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Nominee Information

Institutional Information

Member State Thailand
Institution Name Phang Nga Shelter for Children and Families
Institution Type Public Agency
Administrative Level Local
Name of initiative Development of ‘Rohingya’ Service Procedure to Ensure Human Dignity
Projects Operational Years 5
Website of Institution

Question 1: About the Initiative

Is this a public sector initiative? Yes

Question 2: Categories

Is the initiative relevant to one of the UNPSA categories? Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2017.1.1 Introduces an idea, policy, practice or structure that is distinctively new, innovative and unique in the context of a given country or region, for reaching the poorest and most vulnerable and ensuring that they make progress towards the SDGs
2017.1.2 Increases the access of the poorest and most vulnerable people to quality and affordable public services. This can be done notably by addressing the obstacles that hinder their access to public services such as geography, income or other social or economic factors, security issues, care burden, mobility, discrimination related to sex, gender, age, race, ethnicity and other factors depending on the country or regional context. This can also include introducing new approaches to delivering services or claiming rights and obtaining benefits, so that the poorest and most vulnerable can access those more easily.
2017.1.6 Creates mechanisms that can help the poorest and most vulnerable (and those representing or assisting them) to hold the government accountable on the delivery of public services. This may include mechanisms allowing them to provide feedback on the relevance, quality and cost of public services; report any wrongdoing; initiate investigations; file complaints or request compensation where relevant.
2017.1.7 Introduces mechanisms that ensure that public officials are informed about the special needs of the poorest and most vulnerable, trained and equipped to meet them and held accountable when these needs are ignored or when the rights of the poorest and most vulnerable people are not protected.

Question 3: Sustainable Development Goals

Is the initiative relevant to any of the 17 SDG(s)? Yes
If you answered yes above, please specify which SDG is the most relevant to the initiative. (hold Ctrl to select multiple)
Goal 1: No Poverty
Goal 3: Good Health
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Which target(s) within the SDGs specified above is the initiative relevant to? (hold Ctrl to select multiple)
1.3 Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable
3.3 By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases
10.7 Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies
11.4 Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage
11.5 By 2030, significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected and substantially decrease the direct economic losses relative to global gross domestic product caused by disasters, including water-related disasters, with a focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable situations
16.2 End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children
16.3 Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
16.9 By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration

Question 4: Implementation Date

Has the initiative been implemented for two or more years Yes
Please provide date of implemenation (dd/MM/yyyy) 01 Jan 2013

Question 5: Partners

Has the United Nations or any UN agencies been involved in this initiative? No
Which UN agency was involved? (hold Ctrl to select multiple)
The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
Please provide details

Question 6: Supporting documentation

Will you be able to provide supporting documentation for your initiative? Yes

Question 7: UNPSA Awards

Has the initiative already won a UNPS Award? No

Question 8: Other Awards

Has the initiative won other Public Service Awards? Yes
If yes, please specify name, organisation and year. Public Sector Excellence Awards, Office of the Public Sector Development Commission, 2017

Question 9: How did you learn about UNPSA?

How did you learn about UNPSA? Office of the Public Sector Development Commission, OPDC, inspire our organisation to improve our services and encourage us to submit this awards.

Question 10: Validation Consent

I give consent to contact relevant persons and entities to inquire about the initiative for validation purpose. No

Question 1: About the Initiative

Is this a public sector initiative? Yes

Question 2: Categories

Is the initiative relevant to one of the UNPSA categories? Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2017.1.1 Introduces an idea, policy, practice or structure that is distinctively new, innovative and unique in the context of a given country or region, for reaching the poorest and most vulnerable and ensuring that they make progress towards the SDGs
2017.1.2 Increases the access of the poorest and most vulnerable people to quality and affordable public services. This can be done notably by addressing the obstacles that hinder their access to public services such as geography, income or other social or economic factors, security issues, care burden, mobility, discrimination related to sex, gender, age, race, ethnicity and other factors depending on the country or regional context. This can also include introducing new approaches to delivering services or claiming rights and obtaining benefits, so that the poorest and most vulnerable can access those more easily.
2017.1.6 Creates mechanisms that can help the poorest and most vulnerable (and those representing or assisting them) to hold the government accountable on the delivery of public services. This may include mechanisms allowing them to provide feedback on the relevance, quality and cost of public services; report any wrongdoing; initiate investigations; file complaints or request compensation where relevant.
2017.1.7 Introduces mechanisms that ensure that public officials are informed about the special needs of the poorest and most vulnerable, trained and equipped to meet them and held accountable when these needs are ignored or when the rights of the poorest and most vulnerable people are not protected.

