Question 1
Please provide a brief summary of the initiative including the problems/challenges it addressed and the solutions that the initiative introduced (300 words maximum)
-Gujarat is a developing agrarian state and the number of agricultural pumps has been constantly increasing in the State. The Government of Gujarat has introduced the scheme KHUSHY- “Kishan Hit Urja Shakti Yojana” in Aug-2008. This scheme is technically the High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS). The HVDS, basically is reduction of LT Lines up to negligible Level by converting it into HV Line.
-In older LT distribution system, long LT lines were put in place that caused significant line losses, voltage fluctuations, Poor voltage regulation, Over-loaded DTRs and lines, high Transformer failure rate, etc. resulting in consumer grievances and loss of revenue to the utility.
-Through HVDS, the smaller Capacity Distribution Transformers have been installed in place of large capacity DTR, thereby eliminating a group of consumers, i.e. individual transformer to individual customer largely. Also smaller groups of nearby agriculture connections are formed without LT line network. In HVDS, 11 kV line will be laid up to the consumer point and will replace existing 63 KVA or 100 kVA transformers with smaller capacity 3-phase DTR(s) of 10KVA/16KVA or 25KVA serving only one (or a smaller groups of) agricultural consumer(s) from each DTR.
-Through the HVDS System, existing LT distribution network is replaced by High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) to ensure minimum technical loss as well as put restrictions on electricity theft. Also new agricultural pump connections are given through the KHUSHY (HVDS) scheme instead of LT line network. This has resulted in reduction of transmission and distribution (both technical and commercial) losses as well as reduction in Distribution Transformer failure rate.
-Since Aug 2008 to Dec-2017, 543 11 KV Agriculture Feeders have been converted to HVDS through KHUSHY Scheme.
-The outcome of KHUSHY is in Reduction of Line Losses, commercial losses and transformer failure rate. The faults on LT Lines are eliminated as most of the new LT Lines are with ABC/PVC Cables. The registered customers feel ownership of the transformers and take responsibility and not allow others to meddle with their Transformer. AG consumers are getting good quality of supply since there is practically no LT voltage drop. The farmers issues such as motor burning are now almost eliminated due to good voltage profile.
a. What are the overall objectives of the initiative?
Please describe the overall objectives of the initiative (200 words maximum)
-The Government of Gujarat - through a programme named as “Kisan Hit Urja Shakti Yojana” (KHUSHY) has implemented High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) in place of Low Voltage Distribution System (LVDS) on identified agricultural feeders.
-KHUSHY (Kisan Hit Urja Shakti Yojana) is a scheme including High Voltage Distribution System with an objective to address various issues related to LT line network like poor voltage regulation, interruptions in power supply, high failure rate of Distribution Transformer, Burning of motor of pumpset used by farmers due to poor voltage regulation, less water output, high percent of distribution losses and consumers grievance.
-Technically the scheme involves running HV line up to the consumers’ premises and installing smaller size of distribution transformers matching with the load demand of individual consumer or very small group of consumers.
-The scheme has been largely implemented in the Agriculture Sector of Gujarat. It was first rolled out in the year 2008-09. The scheme’s objective is to improve voltage profile as well as reduction in Technical loss and associated Commercial Loss, reduction in interruptions, reduction in pilfering of power through hooking, reduction in transformer failure incidents and additionally reduction in motor and starter failures and increase in crop yield.
-The scheme had been designed to benefit both the agricultural consumers as a result of uninterrupted power supply with consistent voltage as well as the distribution companies in the long run due to drastic decrease in transmission and distribution losses.
b. How does the initiative fit within the selected category?
Please describe how the initiative is linked to the criteria of the category (200 words maximum)
-The selected category is Reaching the poorest & most vulnerable through inclusive service & partnerships
-This scheme is basically for the farmers, who are the beneficiaries from the scheme, to resolve their issues related to Power supply and obtain better yield in agriculture produce.
-Through “KHUSHY” scheme, dedicated transformer center and other equipments are installed mostly exclusively for Agriculture category individual consumers, which ultimately creates feel of special consideration as customer by utility as well as ownership of plant and equipments installed by utility.
