has addressed a significant shortfall in governance, public administration or public service within the context of a given country or region. (200 words maximum)
Waste management integration system is an instrument, to solve the waste problem that being stuck and left behind in the area, the service must be equally provided for everyone no matter what gender, age, occupation, education level and disadvantaged people (handicapped and poor); so it can create jobs and more incomes for their family. Such action causes good attitude on waste sorting and motivation on price worthiness and fairness. To acknowledge people on information and share responsibility can create cooperation in problem solving of public services to support the highest efficiency of the government service policies. Furthermore, it can be applied to be used as a tool to create community process, to hear people’s thoughts and ideas or to make complaint on government services. These would bring the cooperation in problem solving from both government and public sectors. People can set up the action guidelines about how to handle and manage waste in the area as the participation in downsizing waste at the beginning to build up the foundation of waste management to be more efficiency and sustainability.
b. Please describe how your initiative addresses gender inequality in the country context. (100 words maximum)
To provide service equally for people with different gender, age, occupation, educational level and disadvantaged people (handicapped and poor) can reach through community mechanism participation by showing opinion expression and feedback. It will be wide-open through the tool that provided by municipality, starting from service-user, service-provider and entrepreneur. The confidence of using service is strong and it will be able to participate for supporting government operation in full potentiality. The problem of social inequality especially on gender basis is also decreasing.
c. Please describe who the target group(s) were, and explain how the initiative improved outcomes for these target groups. (200 words maximum)
The co-driven target group to solve the residual waste in the area composes of:
1) 6,496 of people on all kinds of gender, who live in Khrueng Sub-district Municipality, can change the behavior in sorting out waste before throwing away. So, it leads to the decreasing of the waste quantity and increasingly adds more income for the people, plus biodegradable waste has turned to the making fertilizer process for agricultural use. Chemical abuser, air pollution and epidemic of infectious diseases are decreased. The waste collection is becoming less burden and the environmental care can be cultivated in people’s conscious.
2) Waste sorter group / waste collecting officer (WasteGrab)/Community enterprise composes of 6 groups as Baan Saan, Baan Khruengtai, Baan Muangchum, Baan Tongkao, Baan Prahapiwat and Tambol Khrueng’s community enterprise (waste sorting group); as purchasers and logistic providers, can reduce the processes and safe time for waste sorting including it can strengthening in making a process of left-out products to make an additional incomes for group members.
Question 5
a. Please describe how the initiative was implemented including key developments and steps, monitoring and evaluation activities, and the chronology. (300 words)
1) Started the training campaign to provide knowledge on sorting out waste at the beginning.
2) Started to make the memorandum of cooperation for the village, sub-district and district in according to policies “Chiang Khong, the clean city”
3) Promote added value to recycling waste’s activities, use waste materials to transform it into the product. use cloth bag or basket campaign for waste reduction and promote to sort out plastic bags, milk carton and foam packaging from the general one. This could reduce the residual waste in the area.
4) Develop implementation system and equip with “Tang-Ngeone - Tang Tong” application to reduce complex process of the officer’s job, it can increase efficiency of the implementation and can be used as database for data evaluation. But if the added value is still not worth for production or stocking, it might not be able to create the motivation for people continuously.
5) Create awareness of the use of applications, causing people to start to pay more attention to waste separation from the source. Reduce redundant workflows. Reduce costs. Knowing the amount of waste collected from the source has led to the process of estimating the cost of transportation. To reduce the burden of travel expenses that will affect the price of recycled waste that people should receive. Making it possible to know the purchase price fair waste sales and get a higher price and reduce transportation costs.
As a result, landfills can be closed in 4 out of 6 in 2020. The Office of Natural Resources and the Environment, Chiang Rai Province, there was an opinion that the amount of residual waste accumulated in the remaining half sub-districts was not to be reported further, because the amount of waste is less.
b. Please clearly explain the obstacles encountered and how they were overcome. (100 words)
1) Area and legal issues preventing proper sanitation of waste disposal areas, Therefore, the waste management system is used to create public participation.
2) Problems with the lack of specialized personnel who have knowledge IT systems, resulting in having to rely on outsiders who have problems with delays in operation, and the problem of creating learning through volunteers to extend results to the community.
3)The implementation of innovation in the Community found that people did not dare to use it. Can't use it through the application. Therefore, it must communicate in the form of QR code to fix problem.
