Question 1
Veuillez décrire brièvement l’initiative, le problème ou défi qu’elle cherche à résoudre, et spécifiez ses objectifs. (300 mots maximum)
Oman is a country with 46% youth under the age of 29. They are the future of the sultanate which will fulfil the Oman long term inclusive development plan (Oman Vision 2040) which revolves four main pillars: social development, economic development, governance and sustainable environment. The implicit integrating theme across these pillars is a new “Social Contract” where the main role of the state is to support, rather than compete with, private sector as the main engine of growth and employment; and where the other actors in the society, households and non-profit, non-government organizations (NGOs), have an explicit role to play.
However due to the vastness of the geographical region and population scatter across 309,000 square kilometers of areas, there will be individuals and families who fall through the cracks. These are families who reside mainly in the rural areas outside the main cities as well those under the social security programme (i.e., widows; orphans; the elderly; divorced, unmarried, and abandoned females; families of prisoners; incapacitated individuals; and disabled persons).
This TAMKEEN initiative (Arabic word which means empowerment) galvanizes these group of citizens to empower them to be self-reliant and contribute effectively in the nation’s economic development. This initiative transforms families into self-reliant families by investing the capabilities of individuals and families, promoting the concept of self-action. By helping the family administratively, technically and financially to manage a small or medium project, this effort indirectly reduces the social security expenses.
This initiative include training them for employment and assisting them to start small business in their local vicinity such as tailor shop, beauty and spa, car workshop, etc.
Question 2
Veuillez expliquer en quoi l’initiative est corrélée à la catégorie sélectionnée. (100 mots maximum)
This TAMKEEN Initiative assists individuals and families classified as old age, divorced, disability, unmarried women, widow, orphans, prisoner family, abandonment, special category and those benefiting from the social security pension and some cases in need of social and economic support that are not under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Development. The main target audience is the women and young girls which fits into Category 5 on promoting gender responsive public services to empower these women to be financially independent and be able to contribute to the economic growth.
Question 3
a. Veuillez spécifier quels sont les ODD et les cibles que l’initiative soutient, et décrivez concrètement comment l’initiative a contribué à leur mise en œuvre. (200 mots maximum)
Goal 1: Eradicate poverty in all its forms everywhere.
By transforming families into self-reliant families, through the TAMKEEN programme, individuals received training for employment, gained employment or start their own business. Hence reducing their reliance on social assistance and empower them to be financially independent.
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
The TAMKEEN initiative promotes the use of enabling technology, to promote the empowerment of women. Awareness and training programmes were delivered through various technologies to reach out to the target audience. In addition, the programme also provides a stipend for the beneficiaries until it proves the success of the project.
Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. The TAMKEEN programme or Tamkeen team comprise of various technical and financial entities supporting small and micro enterprises to enable the families of social security, where the team is working to develop an approved system to enable social security families and their members and low-income people and their inclusion in the labor market, As well as working to develop and strengthen the skills of the Omani family through training, rehabilitation and technical and financial support.
b. Veuillez décrire ce qui rend l’initiative durable en terme social et environnemental. (100 mots maximum)
This initiative is sustainable economically as the training programmes are coupled with employment to ensure the sustainability of increasing the income of the beneficiary. It provides a safe environment for the beneficiaries to start businesses and small projects by equipping them with the necessary permits, skills and market exposure locally and regionally. In addition, the programme works in coordination with the partners to follow up the technical and financial of all beneficiaries to identify and address the challenges they face. This ensures that the initiative is sustainable to achieve the Oman Vision 2040 objectives.
Question 4
a. Veuillez expliquer comment l’initiative répond à un déficit important en termes de gouvernance, d’administration publique ou de service public dans le contexte d’un pays ou d’une région donnés. (200 mots maximum)
The initiative includes an integrated system of social protection which allows for the improvement of living conditions, especially for the neediest (i.e., widows; orphans; the elderly; divorced, unmarried, and abandoned females; families of prisoners; incapacitated individuals; and disabled persons).The Social Action Strategy 2016-2025 is underpinned by three principles: social integration, equity, and empowerment. It aims to lay down a system of social protection that is effective, efficient, and sustainable, and contribute to socio-economic empowerment through a complementary partnership between the public, private, and civil sectors.