-It has been seen that agriculture category consumer takes enough care for distribution transformer being an exclusive installation for consumer under this scheme.
-It is observed that failure of motor and starters being used by farmers for irrigation purpose has been decreased significantly due to better voltage profile and interruption free power supply feeding, which became possible by implementation of KHUSHY.
-Due to better voltage profile and interruption free power supply, it became possible to consistently irrigate farm land on regular basis as per scheduled irrigation cycles set by farmer, which ultimately resulted in better crop yield reducing chances of crop failure to almost negligible level.
Question 2
The initiative should improve people’s lives, notably by enhancing the contribution of public services to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the realization of the SDGs
a. Please explain how the initiative improves the delivery of public services (200 words maximum)
-“KHUSHY” initiative has notably improved people’s lives and the scheme has contributed a lot to farmers in form of getting consistent and better quality power supply for farm irrigation purpose. Farmer’s grievance towards utility companies due to poor quality and inconsistent power supply for farm irrigation purpose has been drastically reduced.
-The consistent nature of power supply with appropriate voltage profile to irrigation sector in the state has benefitted farmers in getting better crop yield creating confidence in farmers for their crop yield and ultimately their remuneration from crop yield as they are now able to forecast their crop yield and set prices accordingly fetching higher earnings from their agriculture crops.
-The scheme promotes sustainability by reducing distribution losses drastically which were quiet higher in prevailing LT distribution system. Inherently the efficiency of high voltage distribution system is higher than low voltage distribution system, saving considerably on distribution losses thereby resulting in saving on fossil fuel for power generation.
-Higher reliability of high voltage distribution system resulted in stable and quality power supply to the end consumer, i.e. farmers, who used power for running electric motor pump sets for farm irrigation helped them save considerably on reduce motor and pump repair and maintenance expenses.
Question 3
The initiative must impact positively a group or groups of the population (i.e. children, women, elderly, people with disability, etc) and address a significant issue of public service delivery within the context of a given country or region.
a. Please explain how the initiative has addressed a significant issue related to the delivery of public services (200 words maximum)
-The primary objective of the project was to provide farmers with all power distribution related benefits, since crop output & yield are directly dependent on the electricity to fetch ground water. The survey results show that 43% of the customers agree that the crop output and yield has increased after the implementation of KHUSHY.
-Availability of free time: The overall outcome states that nearly 70% consumers strongly agree with the increase in availability of free time after the implementation of the KHUSHY scheme. It was found that after the implementation of the KHUSHY scheme, the power supply to the consumers was distributed as per schedule & timings which was an advantage for them. The free time which was available with the consumers after the implementation are utilized by them for other work & revenue generating activities, also with a possibility to start a small shop/business to increase their sources of income which will be ultimately helping them & their families to enhance the lifestyle and standards of living.
b. Please explain how the initiative has impacted positively a group or groups of the population within the context of your country or region (200 words maximum)
-Agriculture sector in Gujarat is heavily dependent on ground water for irrigation, i.e. nearly 70-75% of total land under irrigation in the state is being irrigated using open well water or bore well water. Remaining land is being irrigated either by canal water or by other means. This fact means that farmers using ground water for irrigation purpose need stable quality power supply for lifting the ground water for irrigating farms.
-“KHUSHY” scheme has facilitated electricity distribution companies of the state to supply managed, stable and quality power supply efficiently to agriculture sector consumers which they always needed for efficient farm irrigation purpose.
-This scheme has benefited agriculture sector consumers enabling them to manage their agriculture business more efficiently with planning in direction of managing desired crop cycle during the entire year, yielding higher crop and higher income from their hard work towards farming.
-Thus “KHUSHY” scheme is quiet successful in addressing various issues earlier being faced by agriculture sector consumers of Gujarat. The scheme has quite successfully resolved power supply related issues and ultimately imposed positive impacts on irrigation of crops across the state.