Question 3: Sustainable Development Goals

Is the initiative relevant to any of the 17 SDG(s)? Yes
If you answered yes above, please specify which SDG is the most relevant to the initiative. (hold Ctrl to select multiple)
Goal 1: No Poverty
Goal 3: Good Health
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Which target(s) within the SDGs specified above is the initiative relevant to? (hold Ctrl to select multiple)
1.3 Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable
3.3 By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases
10.7 Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies
11.4 Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage
11.5 By 2030, significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected and substantially decrease the direct economic losses relative to global gross domestic product caused by disasters, including water-related disasters, with a focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable situations
16.2 End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children
16.3 Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
16.9 By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration

Question 4: Implementation Date

Has the initiative been implemented for two or more years Yes
Please provide date of implemenation (dd/MM/yyyy) 01 Jan 2013

Question 5: Partners

Has the United Nations or any UN agencies been involved in this initiative? No
Which UN agency was involved? (hold Ctrl to select multiple)
The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
Please provide details

Question 6: Supporting documentation

Will you be able to provide supporting documentation for your initiative? Yes

Question 7: UNPSA Awards

Has the initiative already won a UNPS Award? No

Question 8: Other Awards

Has the initiative won other Public Service Awards? Yes
If yes, please specify name, organisation and year. Public Sector Excellence Awards, Office of the Public Sector Development Commission, 2017

Question 9: How did you learn about UNPSA?

How did you learn about UNPSA? Office of the Public Sector Development Commission, OPDC, inspire our organisation to improve our services and encourage us to submit this awards.

Question 10: Validation Consent

I give consent to contact relevant persons and entities to inquire about the initiative for validation purpose. No

Question 1: About the Initiative

Is this a public sector initiative? Yes

Question 2: Categories

Is the initiative relevant to one of the UNPSA categories? Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2017.1.1 Introduces an idea, policy, practice or structure that is distinctively new, innovative and unique in the context of a given country or region, for reaching the poorest and most vulnerable and ensuring that they make progress towards the SDGs
2017.1.2 Increases the access of the poorest and most vulnerable people to quality and affordable public services. This can be done notably by addressing the obstacles that hinder their access to public services such as geography, income or other social or economic factors, security issues, care burden, mobility, discrimination related to sex, gender, age, race, ethnicity and other factors depending on the country or regional context. This can also include introducing new approaches to delivering services or claiming rights and obtaining benefits, so that the poorest and most vulnerable can access those more easily.
2017.1.6 Creates mechanisms that can help the poorest and most vulnerable (and those representing or assisting them) to hold the government accountable on the delivery of public services. This may include mechanisms allowing them to provide feedback on the relevance, quality and cost of public services; report any wrongdoing; initiate investigations; file complaints or request compensation where relevant.
2017.1.7 Introduces mechanisms that ensure that public officials are informed about the special needs of the poorest and most vulnerable, trained and equipped to meet them and held accountable when these needs are ignored or when the rights of the poorest and most vulnerable people are not protected.

Question 3: Implementation Date

Has the initiative been implemented for two or more years Yes
Please provide date of implemenation (dd/MM/yyyy) 01 Jan 2013

Question 4: Partners/Stakeholders

Has the United Nations or any UN agencies been involved in this initiative? No
Which UN agency was involved? (hold Ctrl to select multiple)
The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
Please provide details

Question 5: Required Supplemental Documents

Will you be able to provide supporting documentation for your initiative? Yes

Question 6: UNPSA Awards

Has the initiative already won a UNPS Award? No

Question 7: Other Awards

Has the initiative won other Public Service Awards? Yes
Comments: Public Sector Excellence Awards, Office of the Public Sector Development Commission, 2017

