题 1
The aim of the E-SIAP project, a citizen-focused innovation is to solve cases that have mutual agreements but the completion is time consuming.The project began with the Statement of Claim prepared by clients who wish to register their cases with the Syariah Court. The Statement of Claim preparation is a must and it is one of the legal requirements, as provided under section 63 of the Syariah Court Civil Procedure (State of Penang) Enactment 2004. If clients have no knowledge in preparing the Statement of Claim, they could consult a Syarie lawyer or those who provide the service of advising matter related to the preparation of the Statement of Claim.
i. The difficulty and complexity for clients to prepare Pleadings and Statement of Claim,
ii. The difficulty and complexity for Judges and Assistant Judges to prepare the order and;
iii. The waiting period from one date to another.
“E-Pliding” is an innovative system designed by the Department to ease the Statement of Claim preparation by clients in accordance with the provisions of the law besides the registration with E-Syariah, E-Sulh and E-Bicara systems which are the existing systems provided by the Syariah Judiciary Department of Malaysia. The E-Pliding system is to be implemented within the Syariah Court. Meanwhile, E-Judgment is another innovative system co-designed with “E-Pliding” with the aim to expedite the issuance of written order and judgment. The entire systems which comprises of “E-Pliding”, E-Syariah, E-Sulh, E-Bicara and E-Judgment were named E-Syariah Instant Access Procedure (E-SIAP). It is a court case management process performed by electronic networks using computers and smartphones particularly for cases that can be solved fast. The motto: "Hari ini Setuju, Hari ini Selesai” (Agreement and Completion in One Day) is the heart of the E-SIAP implementation.
a. 这个创新项目的总体目的是什么?请描述该创新项目的总体目的(最多400字)。
The objective of E-SIAP project implementation is to solve cases that have mutual agreement but their settlement takes a very lengthy time.
In certain claims, cases which have had settlement via mutual agreement between litigations are among cases that are considered as simple and brief. However, based on the current procedure and practice, the settlement of these cases could only be achieved between one to three months.
Among the causes that delay the settlement of these cases are:
i. The complexity and difficulty for clients to prepare Pliding and Statement of Claim,
ii. The complexity and difficulty for Judges and Assistant Judges to prepare the Order and;
iii. The waiting time between a date to another.
Prior to the project implementation, it took 96 days to settle the cases that have mutual agreement and admittedly it was too long.
Among the causes of the lengthy time was that, on the first day clients had to be present at the counter to obtain the information required for pliding, which then had to filed and this usually took 30 days.
b. 这个创新项目与所选奖项类别有怎样联系? 请描述该创新项目与其奖项类别评估标准的相关联系(最多400字)。
The E-SIAP system developed is an effort by the Penang Syariah Judiciary Department to improve the service delivery process. It also provides convenience and satisfaction to customers as well as changing public perceptions of the Department.
Thanks to the efforts and commitment of all parties, this group has successfully submitted a number of solutions to resolving the problem. The proposal is not only applicable to the Penang State but can also be extended to all Syariah Courts throughout Malaysia. This success has enhanced the image of the Penang Syariah Judiciary Department in particular and throughout the Civil Service in general.
题 2
a. 请解释这个创新项目是如何改善公共服务的提供(最多400字)
E-SIAP system was developed to provide efficient and effective service management in order to ensure the delivery of responsive services according to customer needs and requirements faster and save time
E-SIAP is a comprehensive system that combines the existing system developed by JKSM, E-Syariah, E-Sulh, E-Talk with innovation system developed by JKSNPP, E-Blading and E-Judgment.
E-Pliding is designed to facilitate customers to provide Statement of Claims as well as registration via E-Syariah, E-Sulh, E-Speech which is an existing system that has been provided by the Malaysian Shariah Justice Department.
E-Judgment is also a complementary innovation compiled together with E-Pliding to expedite the process of ordering the order and judgment in writing.
题 3
a. 该创新项目必须积极影响一群人或某个群体(即:儿童、妇女、老人、残疾人等),并在特定国家或地区的范围内解决公众关心的重大问题。请说明该创新项目是如何处理公共服务相关的重大公众关注问题(最多400字)。
The implementation of this project has enabled cases which have mutual agreement to be settled fast that is within only one (1) day. Hence, it has indirectly impacted the following parties:
i. Immediately cease any dispute between former spouses.
ii. Immediately cease the emotional and mental stress among couples who are disputing without having to go through long litigation process in Court.
iii. Cease the mental and emotional stress among children who are involved in their parents’ disputes.
iv. Immediately restore the situation between both sides and they could move on with their life without interference.
b. 请解释该创新项目是如何积极影响您的国家或地区范围内的一群人(最多400字)。
The indirect impact of presentation outcome are as follows:
• This project has attracted the interest of Syariah Judiciary Department Malaysia and States Syariah Court to be applied.