Question 4
The initiative must present an innovative idea, a distinctively new approach, or a unique policy or approach implemented in order to realize the SDGs in the context of a given country or region.
a. Please explain in which way the initiative is innovative in the context of your country or region (200 words maximum)
Conventionally Gujarat DISCOMs have relied on low tension (LT) electricity distribution system using large capacity distribution transformers (DTRs), usually of 63 kVA or 100 kVA capacity which helps serve a large number of consumers from a single DTR thereby minimizing the investments required in distribution infrastructure. This system is useful when catering to high load density urban areas where high concentration of consumers requires LT lines to cover only short distances. On the other hand, in agricultural dominated area, the consumer concentration is dispersed over relatively larger geographical area.
The LT system before HVDS had following problems:
-High LT/HT Ratio of network length;
-Over-loaded DTRs and lines;
-Voltage profile and reliability are also unsatisfactory
-Unaccountability at Feeder level
-Distribution (Technical and Commercial) Losses are very high
-Transformer failure rate is also high
In HVDS, 11 kV line will be laid up to the consumer point and will replace existing 63/100 kVA transformers with smaller capacity 3-phase DTR(s) serving only one (or a smaller groups of) agricultural consumer(s) from each DTR.
Question 4b
b. Please describe if the innovation is original or if it is an adaptation from other contexts (If it is known)? (200 words maximum)
-“KHUSHY” scheme is basically high voltage distribution system where, existing power supply lines of agriculture sector of Gujarat having low voltage distribution system have been converted into high voltage distribution system configuration.
-The high Voltage distribution system is a system of electricity distribution in practice in North America, and Gujarat has proved to be forefront in adapting this system of electricity distribution in India by introduction of the scheme for agriculture sector in year 2008-09.
-In India, Gujarat has proved to be the state having zeal of adapting innovative approaches in electricity sector by introducing various schemes and projects of modernization, up-gradation, capacity enhancement, and sustainable solutions since many years
-Total Agriculture Consumers as on Dec-17: 14.50 lakh
-Agriculture Consumers facilitated through HVDS system as on Dec-17: 8.20 lakh i.e. 56%
Question 4c
c. What resources (i.e. financial, human , material or other resources, etc) were used to implement the initiative? (200 words maximum)
To improve Voltage profile in rural areas for existing Agriculture Connections, the small capacity of Distribution Transformers are to be installed by extending 11KV Line to the nearest possible load and Distribution Transformer of the capacity of 10, 16, 25 KVA are erected and supply is released to consumer through a short length of LT Lines preferably through insulated overhead cables known as Aerial Bunched Cable (ABC)/PVC Cable to provide quality power supply in place of higher capacity transformers.
The scheme work is being executed department wise. The material required has been purchased by DISCOMs well in advance through tenderization.
Partners / Stakeholders:
-Govt. of Gujarat, subsidiary DISCOMs of GUVNL, Contractors and their labours
Standards of assistance, equipments, subsidies, amount etc.
-For implementation of KHUSHY under existing Agriculture Feeder network, budget provided from State Govt.’s Energy conservation Grant.
-Further, for PGVCL a special Fund sanctioned since 2009-10 for KHUSHY.
-Since 2008-09, new Agriculture connections are also being released as per HVDS (KHUSHY) method, from DISCOM fund.
Question 5
The initiative should be adaptable to other contexts (e.g. other cities, countries or regions). There may already be evidence that it has inspired similar innovations in other public-sector institutions within a given country, region or at the global level.
a. Has the initiative been transferred to other contexts?
Looking at the benefits of HVDS scheme observed in Agriculture area like reduction of Dist. Losses, reduction of line faults, improved availability of power supply etc, the scheme HVDS has also been implemented in urban areas under IPDS / R-APDRP scheme and in rural areas under DDUGJY scheme of Government of India.
Question 6
The initiative should be able to be sustained over a significant period of time.
a. Please describe whether and how the initiative is sustainable (covering the social, economic and environmental aspects) (300 words maximum)
-Out of the 3865 beneficiaries surveyed, 99% of them are happy & satisfied with the implementation of the KHUSHY Scheme and have expressed their interest and willingness in support and continuation of the scheme in other parts of the state.