Question 6
a. Please explain in what ways the initiative is innovative in the context of your country or region. (100 words maximum)
Integrated waste management system have used information technology as a tool to assist in the development and to enhance motivation and participation of network partners from all sectors This is to raise the level of waste management by using modern technology to maximize benefits to achieve the objectives, then it is the innovative Sustainable Public Service Management. Improved from the original by community has been done before (Incremental Innovation). It will be able to expand the network for national benefits to achieve the objective BCG Model for Circular Economy and Green Economy.
b. Please describe, if relevant, how the initiative drew inspiration from successful initiatives in other regions, countries and localities. (100 words maximum)
From a problem of accumulated waste of 923.70 tons/year, although there is a continuous promotion of waste separation from the source, including requiring a large budget and has limitations in terms of laws and geography. This made it unable to solve problems sustainably, resulting in an integrated waste management policy, emphasizing community participation with the public and private sectors. To participate in planning a waste management system by using information technology to manage the information and can be used as a tool to promote knowledge of the 5R process, building a community culture and sustainability forever.
c. If emerging and frontier technologies were used, please state how those were integrated into the initiative and/or how the initiative embraced digital government. (100 words maximum)
Integrated waste management system Information technology has been used as a tool to help link information between people/community (origin), buyers/separators/ garbage collectors/transportation (middle way), buyers/transporters (destination factories), creating a trading process. Exchange through the Internet network and the user's smartphone through a system of collecting waste volumes, revealing prices, volumes and collection points, allowing information to be exchanged between sources, mid-way and destination for maximum efficiency.
Question 7
a. Has the initiative been transferred and/or adapted to other contexts (e.g. other cities, countries or regions) to your organization’s knowledge? If yes, please explain where and how. (200 words maximum)
The “Tang-Ngern – Tang Tong” project was broadcasted to be applied to other departments as follows:
1) Thailand Public Private Partnership for Plastic and Waste Management has attended a study tour of the self-reliant solid waste separation system in Khrueng sub-district area on May 9, 2019, used as a guideline in driving the policy to solve the problem of waste recycling in the industrial sector.
2) Hin Son Sub-district Administrative Organization attended a study visit on March 11, 2020 to use as a guideline to enhance knowledge on solid waste management.
3) PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited studied the use of the application " Tang-Ngern – Tang Tong " on April 1, 2021, applying the process of purchasing waste through the application to apply to school.
4) Doi Kham Food Products Co., Ltd., together with Pa Sang Sub-district Municipality to study the work on waste management on May 24, 2021 and July 6, 2021. Bring management guidelines to expand to the community and support environmentally friendly activities.
5) Alliance to End Plastic Waste brings waste management guidelines using Digital platform to propose to the Federation of Thai Industries to develop the system and use it in the Khlong Toei community.
b. If not yet transferred/adapted to other contexts, please describe the potential for transferability. (200 words maximum)
The “Tang-Ngoen, - Tang Tong” project has integrated all sectors in the area together until receiving an opportunity from Chiang Khong District. Assign the municipality of Kraung sub-district to organize a "kick-off" activity in Chiang Khong Recycle Center to be a model for waste material management in Khrueng sub-district and Chiang Khong District, to be a center for exchanging knowledge on waste management through the application "Tang-Ngoen - Tang Tong " to develop a model of operation in using the application to be applied in the area.
In addition to, being a center for learning, personnel and working team. It has also been honored by other local government organizations such as the Sathan Sub-District Municipality. Nang Lae Subdistrict Municipality Lecturer for exchanging knowledge by adding value for plastic bags and working processes of learning centers that bring applications to manage in order to continue working to achieve the objectives set.
Question 8
a. What specific resources (i.e. financial, human or others) were used to implement the initiative? (100 words maximum)
1) Budget, Municipality is used for training and knowledge on waste management. Create learning to use applications 260,200 baht. The private sector has supported the operating system and materials such as mobile phones, digital hanging scales and a garbage collection kit for the shop for 738,000 baht
2) Personnel, network partners; including Chiang Khong District, the village headman and schools, health promoting hospital, temples in Khrueng district and 40 organizations of private sectors and community health volunteers 152 people, municipal employees, to create learning and expand it to the community to the management of waste in the same direction.
b. Please explain what makes the initiative sustainable over time, in financial and institutional terms. (100 words maximum)
Finance dimensions: Municipal and private sectors have joint duties to support the budget to develop, improve and maintain the system " Tang-Ngoen - Tang Tong " to cover public services, access quickly and up-to-date according to the needs of the people.
The municipal organizational dimension: is responsible for public services for the benefit of the people. With government organizations and private sector and the public provide support through a collective memorandum of understanding, to set rules or regulations on waste management within the community, taking into account the participation of the people. It connects network partners and expanding activities continuously.
Question 9
a. Was the initiative formally evaluated either internally or externally?
b. Please describe how it was evaluated and by whom? (100 words maximum)
1) Quality improvement assessment of the environmental health service system local government organization (Environmental Health Accreditation: EHA) for the year 2020 by the Department of Health Ministry of Health, solid waste management type Toxic waste management issues or health hazards.
2) Assessment of a well-managed local government organization of the fiscal Year 2021, Sub-District Municipality Category, General Level by the Committee for Decentralization to Local Administrative Organizations.