Question 8: Sustainable Development Goals

Is the initiative relevant to any of the 17 SDG(s)? Yes
If you answered yes above, please specify which SDG is the most relevant to the initiative. (hold Ctrl to select multiple)
Goal 1: No Poverty
Goal 3: Good Health
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Which target(s) within the SDGs specified above is the initiative relevant to? (hold Ctrl to select multiple)
1.3 Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable
3.3 By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases
10.7 Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies
11.4 Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage
11.5 By 2030, significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected and substantially decrease the direct economic losses relative to global gross domestic product caused by disasters, including water-related disasters, with a focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable situations
16.2 End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children
16.3 Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
16.9 By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration

Question 9: Validation Consent

Do you have any objections to us inquiring about the initiative for validation purposes? No

How did you know about UNPSA?

How did you know about UNPSA? Office of the Public Sector Development Commission, OPDC, inspire our organisation to improve our services and encourage us to submit this awards.

Nomination form


Question 1

Please provide a brief summary of the initiative including the problems/challenges it addressed and the solutions that the initiative introduced (300 words maximum)
Thailand has long faced issues with migration. In 2012 there were 170,000 immigrants fleeing from Myanmar. The number has increased in 2013 and 50 percent of the immigrants are women and children sending to the government shelter under Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. The government provide those immigrants with temporary shelter and basic necessity. The men were sent to Immigration Detention Centre (IDC) for awaiting deportation. Phang Nga Shelter provide shelter for 509 immigrants (Rohingya). Problems and obstacles 1. Conflict of people and Royal Thai Government in crisis-solving from difference perspectives between humanitarian and immigration problems especially the budget spend for this crisis, fear of disease breakout, anti-Islamism and terrorism. Some of those do not want RTG to provide them a temporary shelter or even live in the community. 2. RTG has to practically and indefinitely provide a protection scheme to the the Rohingya and have an agreement not to send them back to Myanmar or voluntarily return if it is not safe. 3. The Rohingya escape from IDC and Shelters, for they want to go to Malaysia with which often resulted in exploitation, sexual abuse, extortion and trafficking. Solutions Listen to the beneficiaries in order to find the fact and to understand them, then analyze those facts and do plan with related working networks from all levels emphasizing individual identity and family background. The plan and the action must be flexible and adjustable according to situation. Whenever the beneficiaries see importance and feel of trust, then they will participate in every activities.
a. What are the overall objectives of the initiative?
Please describe the overall objectives of the initiative (200 words maximum)
Main Objectives 1) To promote opportunities for the Rohingya to improve their quality of life in all dimensions, health, vocational, self-help and independently determine to get required services. 2) To encourage the community to accept the Rohingya as a world citizen, share community resources and live peacefully together. 3) To integrate and engage all stakeholders to promote participation.
b. How does the initiative fit within the selected category?
Please describe how the initiative is linked to the criteria of the category (200 words maximum)
Category 1. Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive servicer and partnerships 1) Human being and dignity based service provision 2) Identity-based strategy service provision which is considered food, religion and culture, and it also aims to promote self-esteem 3) Support family engagement of the Rohingya women and children to his/ her husband/ father by providing phone and video call. The investigation and identification supported by Immigration Police, Civil Society Organisation (CSO) from Myanmar, Malaysia, Bangladesh, the Group of Rohingya, NGOs and International Organization. Moreover, these organizations also provided resources and budget until the Rohingya connected to each other which also create trustworthiness. 4) Before implementing any activities, everyone participated in every step of preparation, exchanging of ideas, planning, executing, evaluating and terminating the activity so that activities response the needs of beneficiaries. 5) Target group and families can provide their comments and suggestions to the services provided. In addition, information of service was informed and able to reach to the service providers; for example, there was a case that some women were lured by brokers to get out from shelter for extortion, then the family informed officials and a multi-disciplinary team assisted her and the offender was arrested.

