Basic Info




联合国成员国 印度尼西亚
机构名称 Badung Regency
公共部门机构类型 公共机构
行政层级 区域的
项目运行年份 2




该倡议与UNPSA类别之一相关吗? Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2017.2.1 Introduces an idea, policy, practice or structure that is distinctively new, innovative and unique in the context of a given country or region Enhance the formal and informal participation of all individuals and groups in public decision-making processes or policies, approaches and measures related to public services and other aspects impacting on their lives. Institutionalize and/or strengthen participatory decision-making and consultation processes at the national and local level
2017.2.2 Strengthen the capacity of national or local governments and public institutions responsible for overseeing or delivering public services to engage people in preparing and implementing decisions, especially the poor and vulnerable people
2017.2.3 Promote a professional, merit based and well equipped civil service to ensure continuous and consistent institutional performance for an effective public services delivery
2017.2.5 Promotes the application of the existing legal and regulatory framework relevant to anti-discrimination and inclusion, or develop additional laws and regulations that foster changes in norms, attitudes and behavior that combat discrimination, including through promoting diversity, dialogue, interaction and collaboration.
2017.2.6 Implements new processes and institutional mechanisms to channel the demands and views of people and enables governments – policy makers and public officials – to better interact with the public, particularly individual people, and allows people, for instance, to better express their needs, participate in and influence policy-making; comment on policy implementation; provide feedback on government services (on and off-line services); and file complaints.
2017.2.7 Clearly supports inclusion, participation and engagement of all people, irrespective of sex, age, race or ethnicity, including through focusing on specific groups of the population and especially those in vulnerable situations, so that after the effective implementation of the initiative, all or some of these groups can participate more fully in society and in decision-making.
2017.2.8 Institutes, nationally and/or locally, multi-stakeholder engagement processes.
2017.2.9 Enhances responsiveness of government to the demands and needs of citizens and ensures the inclusion of the views of concerned sections of the community in public affairs.


14.1 到2025年,预防和大幅减少各类海洋污染,特别是陆上活动造成的污染,包括海洋废弃物污染和营养盐污染
14.2 到2020年,通过加强抵御灾害能力等方式,可持续管理和保护海洋和沿海生态系统,以免产生重大负面影响,并采取行动帮助它们恢复原状,使海洋保持健康,物产丰富
14.7 到2030年,增加小岛屿发展中国家和最不发达国家通过可持续利用海洋资源获得的经济收益,包括可持续地管理渔业、水产养殖业和旅游业
14.c 按照《我们希望的未来》第158段所述,根据《联合国海洋法公约》所规定的保护和可持续利用海洋及其资源的国际法律框架,加强海洋和海洋资源的保护和可持续利用


请提供实施日期。 11 4月 2011


全面禁止 核试验 条 约组 织

Question 6: Supporting documentation





如有,请详细说明。 Top 99 Public Service Innovation 2015; Champion of National Leader of Change 2017

题 9: 您是如何得知联合国公共行政奖的?

您是如何得知联合国公共行政奖的? We have been informed by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform to participate in the UNPSA 2018.

题 10: 问题九:确认同意





该倡议与UNPSA类别之一相关吗? Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2017.2.1 Introduces an idea, policy, practice or structure that is distinctively new, innovative and unique in the context of a given country or region Enhance the formal and informal participation of all individuals and groups in public decision-making processes or policies, approaches and measures related to public services and other aspects impacting on their lives. Institutionalize and/or strengthen participatory decision-making and consultation processes at the national and local level
2017.2.2 Strengthen the capacity of national or local governments and public institutions responsible for overseeing or delivering public services to engage people in preparing and implementing decisions, especially the poor and vulnerable people
2017.2.3 Promote a professional, merit based and well equipped civil service to ensure continuous and consistent institutional performance for an effective public services delivery
2017.2.5 Promotes the application of the existing legal and regulatory framework relevant to anti-discrimination and inclusion, or develop additional laws and regulations that foster changes in norms, attitudes and behavior that combat discrimination, including through promoting diversity, dialogue, interaction and collaboration.
2017.2.6 Implements new processes and institutional mechanisms to channel the demands and views of people and enables governments – policy makers and public officials – to better interact with the public, particularly individual people, and allows people, for instance, to better express their needs, participate in and influence policy-making; comment on policy implementation; provide feedback on government services (on and off-line services); and file complaints.
2017.2.7 Clearly supports inclusion, participation and engagement of all people, irrespective of sex, age, race or ethnicity, including through focusing on specific groups of the population and especially those in vulnerable situations, so that after the effective implementation of the initiative, all or some of these groups can participate more fully in society and in decision-making.
2017.2.8 Institutes, nationally and/or locally, multi-stakeholder engagement processes.
2017.2.9 Enhances responsiveness of government to the demands and needs of citizens and ensures the inclusion of the views of concerned sections of the community in public affairs.


