Basic Info

Veuillez vérifier avant de soumettre

Information sur le candidat

Information institutionnelle

Etat membre Émirats arabes unis
Nom de l'institution Fujairah Police General Headquarters
Type d’institution du secteur public Agence publique
Niveau administratif Local
Nom de l’initiative Corporate Governance Initiative
Années opérationnelles du projet 3
Site de l'institution

Question 1: À propos de l'initiative

Est-ce une initiative du secteur public ? Oui

Question 2: Catégories

L'initiative est-elle pertinente pour l'une des catégories de l'UNPSA? Développer des institutions publiques efficaces et responsables
Aucun élément trouvé

Question 3: Objectifs de développement durable

L’initiative est-elle pertinante pour l’une des 17 ODD ? Oui
Si vous avez répondu oui ci-dessus, veuillez préciser quel ODD est la plus pertinente pour l'initiative.
16 Paix, justice et institutions efficaces
A quel(s) objectif(s), parmi les ODD mentionnés ci-dessus, correspond(ent) l’initiative ?
16.1 Réduire nettement, partout dans le monde, toutes les formes de violence et les taux de mortalité qui y sont associés
16.2 Mettre un terme à la maltraitance, à l’exploitation et à la traite, et à toutes les formes de violence et de torture dont sont victimes les enfants
16.3 Promouvoir l’état de droit aux niveaux national et international et donner à tous accès à la justice dans des conditions d’égalité
16.4 D’ici à 2030, réduire nettement les flux financiers illicites et le trafic d’armes, renforcer les activités de récupération et de restitution des biens volés et lutter contre toutes les formes de criminalité organisée
16.5 Réduire nettement la corruption et la pratique des pots-de-vin sous toutes leurs formes
16.6 Mettre en place des institutions efficaces, responsables et transparentes à tous les niveaux
16.10 Garantir l’accès public à l’information et protéger les libertés fondamentales, conformément à la législation nationale et aux accords internationaux
16.b Promouvoir et appliquer des lois et politiques non discriminatoires pour le développement durable

Question 4: Date de mise en œuvre

L’initiative a-t-elle été mise en oeuvre depuis deux ans ou plus ? Oui
Veuillez préciser la date de la mise en oeuvre 12 janv. 2017

Question 5: Partenaires

Est-ce que les Nations Unies ou toute autre organisation des Nations Unies a été impliquée à cette initiative? Non
Quelle agence des Nations Unies a été impliquée?
Veuillez détailler

Question 6: Participation précédente

1. L'initiative a-t-elle été soumise pour examen au cours des 3 dernières années (2017-2019)? Non

Question 7: Prix de l'UNPSA

Est-ce que l’initiative a déjà gagné un prix UN PSA ? Non

Question 8: Autres récompenses

Est-ce que l’initiative a gagné d’autres prix dans le domaine des services publics ? Non

Question 9: Comment avez-vous connu le PSPONU?

Comment avez-vous connu le PSPONU? GOVERNMENT

Question 10: Consentement de validation

J'autorise à contacter les personnes et les entités concernées pour s'enquérir de l'initiative à des fins de validation. Non

Question 1: À propos de l'initiative

Est-ce une initiative du secteur public ? Oui

Question 2: Catégories

L'initiative est-elle pertinente pour l'une des catégories de l'UNPSA? Développer des institutions publiques efficaces et responsables
Aucun élément trouvé

Question 3: Objectifs de développement durable

L’initiative est-elle pertinante pour l’une des 17 ODD ? Oui
Si vous avez répondu oui ci-dessus, veuillez préciser quel ODD est la plus pertinente pour l'initiative.
16 Paix, justice et institutions efficaces
A quel(s) objectif(s), parmi les ODD mentionnés ci-dessus, correspond(ent) l’initiative ?
16.1 Réduire nettement, partout dans le monde, toutes les formes de violence et les taux de mortalité qui y sont associés
16.2 Mettre un terme à la maltraitance, à l’exploitation et à la traite, et à toutes les formes de violence et de torture dont sont victimes les enfants
16.3 Promouvoir l’état de droit aux niveaux national et international et donner à tous accès à la justice dans des conditions d’égalité
16.4 D’ici à 2030, réduire nettement les flux financiers illicites et le trafic d’armes, renforcer les activités de récupération et de restitution des biens volés et lutter contre toutes les formes de criminalité organisée
16.5 Réduire nettement la corruption et la pratique des pots-de-vin sous toutes leurs formes
16.6 Mettre en place des institutions efficaces, responsables et transparentes à tous les niveaux
16.10 Garantir l’accès public à l’information et protéger les libertés fondamentales, conformément à la législation nationale et aux accords internationaux
16.b Promouvoir et appliquer des lois et politiques non discriminatoires pour le développement durable

