Guidelines for Commenting on the Non-paper
The non-paper is designed as a compilation of the majority of ideas,
aspirations, and recorded progress to date, including through the previous
UN-led reviews of WSIS outcomes. Therefore, we encourage parties in their
comments on the non-paper to indicate whether the structure and the
elements covered in the document are suitable, and how they should be
treated in the zero-draft. In addition to this general guidance, parties
may wish to provide specific text proposals.
Comments on the non-paper are now invited from member states and observer states and relevant stakeholders from the following five categories (i) Non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, (ii) Organizations accredited to the World Summit on the Information Society held in Geneva (2003) and Tunis (2005), (iii) Organizations accredited to the WSIS Forum held from 2011 to 2015, (iv) Organizations with observer status with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and (v) Attendees of the UNESCO WSIS+10 - ICT4D Conference or the UNESCO WSIS - Connecting the Dots Conference.
Submissions should (i) adhere to the specific themes of WSIS; (ii) be clear, concise, and simple; and (iii) be accurate in facts and figures.
Only one written statement per organization can be submitted.
Submissions should not be critical of a UN Member State or Government leader/s and should not make critical generalizations of a group or persons/countries/organizations.
Related to format and structure: use generic fonts and formatting, indicate the start of a new paragraph with a double line break, do not number the paragraphs, proofread and spell check, and avoid abbreviations and acronyms, as well as footnotes, and consult UN terminology.
All submissions will be made public on the WSIS Overall Review website at: