Question 1
Veuillez décrire l’objectif de l’initiative. (200 mots maximum)
Nearly all women of childbearing age menstruate, but the experience varies widely based on economic circumstances and degree of access to health-related resources. Some are able to purchase sanitary pads of the proper size based on the amount of blood flow, but low-income individuals are often forced to use tissue, towels and even shoe inserts as sanitary pads. Even women who have the financial means to purchase sanitary pads frequently face problems with menstruation. For instance, according to a survey conducted by SMG, 84.9% of respondents stated that earlier-than-expected periods left them facing the sudden start of a menstrual cycle without a sanitary pad.
SMG aimed to address this issue through three levels : 1) provide sanitary pads directly to the most socially vulnerable citizens; 2) increase accessibility to sanitary pads, improve hygiene, and overcome restrictions posed by its absence through making sanitary pads available at all public facilities; and 3) improve reproductive health by providing accurate information on menstruation. This project aims to secure equal and safe access to menstruation rights for all citizens.
Question 2
Veuillez expliquer comment l'initiative est liée à la catégorie et aux critères sélectionnés. (100 mots maximum)
SMG’s public sanitary pad support project aims to be gender conscious. First, by providing sanitary pads in public facilities, it is creating a gender-equal environment. Second, it is increasing general accessibility to sanitary pads and reducing the extent of restrictions on everyday activity by women. Third, The project took special care to conduct diverse feedback surveys for each implementation stage. Many systemic measures were taken such as establishing legal grounds, convening gender equality committee meeting and evaluating new policies, etc. Fourth, women were included in the implementation of the policy geared toward the needs of the recipients.
Question 3
Veuillez expliquer comment l’initiative contribue à la mise en œuvre du Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 ainsi qu’à la réalisation des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD). Indiquez- le ou les ODD (s) auxquels l'initiative correspond. (100 mots maximum)
Obviously this project is related to five SDGs. It contributes to “Gender equality”(5), “Good health and well-being for people”(3), “Clean water and sanitation”(6), “Reducing inequalities”(10), It offers increased accessibility to sanitary pads to prevent women from being unable to attend school or engage in economic activity. It is also sensitive to the socially disadvantaged women in that it attempts to guarantee equal access to sanitary pads for all women. In relation to “Sustainable cities and communities”(11), the project systemizes the problem of sexual and reproductive rights, which is a major issue that all urban communities must address.
Question 4
L’initiative doit avoir un impact positif sur un ou plusieurs groupes de personnes, particulièrement les personnes vulnérables (comme les enfants, les femmes, les personnes âgées, les personnes handicapées, etc.) dans le cadre de votre pays ou votre région. Veuillez expliquer comment l’initiative remédie à une défaillance de gouvernance, d’administration publique ou de service public dans le cadre d’un pays donné ou d’une région donnée. (200 mots maximum)
First, it is addressing the issue of “sanitary pad poverty” ay public level. SMG’s sanitary pad support project for low-income female teens, which began in 2016 has since been expanded to a national project. In 2017, a support system was created exclusively for approximately 992 facilities used by socially-disadvantaged individuals. Second, a master plan was designed in 2018 for the installation of emergency sanitary pad dispensers in public locations to minimize inconvenience by not having a sanitary pad available when needed. After trial operations in 11 public locations (Woman Resources Development Center, libraries, etc.), diverse institutions have been encouraged to participate through promotional videos, project manual, and incentives. The budget for 2019 has been allocated so that dispensers can be installed in 200 public locations, a number that will be increased with each passing year.
Third, SMG has increased the accessibility of medical care and information through the Seoul Municipal Health Center for Teen Girls(SMHC), has operated 250 “Girl Care”pharmacies, and has designed an informational website and notebook on menstruation. Fourth, SMG is implementing diverse projects to improve public perception of menstruation, such as making reusable sanitary pads events and festivals participated by corporate employees and celebrities.
Question 5
a. Veuillez expliquer de quelle manière l’initiative est innovante dans le cadre de votre pays ou région. (100 mots maximum)
Sanitary pads have traditionally been shunned from being mentioned and have been regarded as personal items. What is innovative is that this project has made menstruation a public policy agenda. It made a conceptual connection between sanitary pads and an everyday human rights. Especially, the idea of "emergency" sanitary pads placed in public facilities was an innovative approach that gained broad consensus. SMG was able to persuade the public of seriousness of the situation where sanitary pads are unavailable. Third, it is a comprehensive policy on menstrual rights that goes beyond satisfying material needs, providing medical services and improving social perception.
b. Veuillez décrire si l’initiative est inédite ou une adaptation d’autres initiatives provenant de différents contextes. (100 mots maximum)
When the sanitary pad problem among low-income female teens first became an issue in 2016, SMG was the first city in Korea to establish a support system. SMG was also the first to equip public facilities with emergency sanitary pad dispensers. The agenda and implementation period of this project are very similar to those of similar projects conducted in New York (2016). However, New York only makes sanitary pads available at public schools and certain welfare/incarceration facilities and not at public facilities for citizens. Seoul is the only metropolis that supplies sanitary pads to public facilities for emergency use.
Question 6
A votre connaissance, l'initiative a-t-elle été transférée et adaptée dans d'autres cadres (par exemple, d'autres villes, pays ou régions)? Si oui, veuillez expliquer. (100 mots maximum)
SMG actively appealed to the National Assembly and central government on the importance of this project while supplying 9,200 low-income teens with sanitary pads in 2016, reaching a total of 140,000 low-income female teens nationwide by Dec.2016. The emergency sanitary pad model has been rapidly followed. For example, the district of Dobong-gu recently installed a sanitary pad dispenser in one subway station on a trial. Currently, 10 other local governments (including Gwangmyeong City and the Gyeongsangnam-do Provincial Assembly) are receiving advice from SMG on the project’s implementation as well as consistent inquiries from foreign governments.