-“KHUSHY” scheme in itself has derived to be beneficial in terms of considerable reduction in technical losses and associated commercial losses which is the biggest factor that can be considered in terms of sustainability goals, as implementation of system is a great means to save fossil fuel used in electricity generation. In addition due to reduced interruption and quality power supply, consumer satisfaction level has increased as this enabled farmers of agriculture sector to better forecast their crop yield and crop pattern round the year fetching increased agriculture income.
-Due to improved power supply quality after implementation of the scheme, incidents of motor, pump and motor starter failure have been reduced drastically. The hassles being faced by agriculture sector community have been reduced and they have been able to concentrate on their core business i.e. farming.
-Looking at above factors, it is justified that the initiative is sustainable and can be extended to other sectors.
b. Please describe whether and how the initiative is sustainable in terms of durability in time (300 words maximum)
-“KHUSHY” scheme in itself has derived to be beneficial in terms of considerable reduction in technical losses and associated commercial losses which is the biggest factor that can be considered in terms of sustainability goals. Due to reduction in losses, associated problems of low voltage distribution system such as higher interruption level, distribution line conductor snapping occurrences, poor network health, transformer failure, motor, pump failure have been reduced considerably resulting in better consumer satisfaction and efficient network management for utility companies of the state
-Life of associated plants and equipment are deemed to be increased looking at the above benefits reaped after implementation of the scheme across the state.
-Due to direct benefits extended to the agriculture sector community, in terms of reduced motor, pump and starter failure and higher crop yield and better crop management round the year, this scheme is being favoured by the agriculture community of the state.
-Looking to above factors, it is justified that, initiative is sustainable in terms of durability in time.
Question 7
The initiative should have gone through a formal evaluation, showing some evidence of impact on improving people’s lives.
a. Has the initiative been formally evaluated?
If yes, please describe how the initiative was evaluated? (200 words maximum)
Yes. Cost Benefit Analysis of KHUSHY is awarded to M/s. Mott MacDonald.
b. Please describe the outcome of the evaluation of the impact of the initiative (200 words maximum)
The findings on analysis carried out by M/s. Mott MacDonald are as under
-There has been a major improvement in the voltage level/quality after the implementation of KHUSHY.
-The incidences of line breaks and unscheduled shutdowns have also drastically decreased after implementation of KHUSHY.
-The transformer failures have decreased drastically after the implementation of KHUSHY.
-More than 98% of the customers either agree or strongly agree that the incidents of hooking have reduced after the implementation of the scheme.
-About 43% of the customers agree that the crop output and yield has increased after the implementation of KHUSHY
-The frequency of Motor Failures and Motor Starter Failures has dipped drastically and the customers are saving money that was previously spent on maintenance
-Satisfied with the implementation of the KHUSHY Scheme and have expressed their interest and willingness in support and continuation of the scheme
-It is observed that there is a saving in excess of INR 360 Million to farmers only by way of reduction in motor and motor starter failure expenses. In addition to this, there have been man-day savings which is now used by farmers in other productive work like different livelihood and spending more time with their family.
-The implementation of the scheme had resulted into significant benefits for two DISCOMs of Gujarat (UGVCL & PGVCL). The payback of investment after considering the cost of capital associated with share capital is reasonable as per industry standards and practice for schemes which have far reaching social significance.
-It is recommended by the evaluating agency that, since the implementation of scheme has accrued monetary benefits for some of the DISCOMs, the scheme should be implemented in line with rationale of converting high-loss Agriculture LVDS feeders into HVDS feeders
c. Please describe the indicators that were used (200 words maximum)
-Overall Voltage Level/Quality
There has been a major improvement in the voltage level/quality after the implementation of KHUSHY. The continuity of power supply would not be effective in absence of low or constantly fluctuating voltage. The effectiveness of the implementation of the scheme on this parameter is crucial and has led to improved satisfaction levels of the customers.