Question 4: Date de mise en œuvre

L’initiative a-t-elle été mise en oeuvre depuis deux ans ou plus ? Oui
Veuillez préciser la date de la mise en oeuvre 12 janv. 2017

Question 5: Partenaires

Est-ce que les Nations Unies ou toute autre organisation des Nations Unies a été impliquée à cette initiative? Non
Quelle agence des Nations Unies a été impliquée?
Veuillez détailler

Question 6: Participation précédente

1. L'initiative a-t-elle été soumise pour examen au cours des 3 dernières années (2017-2019)? Non

Question 7: Prix de l'UNPSA

Est-ce que l’initiative a déjà gagné un prix UN PSA ? Non

Question 8: Autres récompenses

Est-ce que l’initiative a gagné d’autres prix dans le domaine des services publics ? Non

Question 9: Comment avez-vous connu le PSPONU?

Comment avez-vous connu le PSPONU? GOVERNMENT

Question 10: Consentement de validation

J'autorise à contacter les personnes et les entités concernées pour s'enquérir de l'initiative à des fins de validation. Non

Question 1: À propos de l'initiative

Est-ce une initiative du secteur public ? Oui

Question 2: Catégories

L'initiative est-elle pertinente pour l'une des catégories de l'UNPSA? Développer des institutions publiques efficaces et responsables
Aucun élément trouvé

Question 3: Objectifs de développement durable

L’initiative est-elle pertinante pour l’une des 17 ODD ? Oui
Si vous avez répondu oui ci-dessus, veuillez préciser quel ODD est la plus pertinente pour l'initiative.
16 Paix, justice et institutions efficaces
A quel(s) objectif(s), parmi les ODD mentionnés ci-dessus, correspond(ent) l’initiative ?
16.1 Réduire nettement, partout dans le monde, toutes les formes de violence et les taux de mortalité qui y sont associés
16.2 Mettre un terme à la maltraitance, à l’exploitation et à la traite, et à toutes les formes de violence et de torture dont sont victimes les enfants
16.3 Promouvoir l’état de droit aux niveaux national et international et donner à tous accès à la justice dans des conditions d’égalité
16.4 D’ici à 2030, réduire nettement les flux financiers illicites et le trafic d’armes, renforcer les activités de récupération et de restitution des biens volés et lutter contre toutes les formes de criminalité organisée
16.5 Réduire nettement la corruption et la pratique des pots-de-vin sous toutes leurs formes
16.6 Mettre en place des institutions efficaces, responsables et transparentes à tous les niveaux
16.10 Garantir l’accès public à l’information et protéger les libertés fondamentales, conformément à la législation nationale et aux accords internationaux
16.b Promouvoir et appliquer des lois et politiques non discriminatoires pour le développement durable

Question 4: Date de mise en œuvre

L’initiative a-t-elle été mise en oeuvre depuis deux ans ou plus ? Oui
Veuillez préciser la date de la mise en oeuvre 12 janv. 2017

Question 5: Partenaires

Est-ce que les Nations Unies ou toute autre organisation des Nations Unies a été impliquée à cette initiative? Non
Quelle agence des Nations Unies a été impliquée?
Veuillez détailler

Question 6: Participation précédente

1. L'initiative a-t-elle été soumise pour examen au cours des 3 dernières années (2017-2019)? Non

Question 7: Prix de l'UNPSA

Est-ce que l’initiative a déjà gagné un prix UN PSA ? Non

Question 8: Autres récompenses

Est-ce que l’initiative a gagné d’autres prix dans le domaine des services publics ? Non

Question 9: Comment avez-vous connu le PSPONU?

