UNPSA Initiatives and the SDGs


Explore eligible 2018 - 2022 UNPSA initiatives and how they link to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the table below. UNPSA Winners are highlighted in light gold. 


For all other previous eligible UNPSA cases from 2017 - 2003, click here

Disclaimer: Content of the UNPSA cases below is provided “as is” as and when submitted during the UNPSA nomination process, including their link to the SDGs, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.

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Pages count: 22
Items count: 1100
Year Country Name of Initiative Institution Name UNPSA Category SDGs
2018 Indonesia Semarang PIP 3-in-1 Government Of Semarang City Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Colombia Estado Joven Departamento Administrativo de la Función Pública Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Saudi Arabia Tamkeen Initiative Social Development Bank Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Indonesia Improving the Welfare of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives through the GERBANG SERASAN Development Planning Agency at Muara Enim Regency Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 South Africa The modernisation of the company registration regime Companies and Intellectual Property Commission Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Malaysia 1Malaysia Training Scheme Economic Planning Unit Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Dominican Republic IDAC Modelo de Gestión Instituto Dominicano de Aviación Civil (IDAC) Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Malaysia Approvals Of Online Renewal Application For Malaysia International Passport Within 1 Working Hour Immigration Department of Malaysia Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Mexico Ventanilla Única Nacional Coordinación de la Estrategia Digital Nacional y Secretaría de la Función Pública Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Saudi Arabia أبشر مركز المعلومات الوطني Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Singapore OneService Municipal Services Office, Ministry of National Development Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 South Africa Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) Online Admissions Application System Gauteng Department of Education Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Morocco Observatoire des marchés publics Ministère de l'équipement, du transport, de la logistique et de l'eau Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Oman Solaf Public Authority For Consumer Protection Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 India Public Wi-Fi & Intelligent Poles on PPP Basis Vadodara Municipal Corporation Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 South Africa Marothobolong Bridge Nkangala District Municipality Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 South Africa UPGRADING OF CHURCH STREET, TWALA AVENUE AND HECTOR WAY AND ADJACENT AMENITIES IN LYNNVILLE: CENOTEP nkangala district municipality Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Turkey Zero Boundary in Bagcilar Bagcilar Municipality Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Kenya 'INUA MAMA NA KUKU' INITIATIVE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF UASIN GISHU Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Peru GESTION INTERCULTURAL EN EL REGISTRO CIVIL BILINGUE REGISTRO NACIONAL DE IDENTIFICACION Y ESTADO CIVIL Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Egypt مبادرة الجهاز المركزي للتنظيم و الادارة لتعيين نسبة ال5% لذوي الاعاقة central agency for organization and adminstration Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 South Africa SOCIAL COHESION AND EQUITY IN EDUCATION, INCLUDING ISSUES OF COMMUNICATION, PROFESSIONALISM AND TEAM Gauteng Department of Education Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Thailand Royal Thai Army Huay Tueng Tao Reservoir Tourism Office under Royal Initiative of His Majesty King Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Morocco Système des Enchères Electroniques Inversées TRESORERIE GENERALE DU ROYAUME Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Brazil Primeira Infancia Melhor - The Better Early Childhood Program Health Department of the State of Rio Grande do Sul Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Colombia Rehabilitación integral e inclusiva para los miembros de la fuerza pública con discapacidad Centro de Rehabilitación Inclusiva Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Mexico Finanzas Sanas Gobierno del Municipio de Monterrey Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Brazil Formação de voluntários de defesa civil Secretaria Adjunta de Proteção e Defesa Civil Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Republic of Korea A City Where People and Animals Coexist, Animal Welfare Initiative Gangdong District Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Republic of Korea Jongno Space Sharing Project(- Jongno Parking Sharing, Jongno City Cleaning) Jongno-gu Office Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 South Africa .... Nkangala District Municipality Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 South Africa REDUCTION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT BACKLOG FROM LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES NKANGALA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Republic of Korea Inclusive & Community-Customized Urban Regeneration Initiative Seoul Metropolitan Government Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Ecuador Programas y Proyectos de Inversión sobre bienes patrimoniales privados en el Centro Histórico Instituto Metropolitano de Patrimonio Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 South Africa Construction of Fire Station:Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality Nkangala District Municipality Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Republic of Korea 10-cent Taxi Service in Rural Areas Jeollanamdo Provincial Government Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 South Africa Men having Sex with Men /Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Programme Central University of Technology Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Spain Proyecto de Participación Ciudadana Ayuntamiento de Madrid Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Colombia Cambia Tu Mente...Construye Paz Alcaldia de Manizales Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Republic of Korea Tax Administration Division Chungcheongnam-do Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Thailand Making Institutions Inclusive on Integration of Water Management towards Thungsong Sustainable Resi Thungsong Municipality Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Indonesia MAGMA Indonesia Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Bhutan Climate Change Adaptation Program Ministry of Agriculture and Forests Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 India Collection of e-Waste Vadodara Municipal Corporation Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Bangladesh Making Institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision making Central Procurement Technical Unit Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Republic of Korea Green Credit Card Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 Brazil Módulo Criança e Adolescente (MCA) Ministério Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and partnerships
2018 Republic of Korea Seoul’s Participatory Budgeting System Seoul Metropolitan Government Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2018 India Single window grievance redressal system for survivors of violence Women Development Corporation Promoting gender responsive public services to achieve the SDGs
2018 Australia The Victorian Rabbit Action Network Agriculture Victoria Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making

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