Question 2

The initiative should improve people’s lives, notably by enhancing the contribution of public services to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the realization of the SDGs
a. Please explain how the initiative improves the delivery of public services (200 words maximum)
2.1.1) Client-centered: by Outside In listening which led to effective fact-finding not just “every Rohingya wants to go Malaysia” but the need to identify their problems and needs. The male Rohingya needs to secure their life, have sufficient income and send money back home, while female Rohingya usually rely on men or family leaders in order to make decisions or resolve problems. Female always ask where her husband is and she has to be there. For children, every child needs to be with family and developed at the proper age. 2.1.2) The Shelter does not force the beneficiaries to get the service, but allow the beneficiaries fully participation of making decision. 2.1.3) Integrate of budget, community resources for filling the gap and setting up of comprehensive services

Question 3

The initiative must impact positively a group or groups of the population (i.e. children, women, elderly, people with disability, etc) and address a significant issue of public service delivery within the context of a given country or region.
a. Please explain how the initiative has addressed a significant issue related to the delivery of public services (200 words maximum)
3.1.1) Equally providing resource and service: Beneficiaries can equally access to social service alight with the Human Rights 3.1.2) Building cooperation from community and working network 1. Engage beneficiaries by providing opportunities to join in the community-based activities 2. Promote understanding by supporting the community services i.e. cleaning mosque, graveyards, elderly/disabled houses, and farming. 3. Strengthening the supporting system of the community and civil society to reach the beneficiaries - Reduce the work process of the supporting network - Establish reporting system; - Provide budget and seek support from networks to do activities at community.
b. Please explain how the initiative has impacted positively a group or groups of the population within the context of your country or region (200 words maximum)
Community is people, government & private service provider, civil society, Myanmar living in Thai local community, indigenous people groups (Moklen or sea gypsy) and the other disadvantage. - Participate in some activity or assist others: feeling happy when giving and sharing - Community feels safer - No escape from shelter caused by pressured or unknowingly. - Community becomes stronger, living in harmony and able to provide resources and assists Region - Reduce dependency of the Rohingya so they are not become a burden of the regional - The Rohingya ready to be a good member of society and contribute themselves to a global society. - No conflict among people in the region as Thailand does not send the refugees to Malaysia or send them back to Myanmar

Question 4

The initiative must present an innovative idea, a distinctively new approach, or a unique policy or approach implemented in order to realize the SDGs in the context of a given country or region.
a. Please explain in which way the initiative is innovative in the context of your country or region (200 words maximum)
Temporary providing of the Rohingya with protection and does not send them back without consent in order to save them from ethnic cleansing. The service of innovation, therefore, align with the access of the disadvantages and marginalizes and to be able to equally provide services and allow the participation. Because; 1) The Rohingya are accessible to fundamental human rights’ services without discrimination 2) Increasing of public sense of responsibility which can resulting in promotion of community networks and helping system. This is not limited to The Rohingya but the other disadvantages. 3) Networks are integrated and engaged to one another, so it can reduce the process, easily access in addressing problem by developing services system and resources management to be used when it’s need to address problem sustainably.

Question 4b

b. Please describe if the innovation is original or if it is an adaptation from other contexts (If it is known)? (200 words maximum)
4.2.1 This innovation has been turned to a book “Lessons learned of assistance The Rohingya in crisis” of Phang Nga Shelter for Children and Family. The book complied of success of cases and the management to found that The Rohingya in the Shelter satisfied with services, no thinking of escape, responsible for themselves and with the place and feeling like their second home. Most are willing to wait for safe repatriation and resettlement. 4.2.2 The Shelter is recognized by groups of people as the model shelter. There are lot of visitors come and study the services that applied the concept of human rights for the refugees. 4.2.3 The Shelter is a role model among other shelters that provide services to the Rohingya. The Phang Nga Shelter always considers individual identity and open for networking to be integrated into their work.

Question 4c

c. What resources (i.e. financial, human , material or other resources, etc) were used to implement the initiative? (200 words maximum)
1) Government: providing of support through budget allocation - Social Protection: Phang Nga & Ranong Immigration Office - Health: Takuapa Hospital, Khuek Khak Health Promoting Hospital - Education: Ban Bang Niang School, Wat Kommaneeyakhet School - Economic: Department of Provincial Administration and Takuapa District Office organized community markets for the Rohingya to sell their products. 2) NGO network and International Organization: providing budget and human resources in conducting activities addressing the need of beneficiaries in case of the government cannot provide. - Local NGO: Foundation for Education and Development, Diocesan Social Action Centre of Surattani Catholic Foundation - Organizations outside of Phang Nga : Muslim for Peace Foundation from Phuket, Sheikhul Islam Office, Save the Children International Thailand, Women Foundation, GABFAI Group, the Rohingya Network Thailand 3) Civil Society Organization and Community: supporting food & non-food items, volunteer and opportunity for learning - Sub-district Administrative Organisation (SAO) e.g. Khuek Khak SAO, Lam Kaen SAO - Local Private Sector: Hotels, Supermarket in Takuapa and Phuket - Muslim and non-Muslim volunteers within and outside of Phang Nga, the retirees to teach the handcraft making, foreign volunteers to teach English, volunteers to teach about garments, the Thais and community to support Rohingya’s products