At the structural level, the Ministry has established several divisions and committees specialized in social and living empowerment not only for the categories sponsored by the ministry but also for groups in need of empowerment such as women, low-income and others.
Several activities have been carried out at empowering the individuals and families to be self-reliant. In addition, students from this group are supported financially for their education til tertiary level. It also creates job opportunities for children of such families to be gainfully employed. Through the TAMKEEN initiative the beneficiaries will be economically independent and be more confident in contributing to the growth of the nation.
b. Veuillez expliquer comment votre initiative aborde l’inégalité des genres dans le contexte du pays en question. (100 mots maximum)
The MOSD works to empower women and enhance their participation in various fields in order to ensure their positive contribution to sustainable development. The laws provide for equal opportunities between Omani men and women, which had a significant role in what reached Omani women hold senior leadership positions. This TAMKEEN initiative tackles the issues with women who are at a disadvantage position in the society such as widows, divorced or unmarried, etc. They are given the support such as training, education, business opportunities, etc to be gainfully employed and contribute to the economic development of the country.
c. Veuillez décrire le(s) groupe(s) ciblé(s), et expliquez comment l’initiative a amélioré leur situation. (200 mots maximum)
In 2019, there are about 885,917citizens who benefitted from social security initiatives. 80% of them are women. About 60% of them only have general education. Through the TAMKEEN programme, these women received support to start small cottage industries in their respective region, they received training and remuneration. They participated in project particularly, the Livelihoods project in which these ladies are trained to complete a livelihood project. About 41 got employed, another 399 received operational training and about 63 small projects were undertaken.
Question 5
a. Veuillez décrire comment l’initiative a été mise en œuvre en incluant les développements et les étapes clés, les activités de suivi et d’évaluation, ainsi que la chronologie. (300 mots)
This initiative started in 2005, through the Women’s Association, these ladies were trained to do micro-projects such as in photography and cosmetics.
Subsequently, the Livelihood projects were launched as part of the TAMKEEN initiatives. The Ministry provided the necessary support to the target groups to finance the proposed projects according to the type and size of the project through granting soft loans without interest of about USD8k for individual cases and a maximum USD13k for projects with more than one participant. About 65% of women beneficiaries benefiting from the livelihood projects with 212 projects.
In 2016, MOSD enhanced the TAMKEEN initiatives to include the following mechanisms:
- Social research based on discovering the abilities of the individual.
- Persuading cases to exploit and strengthen their energies.
- Help them to adopt a small or medium self-project.
- Coordinating and cooperating with the Small and Medium Enterprises Authority, the Rafid Fund and social protection network programs.
- Follow up the success of these projects.
- Selection of secured projects through a specialized technical committee.
- Adopting a marketing program for projects.
- Training families in a profession or self-management of a project.
- Attaching individuals to training programs coupled with employment in accordance with their educational qualifications.
In cooperation with the World Bank, the Ministry has implemented a project to develop social safety nets, including a pilot project to revitalize the labor market for social security personnel. The objective of this project is to identify the challenges and obstacles which prevent the participation of young and able groups of social security holders in the labour market and implement the most appropriate measures to overcome these obstacles. This study is conducted in the city of Sohar, about 200 Km from the capital.
b. Veuillez expliquer clairement les obstacles rencontrés et comment ils ont été surpassés. (100 mots)
The main obstacle is related to the lack of awareness of education and training opportunities for the target group. This was overcome through the training of employees in the TAMKEEN Skills Programme. By instilling the importance and idea of work for job seekers and clarifying the value of work for the beneficiary, it enables them to realize the importance of being gainfully employed or empowered to deliver a project.
Getting the right match for jobs and projects posed another obstacle too. However through close coordination and cooperation with the training institutes, the beneficiaries are successfully trained and gained employment.
The Department of Family Development and Empowerment is currently turning its awareness-raising programs to raise awareness of the community about economic empowerment.