Comment avez-vous connu le PSPONU? GOVERNMENT

Question 10: Consentement de validation

J'autorise à contacter les personnes et les entités concernées pour s'enquérir de l'initiative à des fins de validation. Non

Nomination form


Question 1

Veuillez décrire brièvement l’initiative, le problème ou défi qu’elle cherche à résoudre, et spécifiez ses objectifs. (300 mots maximum)
Fujairah Police General Head Quarters (FPGHQ) has established a comprehensive control and corporate governance process to ensure full control over all functions in order to detect corruption cases, bribery, exploiting job for own benefit, behavioral and procedural violations. In addition to ensure reduction of complaints (urgent, routine and critical) and encourage community to report legal violations, complaints and suggestions easily and confidently and that they get all the information and regulation updates. FPGHQ applied processes to ensure anti-discrimination and hatred from both employees and public. The problem or challenge that led to the launch of the initiative (Corporate Governance System) is the increase of complaints percentage. The study showed that the reasons for the increase are gaps in the functions that can lead to corruption, bribery, influence peddling, insecurity and community lack of confidence in police. The study recommendation was to develop a comprehensive system for control and governance of police functions. The initiative aims to achieve the following objectives which is linked completely with 2030 agenda goal SDG 16 (16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, 16.5, 16.6, 16.10, 16b): - End corruptions and bribery cases at FPGHQ. - Encourage community to communicate with FPGHQ. - Develop policies that are considered a safety valve to prevent corruption and bribery cases such as policy of accepting gifts. - Ensure community access to information. - Facilitate laws and amendments delivery to public and society and ensure they are aware of it. - Encourage FPGHQ to report law violations by public and society. - Develop clear processes and procedures following governance rule to guarantee effective application of FPGHQ functions. - Establishing transparent, clear and fair internal control processes. - Encourage external monitoring of FPGHQ functions.

Question 2

Veuillez expliquer en quoi l’initiative est corrélée à la catégorie sélectionnée. (100 mots maximum)
Corporate Governance System initiative is directly and clearly related to the award category as the objectives of the initiative and the rationale for its formation is to have a corruption and bribery free institution; Transparent and accountable at all functional levels without exception through complaints from all community levels and without barriers. Thus, the initiative linked to the same objectives of developing transparent and accountable public institutions so that the institution is transparent and accountable aiming to empower people through participation and increase their access to information and thus to monitor and report mistakes as an institution or officials.

Question 3

a. Veuillez spécifier quels sont les ODD et les cibles que l’initiative soutient, et décrivez concrètement comment l’initiative a contribué à leur mise en œuvre. (200 mots maximum)
Corporate Governance System Initiative aims at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals where it was able to achieve SDG 16 (levels: 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, 16.5, 16.6, 16.10, 16b) through corporate governance over performance and activation of institutional work and principle of accountability in business. In addition to achieving 100% for feeling of secure at night and 100% feeling in general secure as per Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority. The actions taken by FPGHQ led to absence of crimes that threaten the basis of peaceful societies, including human trafficking crimes and any cases of human rights violations. Fujairah Police cooperated with civil society to participate in permanent solutions to reduce violence and violent crimes through the community police system. The initiative also contributed to development of process that achieved sustainable goals through auditing, assessment and monitoring done like: clear awareness work plans as well as activate the practices of the right to hold officials accountable. All regulations also confirmed that there is no discrimination in services provided or access to information according to origin, race, religion or gender, where Fujairah Police General Head Quarters achieved 97% for customer’s satisfaction on provided services.
b. Veuillez décrire ce qui rend l’initiative durable en terme social et environnemental. (100 mots maximum)
1- Social Sustainability: Development of community communication (channels- policies -councils) and field visits. Including unit for social support to study societal phenomena and deal with social situations whether violence against women/children and treating them as victims, supporting them psychologically/socially and reintegrate them into society. 2. Economic Sustainability: the absence of murder and organized crime cases and effectiveness of control mechanism on corruption and bribery cases contributes to building trust between society and economic sector in the UAE police and encourages them to invest. 3 - Environmental sustainability: The existence of the system may contribute to the absence of environmental violations.