14.1 到2025年,预防和大幅减少各类海洋污染,特别是陆上活动造成的污染,包括海洋废弃物污染和营养盐污染
14.2 到2020年,通过加强抵御灾害能力等方式,可持续管理和保护海洋和沿海生态系统,以免产生重大负面影响,并采取行动帮助它们恢复原状,使海洋保持健康,物产丰富
14.7 到2030年,增加小岛屿发展中国家和最不发达国家通过可持续利用海洋资源获得的经济收益,包括可持续地管理渔业、水产养殖业和旅游业
14.c 按照《我们希望的未来》第158段所述,根据《联合国海洋法公约》所规定的保护和可持续利用海洋及其资源的国际法律框架,加强海洋和海洋资源的保护和可持续利用


请提供实施日期。 11 4月 2011


全面禁止 核试验 条 约组 织

Question 6: Supporting documentation





如有,请详细说明。 Top 99 Public Service Innovation 2015; Champion of National Leader of Change 2017

题 9: 您是如何得知联合国公共行政奖的?

您是如何得知联合国公共行政奖的? We have been informed by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform to participate in the UNPSA 2018.

题 10: 问题九:确认同意





该倡议与UNPSA类别之一相关吗? Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation in decision-making
2017.2.1 Introduces an idea, policy, practice or structure that is distinctively new, innovative and unique in the context of a given country or region Enhance the formal and informal participation of all individuals and groups in public decision-making processes or policies, approaches and measures related to public services and other aspects impacting on their lives. Institutionalize and/or strengthen participatory decision-making and consultation processes at the national and local level
2017.2.2 Strengthen the capacity of national or local governments and public institutions responsible for overseeing or delivering public services to engage people in preparing and implementing decisions, especially the poor and vulnerable people
2017.2.3 Promote a professional, merit based and well equipped civil service to ensure continuous and consistent institutional performance for an effective public services delivery
2017.2.5 Promotes the application of the existing legal and regulatory framework relevant to anti-discrimination and inclusion, or develop additional laws and regulations that foster changes in norms, attitudes and behavior that combat discrimination, including through promoting diversity, dialogue, interaction and collaboration.
2017.2.6 Implements new processes and institutional mechanisms to channel the demands and views of people and enables governments – policy makers and public officials – to better interact with the public, particularly individual people, and allows people, for instance, to better express their needs, participate in and influence policy-making; comment on policy implementation; provide feedback on government services (on and off-line services); and file complaints.
2017.2.7 Clearly supports inclusion, participation and engagement of all people, irrespective of sex, age, race or ethnicity, including through focusing on specific groups of the population and especially those in vulnerable situations, so that after the effective implementation of the initiative, all or some of these groups can participate more fully in society and in decision-making.
2017.2.8 Institutes, nationally and/or locally, multi-stakeholder engagement processes.
2017.2.9 Enhances responsiveness of government to the demands and needs of citizens and ensures the inclusion of the views of concerned sections of the community in public affairs.

Question 3: Implementation Date

请提供实施日期。 11 4月 2011

Question 4: Partners/Stakeholders

全面禁止 核试验 条 约组 织

Question 5: Required Supplemental Documents


Question 6: UNPSA Awards


Question 7: Other Awards

Has the initiative won other Public Service Awards? Yes
Comments: Top 99 Public Service Innovation 2015; Champion of National Leader of Change 2017

Question 8: Sustainable Development Goals

14.1 到2025年,预防和大幅减少各类海洋污染,特别是陆上活动造成的污染,包括海洋废弃物污染和营养盐污染
14.2 到2020年,通过加强抵御灾害能力等方式,可持续管理和保护海洋和沿海生态系统,以免产生重大负面影响,并采取行动帮助它们恢复原状,使海洋保持健康,物产丰富
14.7 到2030年,增加小岛屿发展中国家和最不发达国家通过可持续利用海洋资源获得的经济收益,包括可持续地管理渔业、水产养殖业和旅游业
14.c 按照《我们希望的未来》第158段所述,根据《联合国海洋法公约》所规定的保护和可持续利用海洋及其资源的国际法律框架,加强海洋和海洋资源的保护和可持续利用

Question 9: Validation Consent


How did you know about UNPSA?

