Question 1
Please briefly describe the initiative, what issue or challenge it aims to address and specify its objectives. (300 words maximum)
The Office of National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC) has shown report of Gross Regional and Provincial Product in 2017 which indicated that Kalasin Province had Gross Provincial Product per capita (or GPP per capita) of just 51,147 Baht per year, ranking the 5th from the bottom of all provinces in Thailand. Moreover, Poverty Ratio of Kalasin Province stood at 31.99%, which is considered high and ranked the 4th of the nation. In addition, NESDC's report from 2007 has shown Kalasin province's GPP per capita found that the problem of poverty of Thailand has been effected to 1.5 billion of Thais and the majority of them 80% lived in north-eastern region of Thailand or Esan, who has earned income ratio only 19% of National GPP.
Kalasin’s Provincial Government is aware of the problems and has strived to mitigate the problems urgently and eradicate the problem within 2022 by integrating all stakeholders into the process. Solving poverty is put in the Provincial Agenda which aims to improve quality of life for the poor under Kalasin Happiness Model : Leaving no one behind 2018 - 2022 in 1st strategic in term of Improving fundamental quality of life for the underprivileged in order to specify goals, strategies, KPIs, targets and activities to strive into achieve the objectives and specification goals.
Question 2
Please explain how the initiative is linked to the selected category. (100 words maximum)
Kalasin’s Happiness Model is aligned with the category “Promoting integrated mechanism for sustainable development” as it focuses on eliminating poverty, reducing inequality in the society, and increasing Gross Provincial Products, by bringing the concept of people participation and community centered approach into the main part of the work in order to create “Community Welfare System by the Community for Community”. The envisaged result is that the community is strong from within and able to solve the community problems by themselves, without seeking assistance from government agencies all the time. As such, the community becomes sustainable.
Question 3
a. Please specify which SDGs and target(s) the initiative supports and describe concretely how the initiative has contributed to their implementation. (200 words maximum)
Related SDGs Goals are as follows:
(1) Goal 1 : No Poverty
(2) Goal 17 : Partnership for the Goals
Implementation target is to assist poor households, fully improve the fundamental quality of life to 100%, and to increase Gross Provincial Products by supporting those poor households to earn average income of more than 7% a year. These will be carried out based on the following guidelines:
(1) Solving poverty process and creating related mechanism
(2) Searching for needs
(3) Improving 6 fundamental areas (state welfare, residence, liability, occupational supports, healthcare, and justice)
(4) Sustainability management through Sufficiency Economy Philosophy.
b. Please describe what makes the initiative sustainable in social, economic and environmental terms. (100 words maximum)
Society : Improving fundamental quality of life for the poor aims to 1) enhance life security of poor households according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and 2) create a safe, fair, and equal society by focusing on equal access to the justice system.
Economy : Focus on increasing the productivity of the manufacturing sector and adding value to agricultural and industrial sectors, tourism, education, and culture. The main target group consists of farmers, entrepreneurs, labors, educators, and students.
Environment : Increasing green zone and reducing burned areas.
Question 4
a. Please explain how the initiative has addressed a significant shortfall in governance, public administration or public service within the context of a given country or region. (200 words maximum)
Kalasin’s happiness model: leaving no one behind focuses on partnership cooperation and people-centered approach throughout the process. As problems and needs arise from the residents of the community, the community members themselves will search for the poor households and determine the solutions, as well as lending assistance of various aspects to the troubled households without waiting for government budget or support. For example, to help the homeless, the community members may discuss and agree to donate materials, equipment, and money, or provide manpower in order to help build houses. For those who need equipment or working instruments, such as fishing boats, the community members may donate in cash or in kind to that particular households. The whole process from identifying the problems to determining the solutions happens within the community, thus, fostering the strength and sustainability of the community.
b. Please describe how your initiative addresses gender inequality in the country context. (100 words maximum)
The implementation of Kalasin’s Happiness Model : Leaving no one behind’ is conducted without bias against gender. This is because the assistance process involves all stakeholders and does not take into account the gender proportion in the poor households or in the troubleshooting process. This method ensures true equality. (Outcome)
c. Please describe who the target group(s) were, and explain how the initiative improved outcomes for these target groups. (200 words maximum)
It is founded that the poor households or the target group for poverty improvement in Kalasin Province make up 3,292 households from 18 Districts. The Provincial Government is able to provide assistance equal to 100% in all 6 aspects of needs (state welfare, residential, liability, occupational support, healthcare, and justice). In addition, the Provincial Government is able to raise income of the poor households from 2,465 to 2,761 baht/head/month (an increase of 8.24%).