Question 4

a. Veuillez expliquer comment l’initiative répond à un déficit important en termes de gouvernance, d’administration publique ou de service public dans le contexte d’un pays ou d’une région donnés. (200 mots maximum)
Prior to the initiative Fujairah Police General Head Quarters relied on the traditional administration and the implementation of regulations and laws that control the work, but there was no guarantee on the efficiency nor the effectiveness of that administration, in addition to that in 2016 complaints from public on FPGHQ and her employees reached 40% more than the preceding year. FPGHQ was not having an actual control over the processes and procedures which led to develop an initiative to establish comprehensive and effective process for control in the following areas: organizational management, human resources management, finance management, information management, project management and management of resources and property. The initiative also achieved the most important principles of governance which is separation of tasks and responsibilities by defining the value chain and the general processes framework which includes main and support process and the appropriate organizational structure to implement the strategies and supporting policies in FPGHQ. Also implemented all rules, regulations, Ministry of Interior requirements, Cabinet requirements and external monitoring parties’ requirements and followed it up effectively through reviewing regular reports with top management to take the appropriate decision.
b. Veuillez expliquer comment votre initiative aborde l’inégalité des genres dans le contexte du pays en question. (100 mots maximum)
We implemented policies and legislation that create a supportive environment for gender equality principle implementation and monitoring any violations that affect the implementation. Female have obtained all their financial rights equally with male, where currently positions managed by women reached 10%, and women have been appointed in all police functions like patrols, research and investigation. FPGHQ have achieved the best officer in field under Minister of Interior Award as the first female officer to win this award and in 2019 another female officer achieved Influential 40 under 40 awards at International Association of Chiefs of Police in United States.
c. Veuillez décrire le(s) groupe(s) ciblé(s), et expliquez comment l’initiative a amélioré leur situation. (200 mots maximum)
Independent section was established in which experts were appointed in three areas (administrative, technical, financial) and it was agreed with Fujairah local government that dependence, appointments, salaries and bonuses of these employees are with the local government to ensure impartiality and transparency. The section has an approved announced internal audit plan in addition to unannounced confidential audit plan on all police departments and employees. The audit is carried monthly in addition to monitoring and follow-up of internal and external complaints and any reports received from external bodies. We take actions towards the incident party with accordance to laws and regulations, where the initiative targets the following groups: 1- Organizational Departments: monitor violations resulting from application of procedures, where violations percentage decreased by 98% during 2019. 2- Employees: Follow-up all violations that can be committed by employees, for example, policeman style in providing service or administrative corruption or bribery, where it led to absence of corruption, complaints on policeman style decreased by 95% for 2019. 3- Public and Community: Encourage communication with them and submission of any observations, complaints or violations in order to encourage public to communicate and ensure public access to information and inform them of laws and amendments.

Question 5

a. Veuillez décrire comment l’initiative a été mise en œuvre en incluant les développements et les étapes clés, les activités de suivi et d’évaluation, ainsi que la chronologie. (300 mots)
The project scope has been defined to include all FPGHQ organizational units to achieve the planned objectives: implementation of Corporate Governance System. The team used PMP methodology to implement the initiative as follows: A. Development: in early 2017 FPGHQ started developing a traditional inspection initiative that was dependent on a team from all departments their main role was to monitor corruption cases, bribery, law violations. In late 2017 the general commander of FPGHQ direct strategic department to search for best practices in corporate governance because the existing process it was manual and not transparent and accountable enough. The department suggested to implement BS 13500:2013 (British Standard for Corporate Governance). During the implementation and to guarantee transparency, accountability, responsibility and participation of relevant stakeholders FPGHQ formed an internal control unit related to local government. In late 2018 the top management steering committee decided to develop an interactive smart electronic system for governance that increases and facilitates participation of public in monitoring and reporting of wrongdoings of FPGHQ and her employees. B. Monitoring and Evaluation: there are eight parties performing monitoring and evaluation to guarantee the efficiency and effectiveness of the initiative. - External Auditor (Lloyd’s Register) which is appointed from Fujairah Local Government. - External Financial Auditor (Deloitte) which is appointed from Fujairah Local Government. - State Audit Institution, United Arab Emirates - Fujairah Government local Financial Control office - Ministry of Interior Inspector office who’s conducting regular visits yearly. - Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Preventive Security who’s conducting regular visits yearly. - Internal audit which is conducted by internal control team. - Top Management Steering Committee meetings which is held quarterly. Where the internal control unit receives all reports and take corrective and preventive actions in order to maintain continuous development.
b. Veuillez expliquer clairement les obstacles rencontrés et comment ils ont été surpassés. (100 mots)
Obstacles, such as acceptance of the control system, where awareness workshops were carried to demonstrate importance of the system. Six parties were identified/affected by the project for example project team, suppliers, partners, internal/external control parties, departments, customers and employees where we developed a matrix shows how they impact and how they have to deal with the impacts that will occur during the project (decision support - transparency and governance in performance management - decrease of mistakes and complaints, which saves financial waste in correction and consumption costs). This matrix has contributed to overcoming all obstacles and facilitating the initiative.