How did you know about UNPSA? We have been informed by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform to participate in the UNPSA 2018.

Nomination form


题 1

GO.TIK INOVATION (PLASTIC WASTE GOJEK) Early prevention of plastic waste generation in the ocean resulting from household waste, to prevent the accumulation of plastic waste, both in the sea and in the coast.GO.TIK's innovation is a "plastic pickup" service which time and location have been agreed upon under the MoU between GO.TIK Working Group and the community / traditional markets / school groups. GO.TIK Innovation also provides free plastic waste “door to door”and “cash and carry” service through SMS hotline service.GO.TIK's innovation involves the participation of indigenous people,by coordinating the collection of plastic waste in each banjar / village. Plastic waste management by GO.TIK is running on the 3R concept: 1. reduce: reduce the use of plastic in Household by providing education to society. 2. reuse: reusing used plastic scraps. 3. recycle: recycling used plastic scrap into a new product with economic value.
a. 这个创新项目的总体目的是什么?请描述该创新项目的总体目的(最多400字)。
Badung regency is one of the tourist destinations in Indonesia,and also a world class destination. Waste becomes the main problem that must be managed. Waste generationin Badung regency can pile up to 210 ton / day in average.In orderto manage the waste, especially the plastic waste, Badung Regency creates a breakthrough at GO.TIK innovation (Plastic Waste GOJEK). GO.TIK innovation aims to: 1. Prevent plastic waste generationin the ocean and at the coast. 2. Empowering communities in reducing plastic waste in the area of Badung regency. 3. Changing People's Mindset through: a) Plastic waste as a source of family’s additional income b) Creating a clean and healthy environment c) Increase knowledge (Education) early childhood and society in general 4. Creating a tourism image of Badungas a regency which free from plastic waste.
b. 这个创新项目与所选奖项类别有怎样联系? 请描述该创新项目与其奖项类别评估标准的相关联系(最多400字)。
Based on the second category, which is to build an inclusive institution and ensure participation in policy making. 1. Introducing innovative ideas / policies / structures Community empowerment in managing plastic waste through 3R mechanism (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) 2. Fighting discrimination and promoting equality and involving all elements of society without distinguishing the status of social and gender 3. Promoting legal framework of GO.TIK Innovation as implementation of Local Regulation no. 7/ 2013 on waste management in Badung Regency 4. Promoting participatory decision making Involving community organizations, customary institutions, and private parties, in dissemination, management and plastic waste process 5. Promoting theresponsiveness of MoU between community groups and GO.TIK working groups. (

题 2

a. 请解释这个创新项目是如何改善公共服务的提供(最多400字)
GO.TIK Innovation contributes to the implementation of the 2030 agenda in the context of sustainable development and realization of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in order to manage plastic waste which contaminating the coastlineof Badung regency. As the impact of west monsoon (period of October to February), the plastic waste drifting in ocean are stranded along the western coastal area of Badung regency, and itweighs 500 tons / month. It is suspected that the waste are coming from several areas in Indonesia,along the Indianocean. This condition raises the idea of innovation to manage and to reduce plastic waste from waste generation sources through GO.TIK innovation 3R concept with "Door to Door Service" concept.Thereby,GO.TIK innovation is potential in reaching the 14 (fourteenth) goal of the SDG on Marine ecosystem, through the following improvements of public service:"Sustainable protection and use of oceans, seas and marine resources". In addition to maintainthe environment and the beach free from plastic waste, this innovation is highly useful for the sea water quality and marine life biota. (