Among the courts are Federal Territory Syariah Court, Sabah, Kedah and Perak Syariah Judiciary Department.
• Impacted other states Syariah Court by motivating them to practice innovation culture.
• The Department was invited to conduct E-SIAP workshop for Sabah State Judiciary Department on 28th August 2015.
• JKSNPP has also received the visit from Federal Territory Syariah Court and Kedah Syariah Judiciary Department for a closer
observation on the project implementation.
题 4
E-SIAP system is developed to create effective and efficient service management in order to ensure time-saving and faster service delivery that is responsive towards the clients’ needs and wants.
E-SIAP is a comprehensive system which combines the existing system which is developed by JKSM namely E-Syariah, E-Sulh, E-Bicara with the new innovative system that is developed by JKSNPP that is E-Pliding and E-Judgment.
E-Pliding is designed to facilitate clients in preparing the Statement of Claim besides registering via E-Syariah, E-Sulh and E-Bicara which are the existing systems provided by Syariah Judiciary Department Malaysia.
E-Judgment on the other hand completes the innovation co-designed with E-Pliding to accelerate the process of issuing the written judgment and order.
题 4b
b. 请描述创新是原创的还是从其他情境改编的(如果知道的话)?(最多400字)
Prior to the project implementation, it took 96 days to settle the cases that have mutual agreement and admittedly it was too long.
Among the causes of the lengthy time was that, on the first day clients had to be present at the counter to obtain the information required for pliding, which then had to filed and this usually took 30 days.
Next, on a different date, clients had to be present again bringing along the completed pliding to be filed and this took another one day. Clients had to wait not more than 21 days to receive the Sulh Council Attendance Notice which is conducted by Sulh Council.
After the Sulh Council ended, clients had to be present at another date for case hearing to record their agreement before the judge and this usually took 30 days.
Then, clients had to wait approximately between three to fourteen days to obtain the clearance order which altogether the time taken was 96 days. What is seen from here, the problems occurred at the second, third and fifth process.
题 4c
c. 调动了哪些资源(即:财力,人力,物资或其他资源等)? (最多200个字)。
This innovation project does not affect the cost of the department because the planning and development of the introduced innovation is being developed by the department's officers and staff. While the system used is made by the internal ICT department internally and only uses the existing ICT equipment without involving high immigration and ensures the cost of administrative management can be saved.
题 5
该创新项目可适用于其他情况(如其他城市,国家或地区)。 可能已有证据表明,它在一个特定国家,地区或全球范围内的其他公共部门机构中启发了类似的创新。这个创新项目是否已转移到其他情况?
The accomplishment of E-SIAP project has appealed Syariah Judiciary Department Malaysia (JKSM) to implement it nationwide. Therefore, the Penang Syariah Judiciary Department (JKSNPP) presented the project in the Heads of Syariah Judge Meeting No. 2 Year 2015 which was held on 15th April 2015 in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan.
题 6
a. 请说明该创新项目是否可行和如何实现可持续发展(涵盖社会,经济和环境方面以及及时的耐久性)(最多600字)。
The implementation of this project has enabled cases which have mutual agreement to be settled fast that is within only one (1) day. Hence, it has indirectly impacted the following parties:
i. Immediately cease any dispute between former spouses.
ii. Immediately cease the emotional and mental stress among couples who are disputing without having to go through long litigation
process in Court.
iii. Cease the mental and emotional stress among children who are involved in their parents’ disputes.
iv. Immediately restore the situation between both sides and they could move on with their life without interference.
b. 请描述该创新项目是否以及如何在耐久性方面持久(最多600字)
The accomplishment of E-SIAP project which has won several awards has appealed Syariah Judiciary Department Malaysia (JKSM) to implement it nationwide. Therefore, the Penang Syariah Judiciary Department (JKSNPP) presented the project in the Heads of Syariah Judge Meeting No. 2 Year 2015 which was held on 15th April 2015 in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan.
The indirect impact of presentation outcome are as follows:
• This project has attracted the interest of Syariah Judiciary Department Malaysia and States Syariah Court to be applied.
Among the courts are Federal Territory Syariah Court,Sabah, Kedah and Perak Syariah Judiciary Department.