Question 5

The initiative should be adaptable to other contexts (e.g. other cities, countries or regions). There may already be evidence that it has inspired similar innovations in other public-sector institutions within a given country, region or at the global level.
a. Has the initiative been transferred to other contexts?
5.1.1 This innovation can be used with all target groups and several kind of services. The Shelter has adapted and applied this innovation to the groups of Irregular Migration Sea Crisis in 2014 for fact finding process of 53 migrants with collaboration from GO, NGOs, Private Sectors and CSO in sharing of understanding, build up trust throughout the process. 81 migrants were assisted and the community member’s way of thinking toward the migrants has been changed, while the process is adapted. 5.1.2 This innovation, later, has been expanded and developed. The exchange of information both direct and indirect has been implemented from province to province resulting in the trafficker were arrested and the victims on the boat and hidden in the truck were saved. There were an investigation for the case of human trafficking at Songkhla province that lead to 153 suspects were charged by Thai police.

Question 6

The initiative should be able to be sustained over a significant period of time.
a. Please describe whether and how the initiative is sustainable (covering the social, economic and environmental aspects) (300 words maximum)
The development focusing on economic, social and environment for effective management, will sustain is not by the shelter only, but all stakeholders and the use of the expertise, responsibilities, having the same goals which is “the Well-being” of the beneficiaries. 6.1.1 In consistent to the prosperity, by having SDGs10 Reduced Inequalities as an ultimate goal. The beneficiaries will be threat equally and thoroughly with humanitarian aspects. 6.1.2 In consistent with social dimension, The beneficiaries get proper and sufficient sanitation system e.g. Electricity, water, logistical and can connect with the world by technology as they need. 6.1.3 In consistent with sustainable environment management 1) Everyone understands about world pollution and is aware of waste segregation which not only concern about the environment, but also make the boys and moms more economically secure. 2) Food security management by food preservation such as do fishing and dried the fish they caught. 3) The Rohingya women and children does planting according to the goal of sustainable development.
b. Please describe whether and how the initiative is sustainable in terms of durability in time (300 words maximum)
- Confronting with the attitude towards refuges as a ‘burden’, we believe that everyone has potential and able to be developed. So the practices to the refugees has been changed and beneficiaries can be trusted, accepted and able to participate in every steps. - Sustainability of service coming from the community and the network that they aware of their roles in resolving the problems. So, there were no trafficking or exploitation. - For the future, if there were a case of refugees in community, the integration and engagement will be working automatically in order to support those refugees or other disadvantages in community.