题 3

a. 该创新项目必须积极影响一群人或某个群体(即:儿童、妇女、老人、残疾人等),并在特定国家或地区的范围内解决公众关心的重大问题。请说明该创新项目是如何处理公共服务相关的重大公众关注问题(最多400字)。
Negative impacts of plastic waste in the ocean is potential todestroy the marine ecosystems.The waste goes into oceans, caused by ineffective waste management and bad behavior of coastal communities around the world in managing plastic waste.In order to maintain the world-class tourism destination image which also becomes the primarysource of Badung’sregional revenue,plastic waste management in Badung regency including its coastal areas becomes the main priority for the sustainability of tourism and development of Badung regency.Badung Regional Revenue (PAD) in 2017 reached more than Rp. 3.8 trillion. We need to change the image of waste, that instead of threatening, wastemay bring blessings which could increase the additional source of income for the people. It has become the world’s concern since the news of waste in Bali being published in Times magazine, Friday, April 1, 2011 edition, in a specific article highlighting Bali tourism titling "Bali Hell". The articlecame with a sub-title saying, "if you want to die, come to Bali".Given Times Magazine iswidely popular,and also one of the world's influential magazines, the article must be addressed wisely by the people and government of Badung regency.
b. 请解释该创新项目是如何积极影响您的国家或地区范围内的一群人(最多400字)。
1. Preventing damage to marine ecosystems from plastic waste in the ocean. 2. Changing the bad behavior of people around the world, especially in Badung regency in the management of plastic waste by involving community’s active participation. 3. Securingthe image of Badung regency as a clean and beautiful tourism destination, and increasing the numbers of tourists visiting the area. 4. Increasing Local Revenue of Badung Regency, particularly in tourism sector. 5. The following are the impacts for the community: a) By having 7 (seven) waste banks spread throughout 6 (six) sub-districts in Badung regency, people would easily sell their waste to the nearest waste bank. The income generated from the selling can be used economically to:paying school tuition fee, and purchasing a motor bike. b) The income generated from the selling could reach around Rp. 250.000 – Rp. 1.500.000 per month per person, and it can be used for: paying BPJS Health Insurance and/or BPJS Employment Insurance premium fee. c) Early childhood students could also gain from this experience, by adding their knowledge about the danger of plastic waste and how to manage them. This will be conducted in all level of schools, starting from elementary school up to senior high school throughout 367 schools. (

题 4

GO.TIK Innovation is a breakthrough from the government of Badung regency in managing plastic waste generation scattered along the coastal area which is the main tourism destination in Badung regency.This new approach is carried out through the following ways: 1. Early prevention of plastic waste in the ocean coming from household waste, to prevent the generation of plastic waste both in ocean and at the coast. 2. GO.TIK's innovation is a "plastic pickup" service which time and location have been agreed upon under the MoU between GO Group Working Group and traditional community / market / school groups. 3. GO.TIK Innovation also provides free door to door service as well as cash and carry plastic waste in the form of quick service through SMS hotline service. 4. GO.TIK's innovation involves the participation of indigenous peoples in coordinating the collection of plastic waste in each banjar / desa. 5. Plastic waste management by GO.TIK is using the 3R mechanism: a. reduce: reduce the use of plastic in Households by providing education to society, such as disseminating plastic waste negative impact to environment and health. b. reuse: reusing used plastic scraps, such as refilling the mineral water bottle. c. recycle: recycling used plastic scrap into a new product with economic value, such as creating a bag made of used plastic containers.

题 4b

b. 请描述创新是原创的还是从其他情境改编的(如果知道的话)?(最多400字)
This is an original innovation generated by the Head of Environment and Hygiene Officeof Badung Regency. This innovation is an action program of the GELATIK (Sustainable Movement against plastic waste) which implemented during the period of 2011 – 2015. Through the transformation program in the education and leadership training phase II for the first group of alumni,Head of Environment and Hygiene Office refined the program and came up with the idea of GO.TIK innovation. During the program implementation, he creates a working system by building an organizing committee (technical team and administration staffs), providing the supporting facility such as transportation, integrated waste disposal site (TPST), GO.TIK gallery (plastic waste recycle bin) and builds 7 (seven)waste banks. (

题 4c

c. 调动了哪些资源(即:财力,人力,物资或其他资源等)? (最多200个字)。
1). This programis financed through the Regional Expenditure Budget based on Implementation Budget Document on Plastic Waste Management in Badungregency for around Rp. 200 million / year in average. 2). Human resource: a) GO.TIK working group directly involving52 people, and more than 1.000 staffs from the Environment and Hygiene Office to support GO.TIK b) Sixty two (62) Indigenous people institutions c) Thirty five (35) tourism management institutions d) Three hundred sixty seven (367) education institutions e) Fourty four (44) traditional market managements f) Sixty two (62) Family Welfare Movements (PKK) g) Fifteen (15) private institutions h) Seven (7) waste bank managements i) Twelve (12) personels of the Rapid Reaction Unit Team 3). Other resources: a) Transportation: 1 unit of pick up truck, 2 unitsof motorbike, and 1 unit of truck b) Building: 1 unit of integrated waste disposal site 4 west banksowned by the Badung regency Environment and Hygiene Office 1 unit of recycle site to create handy craft made of plastic waste c) Machineries: 1 unit of sewing machine 1 unit of pyrolysis machine as education media d) saving books and waste bank administration requirements