Question 6

a. Veuillez expliquer en quoi l’initiative est innovatrice dans le contexte de votre pays ou région. (100 mots maximum)
Innovation lie in the following: 1. Smart Electronic System (SES): An interactive smart electronic system has been developed internally by FPGHQ to guarantee transparency where the inspector shall use an electronic system during his field visit and he can review all regulations and procedures. The inspector can’t amend the findings in the system after completing his visit to maintain impartiality. 2. Work Forms: we designed all operational work forms that the inspectors use internally with no help of third party and we are in process of obtaining intellectual property from Ministry of Economy.
b. Veuillez décrire, si cela est pertinent, comment l’initiative s’est inspirée d’une autre initiative fructueuse dans d’autres régions, pays ou localités (100 mots maximum)
The initiative was inspired from the UAE Government Excellence System fourth generation in particular governance criteria in addition to British standard BS 13500:2013, where Fujairah Police General Head Quarters achieved the certificate as first police entity in the world. Thus, FPGHQ have taken the lead in adopting these practices and methods that govern the institutional work and ensure cooperation between the FPGHQ and civil society to find durable solutions and increase feeling secure and the application of the right to question officials.

Question 7

a. A votre connaissance, l’initiative a-t-elle été transposée et/ou adaptée à d’autres contextes (par ex. d’autres villes, pays ou régions) ? Si oui, veuillez expliquer où et comment. (200 mots maximum).
According to the initiative achievements, impacts and evaluation results we are confident that the initiative will be adopted by other institutions. In addition to our experience of similar adopted projects by other institutions, for example: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and First Responder, etc… The internal control unit head participated in the 8th Jordan Quality Conference as a speaker about FPGHQ practice in corporate governance at Police Institutions where the attended Jordanian institutions showed their interest in the initiative and how it was implemented in Police. In addition to that the local governmental entities at Fujairah showed their interest in the initiative, where Fujairah Finance Department and Fujairah Hospital signed a strategic memorandum with FPGHQ to assist them in implementing the initiative. All of that is due the innovation and uniqueness of the procedures, forms and the electronic system that facilitates the implementation of corporate governance. In 2019 Ministry of Interior/Department of Finance has achieved BS 135000:2013 (Corporate Governance).
b. Si l’initiative n’a pas été transposée/adaptée à d’autres contextes, veuillez décrire le potentiel de sa transférabilité.

Question 8

a. Quelles ressources (financières, humaines ou autres) ont-elles été utilisées pour mettre en œuvre l’initiative ? (100 mots maximum)
Resources are managed throughout PMP where each task of the plan we did specify the needed human and financial resources needed. There are two types of costs for the initiative: 1-Process Development Cost (PDC) 2-Initiative Sustainability Cost (ISC) paid by Local Government Where total amount of the initiative from initiation phase till closure (Process Cost) is 16,600$ and the sustainability Cost is 261,400$ We required to coordinate with Fujairah Local Government to hire three experts to run the processes of internal control unit in the following fields: 1-Technical 2-Administrative 3-Financial In addition to that, we required eleven employees to form the corporate governance system.
b. Veuillez expliquer ce qui rend l’initiative durable dans le temps, en termes financiers et institutionnels. (100 mots maximum)
Control and governance of processes and procedures have a positive impact in stopping the waste of resources, because time wasted by the employees is a waste money. Therefore, if we applied control over all FPGHQ functions it will lead to increase in productivity and lower cost. In addition to financial control guarantees the financial sustainability through regulations and polices founded and updated for that issue.