Ministerial Circular No. 2/2018 was issued, "the social security pension shall continue to be paid to the beneficiary entitled to it until it proves the success of the project and achieved a net income equivalent to the social security pension owed to the family or for a period not exceeding three years from the commencement of the project whichever is earlier unless There are circumstances that prevent the success of the project estimated by the Minister.
Question 6
a. Veuillez expliquer en quoi l’initiative est innovatrice dans le contexte de votre pays ou région. (100 mots maximum)
This initiative is unique to Oman because of the different social economic structure of the nation and the cultural difference of the people. Oman boosts equal opportunities for both men and women. In fact, Oman is way ahead in its efforts to eradicate gender discrimination and Omani women holds many influential positions such as Ministers, CEOs and senior leadership positions in private organization as such the Petroleum Development of Oman. Through the TAMKEEN initiative, several programmes are implemented to assist those women to excel and achieve economic independence.
b. Veuillez décrire, si cela est pertinent, comment l’initiative s’est inspirée d’une autre initiative fructueuse dans d’autres régions, pays ou localités (100 mots maximum)
Not Applicable
Question 7
a. A votre connaissance, l’initiative a-t-elle été transposée et/ou adaptée à d’autres contextes (par ex. d’autres villes, pays ou régions) ? Si oui, veuillez expliquer où et comment. (200 mots maximum).
This initiative has been adapted nationwide. At the administrative level, there are family development and empowerment unit in each governorate and Wilayat (district). This is supported by the human cadre who handles the social development cases. Within the initiatives, there are programmes implemented to improve the standards of living of these families, supporting their capabilities, and enhancing their association and interactions within economic environment and the society. Through a central IT system with an integrated database for all beneficiaries in social security, social workers in the social field can facilitate and support the beneficiaries, efficiency and effectively from anywhere within the sultanate.
A multi-agency team is also formed comprising members from the Ministry of Social Development, Manpower, Agriculture and Fisheries, AlRaffad fund, Public Authority for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises, Public Authority for Craft Industries, National Training Fund, Oman Development Bank, Private sector companies, Oman Development Committees, Charitable and civic associations and Ministry of Technology and Communication. This team identify the challenges faced by the target group in getting employment and facilitate their entry into the labour market.
b. Si l’initiative n’a pas été transposée/adaptée à d’autres contextes, veuillez décrire le potentiel de sa transférabilité.
Not Applicable
Question 8
a. Quelles ressources (financières, humaines ou autres) ont-elles été utilisées pour mettre en œuvre l’initiative ? (100 mots maximum)
The Ministry of Social Development (MOSD) prepared a budget for the development and training plans of the Department of Family Development and Empowerment. In 2018, about USD$306 million was spent to support about 144 thousand citizens under the social security and development programme. Additional supports are also received from the private sector and other government agencies.
This initiative is supported by staff from the following departments;
• Department of Family Development and Empowerment, Directorate General of Family Development.
• Department of Social Responsibility Programs at the Directorate General of Planning and Studies.
• Social Development Committees chaired by the Governors.
• Department of Social Security, Directorate General of Social Welfare.
• Family Development and Empowerment Departments in Family Development Departments of Regional Directorates.
• Department of Women's Affairs
b. Veuillez expliquer ce qui rend l’initiative durable dans le temps, en termes financiers et institutionnels. (100 mots maximum)
The TAMKEEN initiative is sustainable over time because the programmes seek to provide training coupled with employment to ensure the sustainability and increasing the income of the beneficiaries. It also provides a safe environment for them to start projects with the relevant permits and to promote their products in local and regional exhibitions. The programmes work in coordination with several partners to facilitate the beneficiaries technically and financially and to identify and address any challenges they face.
Question 9
a. L’initiative a-t-elle fait l’objet d’une évaluation formelle interne ou externe ?
b. Veuillez décrire comment elle a été évaluée et par qui. (100 mots maximum)
The initiative is evaluated through a quantitative survey by the Department of Family Development and Empowerment and Department of Studies and Planning.