The fact that this method of poverty solving centers on public participation contributes to the strength of the community as the community could tackle the poverty problems on their own. Therefore, unity is created and that underlines sustainability in overcoming poverty issue (Positive impact).
Question 5
a. Please describe how the initiative was implemented including key developments and steps, monitoring and evaluation activities, and the chronology. (300 words)
(1) Implementation guidelines consist of 4 procedures as follows:
1) Awareness creation in all sectors and partnership promotion in devising mechanism to tackle poverty problems
2) Poor households searching through community cooperation
3) Improvement of and assistance to the poor households in 6 aspects: state welfare, residential, liability, occupational support, healthcare, and justice, with all sectors taking part in the process.
4)Sustainability in solving poverty, by using the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy to assess awareness, and continuously monitor and evaluate the outcomes, as well as creating a successful prototype to help out other poor households.
(2) One of the key steps in solving poverty problems is to identify the poor households or the searching process. In this regard, the Provincial Government allows the community to select and utilize information technology such as the use of KHM V.1.3 program to solve poverty problems.
(3) Continuous monitoring and evaluation process ensures the project performance of the community. The review will suggest what to improve and what to further foster. There are three levels of participation: household, district, and province.
b. Please clearly explain the obstacles encountered and how they were overcome. (100 words)
(1) The identification problems of household for giving assistance. This is mainly due to the lack of statistics. NESDC does not provide the information in depth to the personal level. Accordingly, Community Public Participation, has been employed as the main method in searching for the really poor families. The Provincial Government believes that “the community knows best which family is rich or poor.”
(2) The information overload. There is too much information which makes it difficult for monitoring and evaluation. This could be solved by using the KHM V.1.3 Program to collect data, analyze, process, and report.
Question 6
a. Please explain in what ways the initiative is innovative in the context of your country or region. (100 words maximum)
(1) The processing thought for Poverty households progression The people in the community find themselves in poverty households has been made accuracy searching for poverty households.
(2) The program was conceived and created KHM V.1.3 for use in storing log data collection and processing included analysis needs of poverty households, reduces a lot of information has been made data analysis is accurate, fast and efficient.
b. Please describe, if relevant, how the initiative drew inspiration from successful initiative in other regions, countries and localities. (100 words maximum)
It is difficult to identify the poor households as there is no clear standard of principle. Moreover, information problems have affected the analysis and reporting, which has led to ineffective decision making and delaying. Therefore, the Provincial Government has resorted to people participation by all sectors partnership. This, in turn, brings about innovation as mentioned.
Question 7
a. Has the initiative been transferred and/or adapted to other contexts (e.g. other cities, countries or regions) to your organization’s knowledge? If yes, please explain where and how. (200 words maximum)
Submit an entry State Excellence Award in The participatory governance branch 2019, in Achievement Public Participation category award (Effective Change) won the "outstanding".
b. If not yet transferred/adapted to other contexts, please describe the potential for transferability. (200 words maximum)
Kalasin province did not transferred knowledge or adapted to other contexts as a experter yet, because of Kalasin province has been promoting and annoucing the project so far by acting.
so, in term of transformation the knowledge, there are another city has contacted to Kalasin province for assistance in order to adapt in their city such as, Surin Province including the Prime Miniser's office and Ministry of Interior.
By the way, we beleive that in order to eraducate poverty problem must understad acess and develop them as we have done.
Question 8
a. What specific resources (i.e. financial, human or others) were used to implement the initiative? (100 words maximum)
(1) Financial by integrated from all sector partnership in the province to set a common target to move forward through Provincial Agenda. On the other hand, mean while The Fundamental Poverty Life Qualification Improvement has been received budget from Integrated Provincial Administration Expenses included another sources such as Provincial Red Cross Fair and Donation etc.
(2) human resources by human resources integrated from all sector partnership who expertise to gathered and work in Kalasin Happiness Model : No one left behind’s Operation Center.
b. Please explain what makes the initiative sustainable over time, in financial and institutional terms. (100 words maximum)
From the Kalasin Happiness Model : Leaving no one behind's operation : Improving fundamental quality of life for the poor. Kalasin's Provincial Government has realized and cared about community participation to create a master key in order to solve the problems sustainably accordance with Sustainability Development Goals : SDGs connect community to solve community's problems by community participation for sustainability.
Beside of principle of SDGs, There is a Royal Strategy "Understand, Access, and Develop" of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej as critical successful factor for the project for solve the problems by adoption the Royal Strategy.
Question 9
a. Was the initiative formally evaluated either internally or externally?
b. Please describe how it was evaluated and by whom? (100 words maximum)
Evaluation Committee consist expertise and specialist by Kalasin Provincial Statistics Office as a secretary evaluate in two scopes as followed.