Question 7
a. Quelles ressources (par exemple, financières, humaines ou d’autres ressources) ont-elles été utilisées pour la mise en œuvre de l’initiative ? (100 mots maximum)
A budget was allocated for the project to pay for sanitary pads for low-income female teens, to supply emergency sanitary pads, and to organized campaigns raising awareness of women’s sexual health. The project employs not only management personnel but also human resources from various sectors. Administrators, social workers, doctors and corporate heads participated in the policy decision-making process sharing their resources. A notable public-private governance was established. Upon receiving USD 892,857 worth of support via related organizations and corporations, SMG was able to fund a diverse range of programs (e.g.reusable sanitary pads, medical devices, HPV (cervical cancer) vaccines, etc.).
b. Veuillez décrire si l’initiative est durable et comment (par rapport aux aspects sociaux, économiques et environnementaux). (200 mots maximum)
SMG focused on establishing a social consensus in order to consistently implement the project. It collected the opinions of citizens through online discussion forums and helped citizens to gain a better understanding of the difficulties related to menstruation, producing and distributing promotional videos/manuals at various events. This social consensus is the biggest driving force that makes this project sustainable. Moreover, SMG re-enacted laws to establish a legal basis for the project’s sustainability. SMG also created a project budget to guarantee that the project was funded regardless of external conditions.
SMG established a support system for the management of individual and corporate donations of sanitary pads. It also founded the SMHC(Seoul Municipal Health Center for teen girls) to promote women’s sexual and reproductive health and procured a stable budget. Through the operation of advisory bodies comprised of experts on women’s/civic groups (e.g. Gender Equity Committee), assessment and monitoring committee on new projects, SMG is ensuring that this policy is continued and sustained.
Question 8
a. L’initiative a-t-elle fait l’objet d’une évaluation formelle (interne ou externe) ? Si oui, veuillez décrire comment l’initiative a été évaluée. (100 mots maximum)
Each year, SMG conducts an online/offline poll to learn citizen's choice of the most outstanding policies of the city’s major policies. The sanitary pads and sexual health support project for low-income female teens have received excellent evaluation for two consecutive years (2016 and 2017). In 2016, the project received the 18th Sustainable Development Award hosted by the Local Sustainability Alliance of Korea (LSAK). The project was nominated for Creative Seoul Action Award, a project-excellence contest among SMG departments. It also won the budget outcome contest, which evaluates the efficient use of outside resources.
b. Veuillez décrire les indicateurs utilisés. (100 mots maximum)
The “10 Major Project Assessment Index” is the policy that citizens believe is the most important. Each index is comprised as follows:
LSAK Contest Assessment Index is sustainability (15%), strengthened partnership capabilities (15%), analysis of local community issues (10%), performance review (10%), evaluation and outcomes (10%), on-site visit assessment (40%).
Budget outcomes Assessment index is creativity (20%), effort (20%), ripple effect and systemization (20%), faithfulness to intrinsic duties (20%), budget reduction effect and profit-increasing outcomes (20%).
Creative Seoul Action Award Assessment index is difficulty (25%), effort (25%), effectiveness (25%), contribution to city administration (25%).
c. Veuillez décrire le résultat de l'évaluation. (100 mots maximum)
The sexual health support project for low-income female teens was selected as the third most revolutionary policy of SMG through a vote (6,611 people) in 2017. In 2016, it was selected as the fifth most representative through a vote (132,590 people). In terms of awards given by SMG, the project received the Outstanding Team Award at the 2016 Creative Seoul Action Awards, was designated as a project for utilizing outside resources (budget outcomes) in 2017. In addition, the project received significant attention from the media (total of 1,937 news reports, including feature reports) and support from citizens.
Question 9
Le Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 met l’accent sur la collaboration, l’engagement, la coordination, le partenariat et l’inclusion. Veuillez décrire comment les parties prenantes ont été impliquées dans la formulation, la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation de l’initiative. Veuillez mettre la lumière sur leurs rôles et contributions. (200 mots maximum)
Teens, academics, teachers, doctors, administrators and corporate heads participated in the policy decision-making process. Partnerships were formed during the work designation and negotiation process, uniting many employees and departments involved in the operation of diverse public facilities. SMG employees visited the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Welfare, schools and distric offices to explain the project. A charitable foundation founded a partner company to provide sanitary pads and other types of sanitary products. Olive Young (a health & beauty distributor) promoted this project on in-store screens at all of its 950 branches. Local community groups also actively participated in the project through the production and donation of reusable cotton sanitary pads. There was a significant participation of citizens and expert groups. The online discussion forum “Democracy Seoul” conducted a ballot and 1,475 citizens participated. Also, 1,473 female residents of Seoul took part in a survey and gave diverse feedback on sanitary pads, which was reflected at the early stages of the project. Women’s groups, academics, and experts participated in diverse committees to monitor and assess the various stages of the project.
Question 10
Veuillez décrire les enseignements clés tirés ainsi que tout point de vue sur comment l’initiative peut être améliorée encore plus. (100 mots maximum)
In Korea, the topic of women’s sexual health was difficult if not impossible to mention in public. In the project’s early stages, there were disputes on whether the sanitary pad is an item that should be provided by a public institution and on whether such provision is “reverse discrimination.” SMG was able to make sanitary pads an openly discussed social issue and to create a system to provide them to those in need. It is an achievement that reflects SMG's commitment to securing safe and equal menstrual rights for all women.