-Line break/Unscheduled Breakdowns
The incidences of line breaks and unscheduled shutdowns have also drastically decreased after implementation of KHUSHY.
-Incidents of Hooking
One of the objectives was to minimize the theft and pilferage account for a substantial part of the high transmission and distribution losses. The various steps and technical interventions during the scheme have made it cumbersome for the customers indulged in such activities.
-Crop Output & Yield
The primary objective of the project was to provide consumers with uninterrupted and quality Power related benefits. The Crop output & yield are directly dependent on the monsoon & weather conditions. The electricity has little impact on the crop yield especially in cases where the level of underground water is low.
-Transformer Failure
The transformer failures have decreased drastically after the implementation of KHUSHY. Majority of the surveyed customers either agree or strongly agree to the statement that the transformer failures have reduced after the implementation of the scheme. The survey results show that majority of the customers experienced transformer failures around 3-5 times while other few experienced them more than 5 times. After the implementation of KHUSHY all the surveyed customers experienced transformer failures in the bracket of 0-2 times. The results hence show that there has been a considerable decrease in transformer failures after the implementation of KHUSHY. The results also show that there has been a considerable decrease in average days lost per transformer failure after the implementation of KHUSHY.
-Motor Failure
The survey results show that a major portion of the customers experienced motor failures around 3-5 times while other few experienced it more than 5 times. After the implementation of KHUSHY all the surveyed customers experienced motor failures in the bracket of 0-2 times. The results hence show that there has been a considerable decrease in motor failure after the implementation of KHUSHY. The results also show that there has been a considerable decrease in average days lost per motor failure after the implementation of KHUSHY. The results hence show that there has been a considerable decrease in expenses incurred on motor failures after the implementation of KHUSHY.
Question 8
The initiative must demonstrate that it has engaged various actors such as from other institutions, civil society, or the private sector, when possible.
a. The 2030 Development Agenda puts emphasis on collaboration, engagement, coordination, partnerships, and inclusion. Please describe what stakeholders were engaged in designing, implementing and evaluating the initiative. Please also highlight their roles and contributions (300 words maximum)
-Implementation of “KHUSHY” scheme has taken care of inclusion of concerned stakeholders from all the sectors of society. The Initiative is taken by Government of Gujarat and under the guidance the entire scheme is formulated by DISCOMs for execution on pilot basis.
-After successful implementation of the pilot project by DISCOMs, through outsourced contractors and departmental persons, the scheme is extended further involving more number of contractors and department personnel for proper execution of the extended projects.
-As the scheme is mainly addressed to agriculture community of the state, people of agriculture communities, their institutions, associations from across the state have been involved in propagating awareness about benefits of the scheme for the targeted beneficiary community.
-Engineers of DISCOMs have formulated projects of the scheme based on set criteria for feeder selection followed by approvals and planning for execution of the projects. Contractors have been engaged for intended works for converting low voltage distribution lines to high voltage distribution lines and they have successfully expedited the projects sticking to the time line set.
-Formal awareness sessions have been arranged by DISCOMs to build awareness about the benefits of the scheme to avoid and appropriately convince any grievances from people of agriculture community of the state.
Question 9
a. Please describe the key lessons learned, and any view you have on how to further improve the initiative (200 words maximum)
The implementation of “KHUSHY” scheme have benefitted consumers of agriculture sector as well as utility companies of the state.
Key lessons learned from implementation of the scheme are:
-High voltage distribution system is beneficial when implemented stage-wise starting from high loss sections to low loss sections of electricity distribution networks.
-Strategic implementation of the scheme is utmost necessary to reap maximum monetary benefits simultaneously to both consumers of agriculture community and utility companies.
-Implementation and further extension of this scheme would help achieve sustainability goals.
-Implementation of the scheme have resulted in monetary benefits both to consumers of agriculture sector as well as utility companies hence, these monetary benefits can be utilized by distribution companies to restructure tariffs on long runs which may lessen financial burden on consumers.
The initiative can be further improved by associating it with advanced technology equipments such as advanced connected metering, protection equipments and cloud
based monitoring systems.