• Impacted other states Syariah Court by motivating them to practice innovation culture.
• The Department was invited to conduct E-SIAP workshop for Sabah State Judiciary Department on 28th August 2015.
• JKSNPP has also received the visit from Federal Territory Syariah Court and Kedah Syariah Judiciary Department for a
closer observation on the project implementation.
题 7
a. 这个项目是否已经正式评估?
如果是的话,请说明这个项目是如何评估的? (最多400个字)。
The E-SIAP system developed is an effort by the Penang Syariah Judiciary Department to improve the service delivery process. Altogether, it also provides convenience and satisfaction to the clients and changes the public’s perception towards the Department. With the blessed effort and commitment from all parties, the team has successfully proposed several solutions that eventually solved the problems arose. The proposal is not only suitable to be implemented in Penang but can be extended to all Syariah Courts nationwide. This success has particularly enhanced the image of the Penang Syariah Judicial Department and the entire Public Service generally.
i. Semi Final Award at International Level, Category Of Citizen Focused Innovation, Commonwealth Association for Public
Administration and Management 2015.
ii. Was awarded RM15,000.00 from the Penang State Government as an appreciation for the E-SIAP outstanding achievement in various competitions throughout 2015.
iii. Malaysian Administrative and Management Planning Unit Director General Award (State – Management Category) Public Service Innovation Ceremony 2015.
iv. Gold Award in Annual Productivity and Innovation Conference and Exposition (APIC), National Team Excellence Convention Competition 2015.
v. Prime Minister’s Department, Minister Innovation Award
b. 请描述评估该项目的影响的结果(最多400字)。
The E-SIAP system developed is an effort by the Penang Syariah Judiciary Department to improve the service delivery process. Altogether, it also provides convenience and satisfaction to the clients and changes the public’s perception towards the Department. With the blessed effort and commitment from all parties, the team has successfully proposed several solutions that eventually solved the problems arose. The proposal is not only suitable to be implemented in Penang but can be extended to all Syariah Courts nationwide. This success has particularly enhanced the image of the Penang Syariah Judicial Department and the entire Public Service generally.
E-SIAP system is developed to create effective and efficient service management in order to ensure time-saving and faster service delivery that is responsive towards the clients’ needs and wants.
E-SIAP is a comprehensive system which combines the existing system which is developed by JKSM namely E-Syariah, E-Sulh, E-Bicara with the new innovative system that is developed by JKSNPP that is E-Pliding and E-Judgment.
E-Pliding is designed to facilitate clients in preparing the Statement of Claim besides registering via E-Syariah, E-Sulh and E-Bicara which are the existing systems provided by Syariah Judiciary Department Malaysia.
E-Judgment on the other hand completes the innovation co-designed with E-Pliding to accelerate the process of issuing the written judgment and order.
题 8
a. “2030年发展议程”强调合作,参与,协调,伙伴关系和包容性。 请描述哪些利益相关方参与了设计,实施和审查这一创新项目。 还请强调他们的角色和贡献(最多600字)。
The accomplishment of E-SIAP project which has won several awards has appealed Syariah Judiciary Department Malaysia (JKSM) to implement it nationwide. Therefore, the Penang Syariah Judiciary Department (JKSNPP) presented the project in the Heads of Syariah Judge Meeting No. 2 Year 2015 which was held on 15th April 2015 in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan.
The indirect impact of presentation outcome are as follows:
• This project has attracted the interest of Syariah Judiciary Department Malaysia and States Syariah Court to be applied.
Among the courts are Federal Territory Syariah Court, Sabah, Kedah and Perak Syariah Judiciary Department.
• Impacted other states Syariah Court by motivating them to practice innovation culture.
• The Department was invited to conduct E-SIAP workshop for Sabah State Judiciary Department on 28th August 2015.
• JKSNPP has also received the visit from Federal Territory Syariah Court and Kedah Syariah Judiciary Department for a
closer observation on the project implementation.
题 9
a. 请描述您对该创新项目的总体经验,吸取的教训以及你对未来如何进一步提高这一创新项目的看法。
The E-SIAP system developed is an effort by the Penang Syariah Judiciary Department to improve the service delivery process. Altogether, it also provides convenience and satisfaction to the clients and changes the public’s perception towards the Department. With the blessed effort and commitment from all parties, the team has successfully proposed several solutions that eventually solved the problems arose. The proposal is not only suitable to be implemented in Penang but can be extended to all Syariah Courts nationwide. This success has particularly enhanced the image of the Penang Syariah Judicial Department and the entire Public Service generally.