Question 7

The initiative should have gone through a formal evaluation, showing some evidence of impact on improving people’s lives.
a. Has the initiative been formally evaluated?
If yes, please describe how the initiative was evaluated? (200 words maximum)
Unofficial Evaluation 1) Individual observation 2) Individual talking or interview, exchanging of information from the big group. The beneficiaries participated in self-evaluation. 3) Reflection from stakeholder; people, family, school and mosque. Official Evaluation 1) From the satisfaction of some activities by the ‘face of feelings’ which led to improve the activities and services correctly and in timely manners. 2) From the evaluation of organizer by the results and problem during/after each activity so that we can terminate the activity, adjust or improve.
b. Please describe the outcome of the evaluation of the impact of the initiative (200 words maximum)
1) Impact to beneficiaries and their families - Accepting the services provided for them and willing to participate for next. - Satisfied the services provided and trusted, not trying to escape or resistance because they feel safe, having sense of belonging, responsible for themselves and the place, community. 2) Impact to service provider/community/working network - Established a resource management system and provided effective and equal services thoroughly - Evaluation as a part of participation - If there is a problem, the working network can response to the problems according to their expertise.
c. Please describe the indicators that were used (200 words maximum)
7.3.1 Budget indicator (Budget reduction) The cost of Shelter has been reduced because the shelter had receiving support of working network as follows: 1) Maintenance and construction of infrastructure such as public utilities, consumable materials, medical instrument, medicine, medical fees, vaccination, educational material and equipment to promote physical and mental health 2) Capacity building to the staff of the shelter. 7.3.2 Value indicator (change) 1) Since 2015, there were no report of escape. Currently there are 16 refugees under Shelter. They’re willing to residing in Shelter and believe that Royal Thai Government and networks can help them to safely resettle or repatriate, so they can build new lives. The beneficiaries were resettled and sent good feedback and gratitude to the Shelter. 2) The friendly resource sharing in community in consistent with human rights and refugees needs which is caused by cooperation and integration between RTG, private sector, CSO and International network. 3) Every Rohingya children can access school and capacity building activity. 4) All Rohingya women were educated and got a chance to show their abilities and able to decide for their live. 5) Identity of the Rohingya still exists , proud of themselves and having and living with dignity.

Question 8

The initiative must demonstrate that it has engaged various actors such as from other institutions, civil society, or the private sector, when possible.
a. The 2030 Development Agenda puts emphasis on collaboration, engagement, coordination, partnerships, and inclusion. Please describe what stakeholders were engaged in designing, implementing and evaluating the initiative. Please also highlight their roles and contributions (300 words maximum)
(1) Adjust the attitude of staff to understand the beneficiaries by organizing activity by Muslim for Peace Foundation, Sheikhul Islam Office, The Rohingya Interpreter and The Rohingya Thailand Association. (2) Provide a multi-disciplinary team for fact finding to identify needs of protection and assist. Families seeking collaboration receiving from various sectors. The beneficiaries are acknowledged and participated in the processes. (4) Promote integration of resources between the community and working networks in order to fill the gaps. Physical Health - When in the Shelter, Takuapa Public Health Office will come for initial medical check-up, blood test, first-aid and provide medicine. The Public Health Office and the Health Promoting Hospital conducts a check-ups once a week. In case of pregnancy, refugees will get services until giving birth. Khuek Khak Municipaility Office will provide services for clean water and garbage collection daily. - NGO, DISAC also promoted good hygiene and sanitation. - Intergovernmental Organization, will also provide medical check-ups including oral, breast and cervical cancer examinations and mental health assessments. However, beneficiaries able to choose to get the services they needs. Education and Learning - Currently, children able go to school. Before, they were sent to a learning centres operated by Foundation for Education and Development (FED) to learn Thai. Some scholarships and learning materials are provided by many organizations. - Life-Long Education for The Rohingya children and women was supported by many organizations. Psychosocial Development & Empowerment - The beneficiaries are invited for cultural exchange activity and selling their products. - Family relation promotion, the Shelter received the cooperation from Phang Nga and Ranong Immigration and others for family visits between the two provinces. - Psychosocial support team provide psychologist to enhance capacity of beneficiaries, rehabilitation and provided activities’ material which beneficiaries can freely use.

Question 9

a. Please describe the key lessons learned, and any view you have on how to further improve the initiative (200 words maximum)
1) Key Lessons - The ethnic discrimination issue not only occurred in Thailand or one Region, but become an international issue. The key to address this issue sustainably is that every single man and woman has to get proper potential enhancement and the community must accept and fully understood. Moreover, the actors or service providers must be an effective coordinator. -The “Learning by doing” method and the participation principle focusing on the beneficiaries, families, communities and working network both domestic and international are very important. 2) Things to improve - Human Trafficking is one of the factors that caused irregular migration from Myanmar and Bangladesh to Thailand. To solve this problem, the community in the transit location needs to have effective monitoring system, the officials need to take action seriously to counter trafficking and to prevention the problem. 3) Expectations - All Rohingya are in the process of resettlement, some preparing to move. - If the government allows the Rohingya, who are in the process of rehabilitation, to work or live with family. Thai people may not thinking toward the Rohingya as trouble-maker or burden. They can and have human dignity and become member of world.

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