2nd Preparatory Meeting - for the General Assembly’s overall review of the implementation of the outcomes of the World summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

20-22 October 2015, ECOSOC Council, United Nations Headquarters, New York

The Second Preparatory Meeting of the WSIS review process will take place from Tuesday to Thursday, 20-22 October in ECOSOC Council at the United Nations Secretariat, New York. The focus of the Second Preparatory Meeting will accordingly be very much on engaging Member and Observer States as well as Observers to reach consensus on critical issues. Statements delivered at the meeting and written submissions will serve as the basis for the second draft version of the WSIS review outcome document that will be further developed, leading up to the High-Level Meeting on 15-16 December 2015. Given that the review concludes in only two months at the High-Level meeting, the Second Preparatory Meeting is structured to maximize interaction among Member and Observer States as well as Observers and focus attention on compromise.  