Question 9

a. L’initiative a-t-elle fait l’objet d’une évaluation formelle interne ou externe ?
b. Veuillez décrire comment elle a été évaluée et par qui. (100 mots maximum)
There are seven types of evaluation to guarantee the efficiency and effectiveness of the initiative. -External Auditor (Lloyd’s Register) according to BS13500:2013. -External Financial Auditor (Deloitte) according to accounting rules -State Audit Institution, United Arab Emirates according to financial laws -Fujairah Government local Financial Control office according to local financial laws -Ministry of Interior Inspector office according to MOI laws and regulations -Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Preventive Security according to MOI laws and regulations -Internal audit according to BS13500:2013 and all laws and regulations
c. Veuillez décrire les indicateurs et les outils utilisés. (100 mots maximum)
The measured indicators are: - The extent of commitment to the implementation of the initiative's work plan within the approved budget. - Results associated with risks and challenges and their effects. - Satisfaction of stakeholders before and after the initiative. - indicator of decrease of observations, violations and breaches that were monitored after implementing the initiative compared to those monitored before the implementation. - Feeling secure indicator. - confidence in police work indicator. - Efficiency of resources mobilized for the initiative. We applied 7 tools, PMP, PRINCE2, process engineering, SWOT analysis, focus sessions, brainstorming.
d. Quels étaient les conclusions principales de l’évaluation (par exemple l’adéquation des ressources mobilisées pour l’initiative, la qualité de la mise en œuvre et des défis auxquels vous avez été confrontés, les résultats principaux, la durabilité de l’initiative, les impacts) et comment cette information est utilisée pour mettre en place l’initiative. (200 mots)
According to Lloyd’s register audit report the initiative showed effective implementation and adequate resources utilization and sustainability through the following: 1- Effective close of nonconformity 2- Corporate Governance processes documentation 3- Effective archiving system for the laws and regulations of the institution 4- Adequate resource allocation through initiative implementation and roles and responsibilities assignment 5- Initiating new unit and teams to sustain the initiative 6- Develop and update work related policies and rules 7- Disclose all policies and rules to employees and public 8- Conducted awareness sessions to public and employees about rules, regulations and policies. The most important challenge faced us is how to promotes transparency and accountability in public institutions and empower people, where we overcome it through awareness sessions and easily available 24/7 online complaints system and landline. Where the impact of the initiative increased people access to information and promote participation, including monitoring and reporting of wrongdoings of public officials and entities.

Question 10

Veuillez décrire comment l’initiative s’inscrit dans le paysage institutionnel adéquat (par exemple, comment elle se situe par rapport aux agences gouvernementales pertinentes, et comment les relations institutionnelles avec ces dernières ont été menées). (200 mots maximum)
The internal control unit is responsible for preparation of yearly audit plan on all departments at Fujairah Police General Head Quarters, the audit plan concentrates on all inspection types (financial, technical and managerial) at least one visit per year for each department. Fujairah police top management steering committee approves the plan and the internal control team head disclose it to all concerned departments. The inspectors perform audit visits according to the plan and submit their findings to internal control unit head where she will work with concerned department and internal control team to close the findings. The head of Internal control unit meets the top management steering committee quarterly to present audit findings and take actions needed. The head of internal control unit asks for urgent meeting with top management steering committee when there is a finding fall under one of the following: bribery, corruption cases, exploiting job for own benefit.

Question 11

L’agenda 2030 pour le développement durable met l’accent sur la collaboration, l’engagement, les partenariats et l’inclusion. Veuillez décrire quels acteurs ont été engagés dans la conception, la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation de l’initiative et comment cet engagement a eu lieu. (200 mots maximum)
We defined our stakeholders as follows: - Fujairah ruler - ministry of interior - partners - customers - community - employees - suppliers Stakeholders participated in each aspect of the initiative from designing and implementation till evaluation. The top management steering committee took the approval of Fujairah ruler to have internal control unit with employees related to local government and not to Fujairah police general head quarter in order to guarantee transparency of the initiative. We conducted surveys and meeting with stakeholders to define their needs with regards to governance system. Fujairah police general headquarters issues a governance performance report yearly including statistics and fact data about detected cases.

Question 12

Veuillez décrire les leçons clés apportées par cette expérience, et comment votre organisation prévoit d’améliorer l’initiative. (200 mots maximum).
The lessons learned from the Corporate Governance Initiative at Fujairah Police Headquarters are summarized through the following points: - Admit the problem helps improving rules, regulations, policies and initiative procedures. - Cooperation between the FPGHQ and community to find sustainable solutions to decrease violence or human rights violations and insecurity. - Partnership between police and community promotes transparency and accountability in public and increase people’s access to information and reporting of wrongdoings of FPGHQ and entities. - Use of new tools like: focus sessions, brainstorming and the use of ideas development tools guide. - Technology is today’s trend where FPGHQ developed a smart intelligent corporate governance system to increase and promote corporate governance.

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