3) Integrity and Transparency Assessment (ITA) for the fiscal year 2021 by office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission.
c. Please describe the indicators and tools used (100 words maximum)
1) Assessment of Environmental Health Accreditation: The EHA uses two assessment criteria: assessing the process management indicators, weighing a score of 100, and assessing the indicators of the outcome measure, evaluating a score of 100.
2) Assessment of a well-managed local government organization for the fiscal year 2021, two assessment criteria were used: management at 60% and local innovation projects 40%.
3) Assessment of Integrity and Transparency Assessment: ITA uses the assessment criteria by collecting data in 3 parts: information on government personnel; Information from administrators or contacting government agencies and information on the website of the agency.
d. What were the main findings of the evaluation (e.g. adequacy of resources mobilized for the initiative, quality of implementation and challenges faced, main outcomes, sustainability of the initiative, impacts) and how this information is being used to inform the initiative’s implementation. (200 words maximum)
1) The results of the quality standard assessment of the environmental health service system Environmental Health Accreditation: EHA) on the management of toxic or hazardous waste from the community EHA 4003: 2020 on January 1, 2021 passed the certificate of certification. Score Criteria 90.05 percent.
2) The results of the evaluation of local government organizations with good management fiscal year 2021 received the 3rd prize in the sub-district municipality category, general level.
3) Integrity and Transparency Assessment: ITA's assessment results in fiscal year 2021 are at level A with a score of 92.23%.
From the assessment of the three organizations, waste management systems have emphasized the participation of the people as a key in the operation to be transparent, auditable create satisfaction about government services. This leads to the development of good quality of life with the goal of sustainable development and can solve problems correctly for maximum benefit. It can also be extended to lead to a model organization or learning center for network partners.
Question 10
Please describe how the initiative is inscribed in the relevant institutional landscape (for example, how it was situated with respect to relevant government agencies, and how the institutional relationships with those have been operating). (200 words maximum)
The “Tang-Ngoen, - Tang Tong” project is divided into responsibilities according to the cooperation of the government, private and public sectors, including network partners in the area by forming a memorandum of agreement between organizations which is a collective agreement in the form of a letter or a contract with a message specifying the rules or procedures relating to cooperation resulting in cooperation between organizations with the goal of managing waste in the whole system to achieve mutual results and coordinate cooperation to set the policy guidelines to be in the same direction, jointly plan and act to support the establishment of community/community enterprise sorting groups. To promote and support the creation of learning for personnel and people to be able to work as a team with strong community and focus on good governance for building up transparency and values between organizations and continually monitor and evaluate the performance both internally and externally. Be able to extend waste management results to network partners to meet the large demand, leading to a comprehensive waste management both data management Increasing efficiency in waste management within the community.
Question 11
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development puts emphasis on collaboration, engagement, partnerships, and inclusion. Please describe which stakeholders were engaged in designing, implementing and evaluating the initiative and how this engagement took place. (200 words maximum)
The participation of all network partners are as follows:
1) Chiang Khong District, Kamnan and the village headman act to support law enforcement measures. In monitoring, supervising and consulting with all network partners, encouraging and supporting all households in the area of responsibility There has been a continuous segregation of waste from the source.
2) The private sector is responsible for co-developing the operating system to support materials and equipment. and as a training trainer for the operators and link the purchase destination as well as to take care of troubleshooting the use of Application Software and data management.
3) Houses, temples, schools, and government agencies in the areas jointly thought and planned to promote and support waste sorting activities. and giving advice on waste management in Khrueg subdistrict.
4) Village health volunteers collect data, record information, collect and prepare an action plan at the area level with municipal staff. Enhance the knowledge of the target people in their own responsibility.
5) The network of local government organizations in Chiang Khong districts, all 7 places, jointly promotes and supports all local government organizations to operate in accordance with the government policy at the same time.
Question 12
Please describe the key lessons learned, and how your organization plans to improve the initiative. (200 words maximum)
1) Important lessons learned
1.1) Policies, plans, budgets and personnel are clear, can build confidence and drive the system. To create cooperation between network partners in the design and development of the system through the participation of all sectors to achieve the objectives.
1.2) In the context of the area, analyzing the problem of community readiness needs as well as creating knowledge and understanding and stimulating waste separation in the community resulting in no residual waste generating income back to the community households.
2) Guidelines for developing innovations continuously provide knowledge to the community that can use the system for maximum benefit causing the process of learning and transferring knowledge among themselves and listen to opinions to improve operations in various fields for maximum benefit and do not affect the original approach that has been carried out. In addition, tools have been developed to assist in waste separation, reducing procedures and operating costs, including equipment to collect waste after sorting to reduce the volume or storage area and facilitate transportation to create incentives for entrepreneurs. And network partners can be used to effectively manage and solve municipal problems and further expanding the system to be a Smart city sub-district.