Stakeholder Categories


Per General Assembly resolution 68/302 and the roadmap for the review process prepared by the co-facilitators, member states and observer states and all relevant stakeholders are invited during the month of July 2015 to provide inputs on the desired elements and content of a “non-paper”. The non-paper was released early September 2015 and will eventually be developed into the final outcome document to be adopted in December 2015. The non-paper is designed as a compilation of the majority of ideas, aspirations, and recorded progress to date, including through the previous UN-led reviews of WSIS outcomes. Therefore, we encourage parties in their comments on the non-paper to indicate whether the structure and the elements covered in the document are suitable, and how they should be treated in the zero-draft. In addition to this general guidance, parties may wish to provide specific text proposals. 

All contributions are made available on this website in their original language unless contributors have specifically requested that their contributions should not be published.