题 5

该创新项目可适用于其他情况(如其他城市,国家或地区)。 可能已有证据表明,它在一个特定国家,地区或全球范围内的其他公共部门机构中启发了类似的创新。这个创新项目是否已转移到其他情况?
GO.TIK Innovation has been replicated in 57 provincials / regencies / municipalities government institutions throughout Indonesia. This program isabout waste management, particularly plastic waste, the idea of plastic waste management from sources of waste generation, increasing community participation in managing waste, plastic waste management that providesfinancial benefits to the community, educational patterns about the negative impact of plastic waste, the application of plastic waste processing technology, and creating creative craft from plastic waste.Other than the government agencies mentioned above, private sector and indigenous people also replicate GO.TIK's innovation in the form of Village Owned Enterprises in waste management, private-owned waste service business, and the establishment of waste banks. ( (

题 6

a. 请说明该创新项目是否可行和如何实现可持续发展(涵盖社会,经济和环境方面以及及时的耐久性)(最多600字)。
1). Social Aspect The establishment of several environmental community groups, focus on solid waste management which authorized through a decree letter issued by each village head. The social community organisations concern on plastic waste are as follows: a) Seminyak Clean b) Bye-bye plastic bag c) Bank sampahLegianAsri d) EcoBali Recycle Kerobokan e) Jempanang Lestari waste bank, Beloksidan- Petang The involvement of these communities in handling waste, especially plastic waste, stands independently by replicating and integrating the program with the GO.TIK innovation, through an MoU build with the community group, as well as through a statement of support from the public and private institutions as outlined within the support letter on GO.TIK implementation. ( 2). Economy Aspect a) Elevate the Local Revenue of Badung District generated from the tourism sector by the increased number of tourists, and the increased level of customer satisfaction of plastic waste free tourist sites. b) Provide additional income for the community for their active participation in collecting plastic waste which are sold to GO.TIK, both individually and groups. ( 3). Environmental Aspect a) Plastic waste in ocean and along the beach is mainly caused by the accumulation of plastic waste drifting through the river, due to the community's lack of awareness regarding to plastic waste management, as well as due to lack of knowledge on the negative impacts of the waste.The waste will finally contaminating the sea, and threatening the marine ecosystems. b) Unmanaged plastic waste will pollute the environment and spoiling the aesthetic value of the beach. c) Plastic waste in ocean will degrade the marine ecosystems function conservation, and will negatively impacts the coastal ecosystems, one of which is the coral reef ecosystems and mangroves.The hazardous and toxic materials contained in the plastic waste could extinct the marine life.It may degrade or even bereave the coastal biodiversity. (
b. 请描述该创新项目是否以及如何在耐久性方面持久(最多600字)
Based on Badung regency’s vision and mission, as follows: Vision: “Consolidating Badung Development Direction Based on the Tri HitaKaranaToward Advanced, Peacefull, and Welfare Society”. The 7th mission of Badungregency “Enhance protection and management for natural resource, environment and disaster relieve”. Six (6)development principles of Badungregency: Pro Environment One of the seventeen (17) primary program throughout 2016-2021 in Badung, which is Waste Management Program and Waste Through 3R (Reduce, Reuse dan Recycle). This has been reflected through Medium Term Development Plan of Badung District 2016-2021, that GO.TIK innovation is an initiative as the effort in managing and reducing plastic waste in Badung regency.This innovation is also in line with the National Plan of Development Planning for the tourism launched by the President of the Republic of Indonesia.The GO.TIK budget which financed from the Regional Revenue Budget is recorded annually into the Budget Use Document on the management and reduction of plastic waste in Badung regency. (