(1) HAI : Human Achievement Index consist 6 aspects 8 index.
(2) System Model Evaluation consist 4 aspects as followed 1) Input 2) Processing 3) Outcome 4) Effective.
c. Please describe the indicators and tools used. (100 words maximum)
Economical dimension have been used CIPP Model as an evaluation tool in order to evaluate household's income.
Societal dimension has been used H.A.I. as an evaluation tool to reflect 3,504 of attended poverty households through 6 aspect's assistances as follows.
(1) Health.
(2) Income.
(3) Security Resident and Good Environment.
(4) Family and community.
(5) Participation.
d. What were the main findings of the evaluation (e.g. adequacy of resources mobilized for the initiative, quality of implementation and challenges faced, main outcomes, sustainability of the initiative, impacts) and how this information is being used to inform the initiative’s implementation. (200 words maximum)
The evaluation has found three categories in the economical dimension.
(1) two thousand one hundred and fifty-two households were able to be developed and, in this group, there are 500 households which could earn an income of 2,761 baht per head per month.
(2) the need of 180 households needs to be reconsidered.
(3) there were 884 households in need of welfare.
The societal dimension has been divided into 5 aspects of the main index of H.A.I.
(1) 97% of the people were found to be healthier.
(2) the income has been increased by 90%.
(3) 100% of the people were satisfied with the feeling of security and the environment.
(4) 95% of the people feel happy with regards to family and community.
(5) 100% of the people participated in the program.
Question 10
Please describe how the initiative strives to work in an integrated manner within its institutional landscape – for example, how does the initiative work horizontally and/or vertically across different levels of government? (200 words maximum)
1.Kalasin Province, aimed to cooperation between government academic private and populations centered on poverty households to work. Therefore, operation committee has been arising for sustainability in order to be a operation mechanism and operation planning to improve life qualification, details as follows.1. Kalasin Happiness Model : Leaving no one behind Director Committee for Provincial driving mechanism through sub-Committees as follows.
1.1 Fundamental Poverty Qualification Improvement Sub-Committee.
1.2 Population Liability Problems Solution Sum-Committee has Population Liability Problems Solution Operation Committee, specially for population liability information survey (consists of out of system debt, household debt and capitalist entrepreneurs debt.)
1.3 Income Improvement Sub-Committee.
2. Evaluation and Monitor Sub-Committee has Evaluation and Monitor Operation Committee as a core driving mechanism.
3. District Poverty Solution Operation Center for Kalasin Happiness Model : No One Left Behind in all districts.
4. Sub-District Poverty Solution Operation Team.
5. Village Committee Poverty Solution.
6. Sub-Village Committee Poverty Solution.
The Commission has an obligation to consider the poverty households as well as joint monitoring and evaluation to support and encourage the work to targets and achieve objectives. It has representatives from Kalasin University, civil society, foundations, community members which a key role in a collaborative partnership working both formal orders in operation committee and informal.
Question 11
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development puts emphasis on collaboration, engagement, partnerships, and inclusion. Please describe which stakeholders were engaged in designing, implementing and evaluating the initiative and how this engagement took place. (200 words maximum)
There are stakeholder from related sectors in order to solve poverty problems in Kalasin Province as followed.
(1) Primary stakeholders are the poverty households In Kalasin by considering the involvement of the community to come together to select from empirical data and quantitative data which is the target to improve the quality of fundamental live qualification and leverage on sustainability. The great importance of voluntarily participating in the development and quality of life.
(2) Secondary stakeholders are central government, local administration, private sector, provincial government, state enterprise, religious sector and school in order to support cooperation such as budget, things including labor and encouragement. To participate in project operation.
(3) Key stakeholders are Kalasin Province by Governor of Kalasin Province, District-Chief Officer, Chief of sub-village, community leader, village headman and civil society in order to operate guideline meeting and planning about all partnership integration to implement to achieve the goals and objectives.
Question 12
Please describe the key lessons learned, and how your organization plans to improve the initiative. (200 words maximum)
There are processes in order to continuously poverty solution and learning as followed.
(1) To assess and report the performance of every quarter and report the progress, obstacles, suggestions.
(2) To review of the performance of the past which is appropriate by corroborate with all sectors to review action plan for more effective.
(3) To provide for the release of performance the best practice of each district and to disseminate the knowledge of each area in various network.
(4) Dissemination of knowledge performance through networking such as website, facebook, youTube as well as the media.
(5) To create a successful prototype of the household assistance to be a mentor and to help other poverty households.