Annex B show the details of the studies and results of the evaluation.
c. Veuillez décrire les indicateurs et les outils utilisés. (100 mots maximum)
The initiative is evaluated through measurement of several indicators through quarterly reports, annual reports and the most important indicator of this initiative is the annual outputs and results.
Annex C show the details of the studies and results of the evaluation.
d. Quels étaient les conclusions principales de l’évaluation (par exemple l’adéquation des ressources mobilisées pour l’initiative, la qualité de la mise en œuvre et des défis auxquels vous avez été confrontés, les résultats principaux, la durabilité de l’initiative, les impacts) et comment cette information est utilisée pour mettre en place l’initiative. (200 mots)
One of the main findings of the evaluation is that there is a lack of awareness programme on the TAMKEEN Initiatives. Without proper communication with the beneficiaries, it is difficult to create programmes to empower them financially and economically. Nevertheless, with the success of the initiatives in the first year, there is a reduction in the amounts spent on social security families as well as the reduction in the number of families in the social security programme.
This initiative has long-term sustainability by enabling social security family members to be self-reliant and not just depending on the financial assistance paid to them by the MOSD. To encourage more beneficiaries into the programme, they will be given a 3-year guarantee salary for the duration of his/her project so even if the project failed, he/she will still receive the monthly allowance of about USD$208.
Question 10
Veuillez décrire comment l’initiative s’inscrit dans le paysage institutionnel adéquat (par exemple, comment elle se situe par rapport aux agences gouvernementales pertinentes, et comment les relations institutionnelles avec ces dernières ont été menées). (200 mots maximum)
The TAMKEEN Initiative team is a multi-agencies body comprising members from the following government and private organizations. The agencies cut across various levels of government entities.
Ministry of Social Development
The Ministry of Manpower
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
Al Raffd fund.
Ministry of Technology and Communication
Public Authority for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises
Public Authority for Craft Industries
National Training Fund.
Oman Development Bank.
Private sector companies
Oman Development Committees.
Charitable and Civic associations.
Question 11
L’agenda 2030 pour le développement durable met l’accent sur la collaboration, l’engagement, les partenariats et l’inclusion. Veuillez décrire quels acteurs ont été engagés dans la conception, la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation de l’initiative et comment cet engagement a eu lieu. (200 mots maximum)
The government ministries collaborate to create awareness and guidance to encourage beneficiaries to establish small and micro projects in the field of handicrafts, agriculture, fisheries and livestock and follow-up projects technically and technically.
Financial institutions such as the Oman Development Bank and Al Raffd Fund provides financial support to the beneficiaries for the micro projects for example, loans at 0% for small investors 90% of the total cost of projects not exceeding USD$50,000,
Training Agencies implement specialized training programmes and workshops in related fields for the beneficiaries.
The Ministry of Manpower organizes the organize the labor market with the participation of the three parties of production (government, employers and manpower) and raising the percentage of national manpower in the private sector, which enhances its role in supporting the national economy.
National Training Fund: The Fund is a private, public-benefit institution that aims to bridge the skill gap between supply and demand in the Labor Fund by building competing national competencies globally. It is based in Muscat and may establish branches in the Sultanate.
Altogether, these stakeholders support the TAMKEEN initiative to enhance the skills of the beneficiaries and support them towards becoming financially independent.
Question 12
Veuillez décrire les leçons clés apportées par cette expérience, et comment votre organisation prévoit d’améliorer l’initiative. (200 mots maximum).
One of the key lessons learnt is that communication with the stakeholders and beneficiaries are the critical for the success of the programmes. There are several stakeholders and each with unique roles. Getting them together required a sound structure to achieve a specific goal. Once the goal is agreed, and each of the stakeholder is assigned the objectives with the structure, the implementation plan will be more effective, and the outcome is successful.
To sustain this initiative to achieve Oman Vision 2040 goals, there is a need to create the empowerment sections in directorates and social development departments in the governorates and wilayats. This is in addition to the deployment of specialized cadre to support and facilitate the beneficiaries in the TAMKEEN programmes. In addition, by setting up a centralized system containing an integrated database for all the beneficiaries, this will enable social workers to carry out their work effectively and efficiently.