题 7

a. 这个项目是否已经正式评估?
如果是的话,请说明这个项目是如何评估的? (最多400个字)。
Evaluation Method 1. Through the survey of community satisfaction on GO.TIK service, 88% of people stated that they had done well, 10% stated not good, and 2% did not know 2. Survey of tourist satisfaction on tourist destinations free of plastic waste, 89% of tourists stated already knew, 8% states not yet knowing and 3% do not knowing 3. Increasing value of Badung Regency Environmental Quality Index to 73.08 in 2017 4. Data on the amount of plastic waste handled through GO.TIK innovation reaches 3 tons / month in average.
b. 请描述评估该项目的影响的结果(最多400字)。
Evaluation : 1. Increased public satisfaction on GOTIK services increased 13% from 2016 by 75% to 88% in 2017. 2. Increased tourist satisfaction on free from plastic waste tourist destinations increased 11% from 2016 by 78% to 89% by 2017. It generated positive response and appreciation from local and national mass media, both print and television, including the NHK World TV-Japan which broadcasted this news all over the world through the NHK World network in November 2017. 3. The Environmental Quality Index score of Badung Regency increased from 68.25 in 2016 to 73.08 in 2017. 4. The amount of plastic waste being managed continues to increase from year to year. Up to 2017, the average plastic waste managed by GO.TIK through the Rapid Reaction Team unit and B3 waste management and cleaning team at the Environmental and Hygiene Office reached 3 tons / month and 200 tons / month on the coast
Utilized Indicator 1. The value of environmental quality index in Badung regency of 73,08 in 2017 exceeded the value of Bali Province Environmental Quality Index of 63.27 and the National Environmental Quality Index of 66-69. 2. Performance achievement target in management and reduction of plastic waste in Badung Regency through GO.TIK innovation has been set in Strategic Plan of Environment and Hygiene Office of Badung, and Medium Term Development Plan of Badung Regency 2016-2021, where the realization of performance achievements in 2017 amounted to 38 tons / year from the target set at 30 tons / year. 3. The Regional Original Revenue increased from 2016, amounting from Rp. 3.1 trillion to Rp. 3.8 trillion in 2017. 4. The number of tourists visitingBadung regency increases every year by an average of 6 - 7%

题 8

a. “2030年发展议程”强调合作,参与,协调,伙伴关系和包容性。 请描述哪些利益相关方参与了设计,实施和审查这一创新项目。 还请强调他们的角色和贡献(最多600字)。
1. Badung Regent, in order to implement policies / regulations based on the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan and Local Regulation No. 7 of 2013 on Waste Management 2. Environment and Hygiene Office of Badung Regency as the Leading sector 3. Regional officials organization related to the implementation of GO.TIK, as follows: a) Office of Youth and Sports Education, which mobilizes students throughout 367 elementary, junior high school, and senior high school by ensuring them participating in the GO.TIK innovation. b) Local Enterprise of Badung market, coordinating 44 Traditional Markets. c) Office of Industry and Manpower, coordinating 250 modern stores. d) Social Service Office, to provide the job seekers with specific guidance on the management of plastic waste into handicrafts. e) Regional Development Planning Agency, designing budgets on Regional Expenditure Budget to support sustainable plastic waste management program. f) The secretariat of the Family Welfare Movement (PKK) mobilization team, coordinating gender equality in the management of plastic waste. g) Health Office, coordinate to print BPJS Health card for environment cadres who are interested to be the waste bank customers. h) Tourism Office, coordinate all hotels and tourism services industry in the management of plastic waste. 4. Association of all mini market owners, supermarkets and modern shopkeepers in Badung regency to reduce the use of conventional plastics, and replace it with environment friendly plastic 5. Sixty two (62) Family Welfare Movement (PKK) sub-groups throughout Badungregency, provides motivation to other sub-groups. 6. Non-governmental Expatriates organizations that focus on plastic waste management. 7. Bali Mangrove care Forum. 8. BPD Bank Bali which donates CSR aid on three-wheeled motorcycles, waste bank, and cash-transfer to craftsmen of plastic recycle group. 9. Ayana Resort and Spa Hotel Jimbaran which donates 1 unit of dump truck for transporting plastic waste from the source site. (

题 9

a. 请描述您对该创新项目的总体经验,吸取的教训以及你对未来如何进一步提高这一创新项目的看法。
During the implementation of GO.TIK innovation program, many important lessons gained, as follows: 1. Plastic waste processing is a highly useful activity, as it is potential to preserve marine ecosystem. 2. Respects the relationship between human and environment, as being stated within the Tri Hita Karanaconcept, which is believed as Balinese local wisdom and culture. 3. Educates the generation who are prune to the negative impact of plastic waste. 4. Provides profound meaning toward plastic waste management. 5. Provides an understanding for all people to reduce plastic waste from now on. 6. Provides a lesson that a consistent plastic waste management can produce material and immaterial benefits. 7. Reminds us to save the world from negative impact of plastic waste, through the utilization of eco-friendly plastics.

